🗃️ Freemasonry
3 items
🗃️ Outdoors
1 item
📄️ Blogroll
These are my regular blog readings, sorted by category. It's a long list so it's hidden behind a detail block.
📄️ Podcasts
These are the podcasts I have loaded in my Overcast app. I don't listen to them all every day but its a idea of the variety of subjects I like to listen to in the car and during quiet work periods.
🗃️ Reading
1 item
📄️ Carry Tools
Everyday Carry
📄️ Flashlights
📄️ Amateur Radio
My first contact with ham radio was when my father, W2AOF, was telephoned by the local RACES group to help provide communication support for the annual South Plainfield Labor Day parade. Up to that point I thought the hobby was the dusty old Heathkit HW-32A in the corner of the basement-- it never occured to me that ham radio technology had progressed so far. I knew the minute I saw that little handheld that this was a hobby I could really enjoy.
📄️ Mechanical Keyboards
Mechanical Keyboards at night
📄️ Maker
Some cool resources I've found for making little computers do things.
🗃️ Self-Hosted
3 items
📄️ Tabletop Role Playing Games
For my birthday in September my family got me the Dungeons and Dragons Starter Kit. I've been interested in but not involved in table top role playing games for a while and subscribe to several podcasts where folks (more skilled than me) play multi-hour sessions together and then edit it for listening. We started playing in late September 2024 and I'll update this page as we do cool stuff and get involved more with local groups.
🗃️ Writing
3 items