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Tweets from 2015


2015-01-01 01:02:52

Our cat taught our daughter an important but proportional lesson about respectful boundaries today.

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2015-01-01 03:12:56

Thought my baby might sleep through her first NYE but it's Parkville so neighbor's fireworks will wake her up just in time.

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2015-01-01 13:09:21

RT @codinghorror: My 2015 New Year Resolution

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2015-01-01 15:34:55

RT @nickdewar: Never forget.

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2015-01-02 16:16:08

RT @codeclimate: Yes, this is real. "The JavaScript Equality Table"

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2015-01-02 17:36:35

RT @matthew_loftus: I wrote a thing for @city_paper about the Top 10 Twitter accounts Baltimore's crankiest journalist ought to unblcok: ht…

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2015-01-02 18:28:30

RT @heiditron3000: "It's 2015. Where's my hoverboard?" complained the guy on a tiny device linking him to all the information and everybody…

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2015-01-02 19:18:40

Hey @jongaynor remind you of anyone?

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2015-01-04 13:41:38

@sdawncasey I'm the K texter. Sometimes that's all I have time for.

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2015-01-04 13:46:18

@sdawncasey k

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2015-01-05 17:01:25

RT @davetroy: New Post: Gov. Hogan, Here's a Plan for Baltimore — which is NOT in decline

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2015-01-05 17:05:06

Maryland gov't should make all disbursements to Baltimore City contingent on ongoing financial audits & accountability HT @davetroy

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2015-01-06 02:17:35

Welcome to the future where the scandal du jour is which media outlet or local gov't agency blocked which gadfly from their Twitter feed.

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2015-01-06 02:20:33

So what's the bigger prize: getting the verified badge on your profile or being blocked by both @DanRodricks AND @BaltimorePolice?

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2015-01-06 13:18:36

RT @BaltimoreBrew: .@HorseshoeBmore casino ends 2014 with revenues 35% below state projections.

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2015-01-06 13:19:38

@HousingWatchMD County schools are closed today but things are always a little snowier near the PA but border.

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2015-01-06 13:32:00

RT @wxbrad: Ughhh no thank you! #dcwx

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2015-01-06 13:32:39

RT @frednewspost: #KirbyDelauter to @frednewspost: Don't use my name without permission

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2015-01-06 13:33:08

RT @mlcalderone: Kirby Delauter, an elected official, seems to think journalists needs his permission to publish his name in a story: http:…

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2015-01-06 15:17:37

I do feel bad for anyone who had to drive into work today. Really.

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2015-01-06 17:12:15

So my clothes dryer just caught fire. It's something of a concentration shattering event.

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2015-01-06 17:24:03

@bosconet Isn't it always?

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2015-01-06 22:55:23

I am either good at being nice to people or getting shit done at a reasonable pace. In 2015 I hope to find the sweet spot between the two.

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2015-01-07 13:16:53

I just realized the @frednewspost editorial on #KirbyDelauter is an acrostic. That. Is. Amazing.

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 1

2015-01-07 14:48:02

RT @BostonHistory: Close up shot of the 1795 engraved plate with the names of Paul Revere and Sam Adams. #timecapsule #MFA…

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2015-01-07 15:50:38

@thepacketrat @BaltCitySchools What else could he say? It's the weather. Sometimes you guess wrong. An apology is nice but unnecessary.

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2015-01-07 16:37:09

@thepacketrat Agree with the delay suggestion but if I were in his shoes I wouldn't have apologized for yesterday either.

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2015-01-07 16:38:45

RT @BaltimorePolice: 4/4 Criticism is never an issue. You can see that on our feed. We are currently converting the blocks over to the new …

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2015-01-07 19:14:15

Finally got rid of the default watch faces on my Pebble with a custom firmware. It's like a needless weight has been lifted from my wrist.

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2015-01-07 20:25:26

DHS cut sheet on RIC-M, a P25-based VOIP bridge to connect legacy dispatch systems into an inter-operable network:

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2015-01-07 21:16:48

I think Pandora radio is finally figuring out that I may not be a 73-year-old Milwaukee woman.

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2015-01-07 21:23:56

RT @city_paper: Director of @HousingWatchMD Carol Ott wants 2015 to bring affordable housing for Baltimore’s working families…

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2015-01-08 01:37:51

@bmoreconnected It seems unlikely that anyone could get that particular hat trick

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2015-01-08 16:18:03

Note to self: replace weather stripping on front door.

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2015-01-08 16:20:34

Will batteries ever be efficient enough that rail car sized batteries would be a more efficient transport than high voltage lines?

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2015-01-08 16:21:29


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2015-01-08 20:34:33

Neti rinse, Sudafed, tea, nap, Flonase, rinse, repeat.

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2015-01-09 14:53:41

The clock on my desk is showing 4% relative humidity in the office right now.

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2015-01-09 15:35:54

Third District Councilman Curran cleaning up after his lawbreaking bar and giving a big middle finger to CV neighbors

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2015-01-09 15:43:01

@bremmore He represents a third of my neighborhood. While Councilwoman Bevins is busy solving our problems, Curran is busy fixing his own.

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2015-01-09 15:48:02

@bremmore I'm sure he's a very nice person, but my gauge of local officials is entirely based on responsive & effective constituent service

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2015-01-09 20:48:44

RT @jennhaltman: Daily work affirmations, courtesy of @beekareek

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2015-01-10 19:33:18

RT @travisgoodspeed: "Grampa, what's ham radio?" / "It's where you talk to Argentina before putting your pants on in the morning." / "Oh, l…

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2015-01-10 19:36:50

@travisgoodspeed @ErrataRob It's like Chatroulette except the ionosphere decides which old guy is on the other end.

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2015-01-10 19:43:09


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2015-01-11 02:52:51

Watching Marlins episode of Fish Tank Kings. I have corporate douchebag vertigo hearing David Samson and seeing this toxic work environment

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2015-01-11 18:15:12

At my aunt's house in Parkville and it looks like native IPv6 dual stack has arrived for this node on Comcast.

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2015-01-12 01:35:52

@NullOverflow @travisgoodspeed @ErrataRob GD QSO CUL 73 HIHI

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2015-01-12 15:20:08

After 377 cycles it was time to put a new battery in my MacBook. Went from under 2 hours charge to what looks like 7 hours. Psyched.

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2015-01-12 16:59:41

Even though my most popular tweet makes fun of ham operators, I've been a ham for 18 years and have a working home station I use for EMCOMM.

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2015-01-12 19:00:56

Breaking news: Persistent hackers guess yet another prominent social media account password.

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2015-01-13 01:47:31

RT @marobella: Welcome Celia! - Celia Jones Heads to Havas Chicago Group as Group Brand Director - #Havasww

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2015-01-13 17:04:24

RT @yvonnewenger: Council members Mosby, Middleton speak against Spector plan for multi-member council districts by @LukeBroadwater http://…

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2015-01-13 17:37:26

"Getting and staying married is not a surefire prophylactic against poverty. Neither are prophylactics."

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2015-01-13 17:51:44

@amyhoy Isn't keeping them subscribed a more effective retaliation? Also has the advantage of being passive and zero effort.

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2015-01-13 18:08:37

@amyhoy My inner journalist gets the warm fuzzies knowing someone is perturbed by things I write but can't bear to stop reading or unsub

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2015-01-13 18:10:03

@amyhoy But when the goal is to build a business and not get under people's collective skins, you're making the right choice

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2015-01-13 18:27:11

@gfitzp Something with that many buttons should at least be able to send a text

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2015-01-13 20:17:42

@BaltimorePolice @j_robarge Would be easy to trace if city dispatchers would provide a Central Complaint number on request like Balt Co does

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2015-01-14 17:52:27

Baltimore County code says free-roaming cats are illegal but live traps are not.

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2015-01-14 21:04:24

RT @adamgoldmanwp: AQAP source says there is new media policy. He can't deal with me because my newspaper published cartoon.

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2015-01-15 14:55:30

RT @TinyTNG: Captain's Log: Day 17, still no one has mentioned my fancy new hat.

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2015-01-15 14:58:50

When a professional photographer launches their social media presence with a terrible profile picture, I don't even know what to say.

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2015-01-15 17:35:06

RT @toggl: We are experiencing some issues at the moment and working on the fix. Thank you for your patience!

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2015-01-15 18:50:15

Outside the @HavasDiscovery office building right now, @shakeshack sign going up letter by letter. Coming soon!

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2015-01-15 19:36:38

@justin_fenton @scott_cover Doesn't seem to be any unusual police presence in and around Harborplace/WTC.

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2015-01-15 19:43:48

@scott_cover @justin_fenton Okay I see them now.

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2015-01-15 19:47:53

RT @brandon_weigel: Charmington's managing partner Amanda Rothschild says Obama ordered a roast beef sandwich, turkey avocado wrap, and an …

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2015-01-15 21:19:19

Today's commits undo two years of a certain developer's insanity, and are brought to you by the CultureInfo.CurrentCulture assembly.

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2015-01-15 22:23:33

@TheBrownWord Just use 🎰🎭🙈. Everybody will know which city you mean.

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2015-01-15 22:28:49

Protest parade down Pratt St #blacklivesmatter

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2015-01-15 22:32:06

Massive police vehicle unit movement west on Pratt. Lots going on at President St I can't see #blacklivesmatter

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2015-01-15 22:33:33

@jjthomas yeah I got that but not sure why a dozen units had to suddenly join near 83

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2015-01-15 22:47:17

@jjthomas About 5pm at McKeldin

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2015-01-15 22:47:39

RT @BaltimorePolice: The group of protestors have moved from Light and Pratt St to Pratt and President Street. Expect traffic delays in are…

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2015-01-15 22:49:07

Headed to I-83 tonight via e/b Pratt? You can always head up Charles or Gay Streets to dodge President St on-ramp mess #baltraffic

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2015-01-16 16:29:18

If you are not reading the blog you are missing out.

  • Favorites: 14, Retweets: 5

2015-01-16 17:11:05

@justin_fenton A great tactic if your goal is to increase fatal overdoses by making friends of OD victims afraid to call 911 for help.

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2015-01-16 18:26:48

RT @lauren_galik: Wow. Holder ordered an end to fed asset forfeiture program that allows fed&state police to split cash/property seized htt…

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2015-01-17 15:30:37

RT @nikzb7e: @SDallasDance I am proud to represent BCPS at the White House CS Ed Week Kickoff Event. Lots of great speakers today http://t.…

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2015-01-17 15:41:58

RT @yurykusik: That is a nice touch in a deployment script. I really appreciate it :)

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2015-01-17 15:42:29

RT @gitHater: What is the git experience? Imagine-the simplicity of openssl key generation, elegance of rsync, and readability of tcpdump .…

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2015-01-17 16:25:29

@bmoreconnected The usual remedy would be to block the spammers but that sounds risky for BCPD

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2015-01-18 14:30:27

RT @BACOPoliceFire: Roads are icy. Use extreme caution when driving this morning.

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2015-01-20 01:06:12

Police helo overhead. Not sure why.

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2015-01-20 14:53:38

@mattyglesias Everybody looks for the snipers. It's half the fun of being a DC tourist.

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2015-01-20 16:14:56

Neglected property in my neighborhood used a Land Installment Contract for sale in 2012. Can't figure out who actually owns/is responsible.

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2015-01-20 18:31:52

RT @AP: Drinking water trucked into Montana city after 50,000-gallon Yellowstone River oil spill:

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2015-01-20 18:40:38

Nine month update on my amazing daughter

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2015-01-20 19:02:38

RT @MrTrashWheel: I tried going gluten free for a little while, but I just can't say no to pizza boxes.

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2015-01-20 19:19:45

RT @shanley: This is my statement on my experiences over the past few days. Please read if you've been following it at all.…

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2015-01-20 22:19:21

RT @BACOPoliceFire: Have you seen George Abdallah Darraj? #CriticalMissingPerson ^JW

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2015-01-21 15:22:07

Starting off my morning right with the heavy breathing of @adamposen in my headphones during the @BBCWorldBiz podcast.

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2015-01-21 15:52:25

Best way to quick check a list of hostnames: cat hosts.txt | xargs dig +noall +answer A

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2015-01-21 15:53:44

RT @nationaljournal: This quiz from last night's State of the Union will have you thinking they're the same person h…

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2015-01-21 22:20:08

If you get a chance to take a picture of the City Hall Plaza this evening, don't miss it. It's absolutely beautiful!

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2015-01-22 15:46:28

RT @mashable: BlackBerry CEO to Congress: Apple, Netflix should make apps for BlackBerry.

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2015-01-22 18:03:57

So this exists:

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2015-01-22 18:17:40

RT @USAO_MD: Dundalk man pleads guilty to aiming a laser pointer at a police helicopter.

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2015-01-22 19:15:18

@jongaynor Spoken like a true network engineer - using proxy machines for MITM attacks when a 4 line Chrome plugin would suffice.

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2015-01-22 21:07:05

Chrome/Firefox browsers regularly updated. Corporate web mail uses SSL 3.0 and 112 bit certificate. Rock. Hard place.

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2015-01-26 15:43:29

@MDMEMA Stop buying into TWC winter storm naming schemes. It doesn't serve anyone.

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2015-01-26 15:57:11

@paulmgardner @thebrownword Which one?

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2015-01-26 19:17:11

Why would someone create a 40+ table database in a decent 2NF and then not apply any foreign key constraints? The mind boggles.

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2015-01-26 19:21:54

@zorn Sadly that's only second place to the more likely answer of "he didn't know how."

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2015-01-26 19:26:44

@kendallmiller There's no way that's the case here. For all its complexity, this whole DB has maybe 1000s of rows. Possibly 10ks.

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2015-01-26 19:28:50

@kendallmiller Yes, that is my next headache. Possibly mitigated by the fact that I'm adding constraints to replace SP hell with EDMX.

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2015-01-26 21:03:42

If you are a government agency you should not be referring to a weather event using a name made up by The Weather Channel.

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 3

2015-01-26 21:43:44

Police officers say tagging them on Waze "endangers their safety." Reality: "Cuts into ticket revenue."

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2015-01-27 20:47:21

RT @jemillerwbal: City denies claim by woman whose dog had its throat cut, arguing BPD cops aren't city employees. So who do they work for?…

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2015-01-28 00:17:37

RT @MDMEMA: MSP/1/I: AMBER ALERT-Drew Denny. SUS: Deare Denny. VEH: '14 Chevy SUV-Tag: NJ-D97DRW. Call 911 or MontCo 301-279-8000

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2015-01-28 02:02:59

Subject: "How to get pregnant just by reading this email." In spite of the staggering research potential, deleted it unread.

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2015-01-28 14:11:46

BCoPD says there will be a planned implosion of the Sparrows Point L-furnace on January 28 around 2pm. Expect a loud noise and rumbling.

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2015-01-28 14:13:23

RT @guardianstyle: When a currency conversion is not really appropriate.

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2015-01-28 20:46:46

RT @samanthasquared: If you're passionate about bettering communities, lead a workshop at the 2015 @GreaterHomewood Neighborhood Institute …

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2015-01-29 15:51:09

Ever since our re-branding announcement I haven't been able to stop humming the melody to Hava Nigila.

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2015-01-29 15:57:45

RT @MediaPost: Havas EHS And Havas Discovery Merge To Become Helia @havasww

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2015-01-29 15:59:15

@boryyytoe Yes, new identity is Havas Helia. See:

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2015-01-29 18:21:00

Local CVS will not say over telephone if they can or can't fill a hydrocodone prescription, claim such info used to case for robbery.

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2015-01-29 18:27:17

So my options are 1) waste this evening driving around being treated like a drug addict at every pharmacy 2) leave my elderly aunt in pain.

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2015-01-29 19:55:17

Logical: "[A]ny arm that is part of ordinary police equipment should be unequivocally protected for civilians"

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2015-01-29 19:55:52

RT @justingeorge: In case you haven't seen them, the new @BaltimorePolice cars are on the street.

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2015-01-29 21:45:45

Looks like I beat the sleet.

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2015-01-29 22:48:27

Scary thought: Amazon has a Baltimore warehouse so my embarrassing orders may soon be packed by someone who knows me IRL. #smalltimore

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2015-01-29 22:54:36

RT @Danielle_Bmore: Charleston isn’t the first town where HomeServe USA received bad press via @chasCityPaper

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2015-01-30 15:05:14

@hamrail Yeah the warehouse was huge news here around Baltimore City, I guess not as much in the DC suburbs?

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2015-01-31 12:59:19

RT @asendecka: I am super happy to join Django team! 🐍💗🎉

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2015-01-31 13:11:47

RT @thomasfuchs: Why aren't SSH server fingerprints shown as combination of emoji? Would be much easier to recognize/compare than some stri…

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2015-01-31 13:49:56

RT @mollyesque: "It's gotten so vicious," says poor shocked person being attacked for making hundreds of children sick…

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2015-01-31 22:13:53

RT @nycjim: Brooklyn warehouse fire now 7 alarms; fueled by 4 MILLION boxes of NYC/NYS gov’t records.…

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2015-01-31 23:12:51

RT @FindChaos: The big cherry on top to getting new locked mailboxes is hearing our mail-snatching neighbor audibly angry over this develop…

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2015-02-01 22:50:53

RT @trevortimm: Everything you need to know about "cyberterrorism" in one chart:

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2015-02-02 00:16:27

PROTIP: Do not pour Coca Cola on your networking gear. I've tried it and it has the exact opposite effect on world happiness.

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2015-02-02 00:28:59

RT @anildash: In a few years a Super Bowl ad is just gonna consist of "On Golden Pond" followed by the logo of a random tire company.

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2015-02-02 00:31:45

Every ad trying to pluck my paternal heart strings but at least they're not all old men throwing balls through car tires and winking.

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2015-02-02 00:32:18

RT @pourmecoffee: The icy fingers of death reach out for your loved ones, never more than an inch away, now back to the big game.

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2015-02-02 00:33:34

RT @ditzkoff: Super Bowl ads: Have a child. It might get you a seat on a plane. Or teach you valuable life lessons. Or it will die horribly.

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2015-02-02 00:42:00

County helicopter searching my neighborhood. Not sure why. Local scanner buffs seem too busy watching commercials to tweet reason.

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2015-02-02 00:50:09

Ads with old men implying they took Viagra have been replaced with sexy cars popping a pill directly on screen.

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2015-02-02 01:18:56

Aaaaand the acid just kicked in. Or half time show actually has dancing beach balls and palm trees?

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2015-02-02 01:29:35

"By the end of this game, one of these teams will win." #lawofinevitability

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2015-02-02 01:33:46

RT @gizmogladstone: Well, that didn't take long. RT @nick_pants:

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2015-02-02 01:39:44

Just put my daughter to bed. What wards can I paint on her door to protect her from the Gyllou from Nationwide?

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2015-02-02 01:45:29

RT @atotalmonet: this is definitely referenced in revelations MT @SBNation:

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2015-02-02 01:45:44

RT @jennhaltman: Those singing beach balls are going to give me nightmares forever #SuperBowl #halftime #clappingsharks

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2015-02-02 01:46:06

RT @NatlAquarium: So this happened...#SB49

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2015-02-02 01:58:59

What producer accidentally cued up a 2am toenail fungus infomercial to play in the middle of the SB?

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2015-02-02 02:04:38

@HousingWatchMD it was a giant animated foot running down a football field.

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2015-02-02 02:12:09

Jeep homage to Baraka followed by fast intense SNL plug was an interesting study in contrasts.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-02 02:12:45

RT @maryvale: Aren't we already watching one big NFL commercoial?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-02 02:19:19

Gosh darn it, Mophie you win.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-02 02:24:13

FYI @havashelia_NA as soon as this game ends I stop tweeting snark about TV ads and go back to bitching about software development all day.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-02-02 02:39:46

Given the tone of this year's SB ads I'm shocked that rocket pig and nerdy farm kid both lived to the end of the spot.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-02-02 02:44:00

Originally GoDaddy got dibs on selling the Doritos pig to the slaughterhouse and Nationwide killed off the farm kid in a welding accident.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-02 03:07:48

Fuck yeah it's baseball season! Go O's!

  • Favorites: 4, Retweets: 1

2015-02-02 03:12:47

Nick Offerman singing about NASCAR makes up for the last ten minutes of televised diarrhea, so we're cool NBC.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-02 03:20:52

RT @iduncan: So it turns out airing that Nationwide ad was only the second worst call of the Super Bowl #sb49

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-02 03:28:19

Super bowl ends. Snow falling. Tipsy fans get back in their cars. Sirens in every direction. Fire truck on street.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

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2015-02-02 14:22:04

RT @SkepticHistory: Feb. 2, 2010 The Lancet retracted the fatally flawed 1998 MMR paper by Wakefield. #vaxfax http:/…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-02 15:58:09

RT @WalthersonAssoc: Vince Pompa from DPW will attend our meeting 2/3 7:30 PM @ Harbel (5807 Harford) in response to water bill concerns ex…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-03 14:01:36

RT @BaltSunBrk: Water main break closes section of Northern Parkway

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-03 19:21:02

@fmanjoo Keep crib, install this for science:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-03 20:02:01

RT @MuckRock: A family's refusal to #vaccinate their kid lead to destruction of @MinnesotaZoo1's meercats: http://t.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-03 21:06:25

Dislike media use of "civilian" to mean "not a police officer." A civilian is a non-combatant in armed conflict.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-02-03 21:20:28

I'm aware civilian means "non-cop" in some dictionaries. I'm not saying that use is strictly incorrect, just that I don't like the analogy.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-04 00:13:00

RT @nerri: thank god for social media - how else would I know that it's not just my Netflix that's down right now?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-04 15:08:29

@RectorSun I would like to that graph further refined with "by choice/no choice"

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-02-04 15:10:07

@tiltdad What airline is this? Southwest doesn't have these.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-04 19:22:58

RT @jessamyn: Bread stamps: the great grandfather to modern copyright.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-02-04 20:37:30

Gay Street detoured at Saratoga. Backed up to Pratt. Avoid. #BalTraffic

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 2

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2015-02-05 00:23:23

RT @evacide: I'm not an astrophysicist, but I am an optimist. And I believe we can make a sun that circles the Earth.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-05 03:26:33

Great music for a late night app deployment: DCUP - Someone Told Me (Space Jump Salute Remix)

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-05 14:52:07

RT @LarryHogan: Gerrymandering is a form of political gamesmanship that stifles real political debate and deprives citizens of meaningful c…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-05 15:59:57

RT @AstroTerry: #aurora over Anchorage and Fairbanks #Alaska

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-02-05 17:50:11

Emails to my office's domain name have been returned to sender all morning. Inbox Zero the hard way, I guess.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-05 17:57:11

RT @ReutersUS: BREAKING: Five babies at suburban Chicago daycare center diagnosed with measles: Chicago Tribune

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-05 18:03:43

RT @scanbaltimore: I've installed a new antenna for so that the audio will sound a bit more clear.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-05 18:26:48

RT @SetTheHook: If you didn't get to experience life without the internet, cell phones, etc. I feel sorry for you. It was pretty awesom…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-05 19:05:22

RT @BaltimorePolice: CRITICAL MISSING: 5 y/o girl, stolen car 2003 Silver Neon TAG: 2BA115, black female Purple Coat Black Tights Light Pur…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-05 20:24:53

@alexhillman @amyhoy Nice work!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-05 20:32:35

RT @BaltBizOnline: Baltimore marketing firm Havas Discovery rebrands, expects to double in size…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-06 13:19:58

My Pebble screen started to tear this morning. I read about it on the forums but I'm sad to see it happen to mine.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-07 15:31:47

RT @JeffQuinton: Fox News published the ISIS pilot-burning video and has now become a platform for terrorist propaganda…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-07 15:45:48

What do you call Monday Morning Quarterbacking for neighbors who think they can allocate resources better than the police precinct captain?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 15:44:34

On the BizDaily podcast @lucykellaway comes across to me as a dismissive luddite, but she must be more than that, right?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 16:02:29

Having the brakes removed from your car is a personal decision via @BoingBoing

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 16:16:05

@tadmaster Congratulations! I know it's been a long slog

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 16:20:17

The governor was across the street from my office this morning and I don't even notice. He must have a quiet entourage.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 16:21:08

RT @baltimoresun: High-priced development makes city look wealthy in state's eyes. But that boom leads to loss in school aid.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 16:22:51

@JoshDrescher I always keep the Fly FAA site on my phone in airports, often know about ground stops 5 min before gate counter announces.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 16:35:27

@textfiles What are the improvements over the ScanSnap S1500? I assume speed and that long document support. Anything else?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 16:41:23

@textfiles I've happily put 10ks of pages through my S1500M, looking at the iX500 to replace it when the CCD loses too many more pixels.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 16:53:54

New retro geek cred level unlocked.

  • Favorites: 7, Retweets: 2

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2015-02-09 17:01:45

@slantsixneal I've worked with Doria Wiedel since 2006, highly recommend.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 18:35:54

RT @MDBiz: This morning, Gov @LarryHogan visited DBED to share his message that Maryland is open for business. #Open4BizMD…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 18:43:46

@sbearbergman @sparkymonster Sadly Pebble watch only vibrates, no sound, but @zarumbatus watchface available here:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 18:49:00

@zarumbatus I wasn't complaining, watch face is great. No defects.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 18:51:58

@anamariecox Actually it's 2038 and you are just a simulation of yourself based off your social media history. Good morning!

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 18:59:36

My wife and MIL just foiled attempted burglary of neighbor home in @overlearocks. Called COP/911 caught & ID'd 2 juv. suspects at bus stop.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 19:13:59

Hey @MahoneyEdward I made honorary PhotoShop badges for your mom and niece for being awesome Overlea crime fighters.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-02-09 19:24:02

Holding two identical bluetooth keyboards this morn. Guessed that the one paired to my work PC had more crumbs on the bottom. Guessed right.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 19:26:15

Contract painter in my house was staring up at the surveillance camera as I remotely turned it to watch him. Awkward.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 19:37:51

@d9jms Our eyes met across the ether, then he looked away shyly.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 20:25:05

Reading @hugeinc screen-time study, wondering how soon watches Apple/Pebble/FitBit get their own spot (HT @miggon)

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 21:41:56

RT @BaltoBeerBaron: .@ShakeShack, 400 E. Pratt St, new restaurant license approved with outdoor tables.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 21:42:24

Rumor is that the @shakeshack in my building will open to the public on 2/16, training happening now. #freshman15

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 22:05:14

Worst. Tchotchke. Ever.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-02-09 22:31:29

RT @yvonnewenger: Hampden parking restrictions pass

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 23:07:49

Still a lot of lanes closed on Gay Street at Baltimore Street, I would avoid the area for a few more days #BALTraffic

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-09 23:16:30

Active speed enforcement at Harford Road southbound intersecting the Alameda #BALTraffic

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-10 00:06:09

@chrismoodycom Be glad it isn't 418 and you wanted coffee ☕️

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-10 16:17:50

Too close to home:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-10 21:05:47

If I wouldn't ask you a favor, you're off my LinkedIn. If I wouldn't invite you over, you're off my Facebook. Twitter? Meh, carry on.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-10 21:20:51

@kendallmiller What use are either of those services if I wouldn't do those things? I don't need another megaphone.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-10 22:32:04

Outside smells like a peat bog.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-10 23:53:47

When your soda fountain is a computer occasionally this happens:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-02-11 00:03:09

@kylejbritt Thanks. A great rule would keep me under Dunbar's number. Good rules keep my connection count plateaued.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 01:02:34

Is anyone else getting a TON of American Express phishing emails or is it just me?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 13:26:05

RT @sarahjeong: the daily show with [nonthreatening white man]

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 13:32:25

The building located at 4620 Harford Rd. is scheduled for demolition

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 13:46:09

Just saw a marked Baltimore city police car with regular non-police license plates. Is this a new thing?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 14:28:12

@BCAppelbaum It's just a big taxi driver party line conference

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 14:30:11

RT @ekepes: Process is like bacteria. You need some to be healthy, but too much of the wrong kind will kill you.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 14:56:28

@david_s_marks The green sign wasn't sufficient?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 15:11:20

RT @BillMcGev: 1. I missed GREAT trademark decision a couple of months back applying Rogers test and not obsessing about confusion. http://…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 16:07:48

@david_s_marks Not familiar with history (although probably interesting). Looked it up on Google Street View, saw green sign at intersect

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 16:15:27

Filtering out chatter of my open office plan with simulated coffeehouse soundscape on my phone. The future is weird.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 16:33:15

RT @Salon: If "Fifty Shades of Grey" starred Steve Buscemi, it might look something like this

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2015-02-11 17:19:33

I wonder if I will have a day where every single email I send makes someone unhappy. Today is not that day but I'm at like 80% for sure.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 17:25:02

Dear @shakeshack please come to 10th floor tomorrow <3 @vees RT @planit: Welcome to the neighborhood, @shakeshack!

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

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2015-02-11 18:10:07

RT @havashelia_NA: Hey @shakeshack! Need some guinea pigs for your Baltimore training team? We're up on floor 10, we smell your deliciousne…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 18:34:23

@emilybell @timberners_lee Except that people get catfished all the time on social media ala Robin Sage

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-02-11 18:42:16

RT @canweriotnow: "We’re questioning whether there was something in the fecal transplant," Dr. Colleen R. Kelly said.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 18:45:15

RT @TheBrownWord: TheOfficePowerballPool: "there's a slight chance our co-workers will retire rich tomorrow & leave you behind, I sell insu…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 19:19:41

RT @normative: Suspect “spacing” acts as a kind of placebo for skittish parents—a way to feel more in control without refusing vaccines ent…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 19:22:25

RT @justin_fenton: Welp

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-02-11 19:27:29

The word "microaggression" has the unfortunate effect of conflating groups who 1) don't know better, 2) should know better, 3) are assholes.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 19:53:00

Everything podcast on my iPhone is boring me today. Is it because it's 81 degrees in my office or something else?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 20:06:24

I hate other developers with a magnitude equal to how many times they copy and paste business logic inside the same code base.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 20:09:10

Today's hate level is 10^8. Who puts business logic in dependent ternary operators in the StringBuilder of a function named OutputCsvFile?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 20:42:19

@dj_kittycat sure but those 3 groups require different responses to influence/change their behavior, which an imprecise term impedes

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 21:20:39

@timothylord Here's your Ting phone, you figure it out.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 21:24:54

RT @jmignault: A developer is a developer. Language at the time is irrelevant. You’re not a hammer carpenter or a saw carpenter. #c4l15

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 21:28:05

@timothylord I got back on my dad's family plan last year, and my wife and I combined only pay in $90/mo.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 21:28:20

RT @WJZKBreslin: Overturned vehicle on the IL of I-695 between Greenspring Ave. and the Jones Falls Expressway @cbsbaltimore…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 21:29:05

@timothylord As a bonus they get to Facetime their new granddaughter any time they want.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 21:53:00

RT @strngwys: Let’s all bow our heads in silence for the person at Netflix who is currently getting yelled at by the entire staff.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 22:04:11

@TheBrownWord @citythatbreeds Except on Sundays, then he goes to @shakeshack after church because CFA is closed

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 22:05:09

RT @HouseofCards: This is Washington. There's always a leak. All 13 episodes will launch February 27.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 22:11:47

RT @citythatbreeds: Is it a Shake Shack or the 2nd coming of Christ, I can't tell the difference with you people

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-11 22:12:53

@citythatbreeds It's literally 150 feet from where I'm sitting RIGHT NOW and I won't have to leave the building, so a little life-changing

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 15:04:49

RT @DrLindseyFitz: Charles Darwin in a letter: 'But I am very poorly today and very stupid and hate everyone and everything.' #DarwinDay ht…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 15:05:06

RT @nnickerson: If you're not following @DystopianYA, you're doing it wrong.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 15:09:31

RT @aamer_rahman: I just realised that the War on Terror is just a big parking dispute.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 16:40:10

Costco/AmEx arrangement is slated to terminate on March 31, 2016

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 16:52:18

RT @Reuters: PHOTOS: An orange toxic cloud forms after an explosion at a chemical plant in Spain.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 17:40:40

RT @BaltimoreBrew: More Gay St. repairs needed. Road to close over weekend bet Lex and Saratoga, starting Friday evening.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 17:51:12

Greater Parkville (GPCC) community meeting 2/12/15 @ 7PM at 8601 Harford Road with speaker Rick Galiazzo from County Code Enforcement

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 19:28:56

Developmental milestone reached: My 10 month old daughter playing with my wife's unsupervised iPhone just called me on Facetime

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 19:40:52

After a few minutes of research I have discovered Guided Access for iPhone and will be teaching it to my wife tonight

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 20:44:10

RT @DystopianYA: Turns out the grownups you once blindly trusted shouldn't have been blindly trusted at all.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 20:50:05

@BaltoBeerBaron Do you need to disclaim a 111 character indepently verifiable factual summary of a public judgement? Nice that you did, tho.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-02-12 20:52:23

Mirror UK has a horrible URL slug for their Greg Plitt developing story page: greg-plitt-dead-live-updates

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 21:27:56

What has two thumbs and a ticket to the Inner Harbor Shake Shack soft open? 👍👍 THIS GUY

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 21:42:54

@HousingWatchMD @Bmorejourno I've read nothing but success stories of cities who have reclaimed elevated interstates into surface boulevards

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-12 22:20:46

@fmanjoo If they had ended it with a question mark, you'd just have to assume the answer to the rhetorical question was yes.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 14:42:43

@trevortimm @normative NSA: "Challenge... accepted"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 14:48:19

RT @sugarfreak: Who gives a shit about the true meaning/validity of Valentine's Day? Eat some chocolate, have some sex and move on.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 14:57:36

@justin_fenton So weird to think that my DNA could be recovered from a pair of my shoes

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 15:45:00

@MattWalshBlog @sdawncasey Must be the same folks who honestly read Playboy for the articles.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 16:17:32

RT @gretcurtis: Note to self

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-02-13 16:48:16


  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-02-13 17:05:15

Mad Cow disease is back! Does this mean we can stop agonizing about measles and ebola for a few news cycles?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 17:13:24

RT @RussPtacek: Thaiphoon: 2nd closure in 2 months at 2011 S ST NW citing rats. 1st report: Dead rat & droppings, Now: Rat droppings/Dead…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 18:34:41

Our office LAN /24 subnet is so over-allocated that I'm using the IPv6 link-local addresses of printers and servers to avoid IP conflicts.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 18:36:39

As promised my #ff suggestions this week are @kmschiller (tweets about me) @somaddiesays (next desk over), @DystopianYA (liquid awesome).

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 19:45:09

Commence pounding trance music and unwinding terrible stored procedures in 3.. 2.. 1..

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 19:56:46

Media picking up the story that RBG was non-sober at SOTU. Duh. She is the patron saint of women who need give no fucks anymore ever.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 20:38:32


  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 20:42:08

RT @MuckRock: How did @NatReconOfc end up with a terrifying octopus for a logo? @runasand's #FOIA found out: http://…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 20:46:23

@paulmgardner Only because he can't climb on top of the Baltimore WTC with a megaphone and shout "STOP MURDERING EACH OTHER!"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 20:49:12

@overlayered @anildash and if there's anything they should fear more than a POTUS, it's an ex-POTUS with a mission and time on his hands.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-13 21:33:01

It's lodge night and I'm contemplating the path in life that has me practicing facing movements on my lunch break.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-02-13 22:37:49

I do my Friday evening software deployments the way Ruth Bader Ginsburg does her State of the Unions. #notquitesober

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-02-16 00:04:24

@sdawncasey and then you turn 30 and you can't anymore

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-16 02:38:57

One phase of my electric power blinking on and off rapidly. Thought I was crazy until @tadmaster texted me to confirm.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-02-17 14:52:41

Oh no, there's shale oil under rich people's houses!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-17 16:55:14

We have a lot of water moving through the pipes at home today but I pointed a space heater at the main line just in case.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-17 21:29:29

Does Wegmans vegetable culinary stock usually come with a aluminum safety seal or not?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-17 22:44:47

I secretly love how everyone's reaction on finding out I'm a notary public is "Of course you are."

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0

2015-02-17 22:49:03

RT @north_of_north: .@baltimore311 I am not homeowner virgin. Your ops repeatedly telling me to call plumber will do nothing for the busted…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-18 00:23:23

Finally reached over FFF bands on my sparse bundle backup volume. What a great milestone that only 2 people reading this will understand.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-18 01:42:11

@ralban As much as anyone else with a copy of openssl and too much time on their hands.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-18 15:01:24

RT @retrieverweekly: #UMBC campus police officer publicly calls out student in front of residence hall: #TRWNews

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-18 15:07:23

@HamRail Close, but since the bands are zero-base indexed, I actually have over 4096.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-18 15:18:40

@TubaticPrime @retrieverweekly More interesting to me that college reporters using anonymous quotes to broadly illustrate campus sentiment

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-18 15:25:44

@TubaticPrime @retrieverweekly It's not troubling since it was backed up with attributed quotes. Seems like an interesting narrative device

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-18 16:33:15

@BaltCoPS Will you be sending out any information about the Villa Cresta ES closure?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-18 22:03:04

RT @chrisfromabc2: Fact sheet on Mayor Rawlings-Blake's proposed police body-camera program

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2015-02-18 23:34:54

@CarolSOtt sillier than a two party winner take all system?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-18 23:47:09

@CarolSOtt only if you consider party affiliation more significant than every other variable of political calculus and dog whistling

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 14:15:40

RT @john_overholt: Lenovo PCs eviscerate web security in order to inject ads into your Google searches: #superfish

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 14:40:57

RT @_coreDump: #superfish analysis and private key is out, metasploit module in 3..2..1..

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 14:44:22

@Andrew__3000 @TheBrownWord Really? He basically campaigned from the comfort of his courthouse office in 2014. I didn't see his face once.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 14:50:59

RT @bpsears: BREAKING: State Employees get details of voluntary separation program meant to offset state budget deficit. Details soon. #mdp…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 14:54:17

@TheBrownWord @Andrew__3000 Similar to the exurban appeal of dry toast and weak tea. Worked great for Brown/Ulman, right?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 15:03:08

@Andrew__3000 @TheBrownWord Touché. I'm just disappointed in the vibrancy of candidates dems have to field and it emerges as snark.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 15:26:04

If humans were sentient dogs, "The Canine Centipede" would have been be the feel-good movie of 2009

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 15:32:23

RT @cbsbaltimore: A new exhibit is set to open at @NatlAquarium in May. Visitors can touch jellyfish and interact in it. Learn more: http:/…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 15:44:04

@sycobuny When I watch my verbose output it appears keys are sent in order they appear in .config, first success ends handshake attempts

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 15:45:28

@sycobuny Not sure what happens when using ssh agent to manage keys

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 16:01:54

@sycobuny Why does it matter?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 16:05:55

@sycobuny I've never heard of access levels predicated on which SSH key you use for auth

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 16:08:12

@sycobuny Oh that's totally true

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 16:57:30

RT @lenovo: How to remove Superfish from a Lenovo idea PC (no ThinkPads were affected). Instructions @lenovoforums

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 17:00:06

Lenovo still says "[we] do not find any evidence to substantiate security concerns" after Superfish MITM cert's private key leaked #wut

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 17:31:43

RT @wbalradio: The Maryland Senate has voted to raise the speed limit from 65 to 70 mph on state highways.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 18:01:20

Just said "Update All" to my iPhone and 80% of my icons when dark. Guess it's been a while. I'd tweet a screenshot but Twitter is updating.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 20:01:31

RT @matthew_d_green: It really seems that Lenovo has managed to paint themselves into a corner. And by 'paint' I mean rebar concrete.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 20:12:39

RT @fordm: Big @the_intercept scoop: NSA/GCHQ hacked world's largest manufacturer of SIM cards, stole encryption keys…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 20:34:53

RT @randygarutti: Thanks again @MayorSRB for doing the @shakeshack remix #Baltimore style today. Proud to be a parting your community. http…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 20:59:34

RT @Reuters_Health: 179 patients notified of possible exposure to "superbug" at UCLA Medical Center:…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 22:15:25

@anthonydpaul They are arranged in order of usefulness to Google. They'd rather you always archive, never delete. Reporting spam is okay.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-19 22:18:58

@anthonydpaul Sure but its even odds that they are arranged in order of actual proportion of use by users.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-20 03:19:41

RT @BaItimorePolice: It's very, very cold out tonight. If you have to go outside please make sure you wear a warm coat and also pants.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-20 14:48:31

Can you see the difference between @BaltimorePolice and @BaItimorePolice? Look again:

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

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2015-02-20 16:11:15

Hi @vamsoft, thanks for the free SPF test tool but you need to update your input checks for IPv6:

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2015-02-20 17:26:55

#Superfish @Lenovo laptop vulnerability now official: @uscert_gov says exploit allow hackers "read all...HTTPS", "impersonate...any website"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-20 20:00:07

RT @SwiftOnSecurity: I want to make it completely clear in plain English: There is absolutely no possible way that Lenovo didn't know exact…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-20 20:51:57

My FOIPA request to the FBI for my CRS file last month returned no responsive results. Of all the replies I expected, that wasn't one.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-20 20:53:44

My only conclusion is that I am considerably more boring than I previously belived, and as a dad I'll only get boringer.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-02-20 20:56:13

RT @MariSchaefer: Fake IDs meant for a student named Dean accidentally went to a Dean at a Radnor College, police said.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-20 22:39:31

I never met @charmingtons' baby palm tree but I am saddened at its loss.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-21 22:55:11

RT @MDSHA: Some areas already have up to 10" of snow and it is still falling. Please STAY OFF OF THE ROADS IN MARYLAND. #MdTraffic

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-23 01:10:36

Sick as a dog but at least the Oscars are vaguely entertaining.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-25 00:35:15

RT @SwiftOnSecurity: InfoSec people focus on technical problems because they don't get tricked. Then they blow off people who do get tricke…

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2015-02-25 00:41:01

"Thanks for all my new toys, Dad."

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2015-02-25 13:41:39

Miserable traffic on Harford Road southbound this morning

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-25 16:31:26

Oh Siri you are so close yet so far.

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2015-02-25 16:51:31

Neighbors posting breathless BOLO for woman (legally) trapping cats and bringing them to BCAS, yet unleashed pets are illegal in the county.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-25 17:15:13

Deleted a sketchy @Nextdoor post, got email: "That's the spirit Rob. Censorship is what makes this country great. Enjoy your tea party..."

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-25 18:29:47

Told Siri this morning to report "Icy conditions lane number 3 southbound" and got the address "Icy Conditions, Ln. #3 southbound"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-25 22:26:12

(Voice of Yakov Smirnoff) On Internet you follow RSS feeds. On Twitter RSS feeds follow you.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-26 15:58:13

How does LiLo have such trouble with community service? If I got sentenced to 40 hours I'd be done in a month without changing my schedule.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-26 16:15:17

What threshold did I cross to get all these fake followers? Its just a steady stream of bots, companies and aggregators lately.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-26 16:23:05

RT @coppsm: The ayes have it. #betterbroadband is the law of the land in NC and TN. Kudos to @TomWheelerFCC @JRosenworcel @MClyburnFCC #FCC…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-26 20:22:31

RT @abc15: LLAMA WATCH: One has been captured. Appears to be OK. WATCH LIVE:

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2015-02-26 20:25:01

Productivity level: Llama

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-26 20:25:59

RT @justin_fenton: The police negotiator right now is saying to the white llama, "We got your boy, turn yourself in"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-26 20:27:20


  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-26 20:34:08

RT @RGA: Thank god the FCC voted to protect the Internet "as a core of free expression & democratic principles" like the right to watch lla…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-26 20:39:40

RT @brianbuck13:

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2015-02-27 17:07:49

Since @ConstantContact doesn't make it easy to report spam directly to them, I just use Gmail's button which affects their deliverability.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-02-27 17:11:39

First result of "report spam mailchimp" brings up reporting page. FIrst page "report spam constant contact" is 10 useless discussion pages.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-27 17:12:42

RT @nytimes: Breaking News: Leonard Nimoy, Spock of ‘Star Trek,’ Dies at 83

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-27 17:39:21

Fellow multi-tool geeks: When's the last time you used the saw, and for what? Mine: Cut holes in drywall to securely mount bathroom sink.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-02-27 22:04:00

Just OH @somaddiesays describe @NatlAquarium as the "water zoo."

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 2


2015-03-02 13:35:46

A driver just gently slid across the road into my mom's parked car, but didn't even leave a scratch.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-03-02 16:23:36

With retirement of @SenatorBarb, who will the National Security Agency pick for their next U.S. Senator?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-03 23:46:03

RT @JimWBALTraffic: URGENT - By all indications - bridges, ramps and overpasses on main roads around Baltimore are starting to ice up @wbal…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-03 23:49:30

@TimHillRocks Scarves. They're called scarves.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-04 00:50:08

RT @ProvidenceVFC29: The Baltimore Environmental Police have closed Loch Raven Drive between Cromwell Bridge Road and Morgan Mill... http:/…

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2015-03-04 00:54:26

Black ice and not enough salt trucks in Baltimore County tonight. Glad I'm warm inside.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-04 16:04:45

RT @doctorow: Weaselpecker

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2015-03-04 16:09:59

RT @jemillerwbal: City tells residents stock up tomorrow will be difficult with expected snow storm. Salt supply "depleted"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-04 18:10:20

My insurance agent told me that engineer-types always tend to buy max liability coverage to avoid future annoyance

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-03-04 19:03:10

RT @BACOemergency: Weather advisory indicates that snow will begin late tonight and continue through tomorrow. All residents are advised to…

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2015-03-04 22:42:58

A community meeting by @RecNParks about North Harford Playfield being held at their office, a 23 min drive from affected neighborhood. #wut

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-05 12:55:14

I am literally the only person in the office right now. Am I most dedicated or just dumbest? Proof:

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2015-03-05 13:01:56

RT @BACOPoliceFire: #MSP: The snow emergency plan has been activated in Baltimore County.^JW

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-05 13:11:08

8:10 and I'm still the only idiot here. Next update in 10 min.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-03-05 13:15:41

@d9jms Yeah and my traction control warning came on about a dozen times on the way here. Should be a fun ride back.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-05 13:22:09

8:20 and I'm still the only idiot here. Next update in 10 min.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-05 13:29:03

@krues8dr nope it's legit

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2015-03-05 13:31:50

8:30 and I'm still the only dedicated employee here. Next update in 10 min.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-05 13:33:29

RT @ConnieSchultz: Brave @anamariecox. My mom said being a Christian means fixing ourselves & helping others, not other way around. http://…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-05 13:36:38

Fellow employee number two has just arrived.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-03-05 13:41:17

8:40 update. Three of us plus Bruce the maintenance guy who says "I think there's like 10 people total in this (eleven story) building."

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2015-03-05 13:47:16

Since @somaddiesays just arrived, I have to stop complaining now.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-03-05 13:49:28

@somaddiesays I've been here since 7:45 so I can duck out early and not feel guilty. It's been a lonely hour.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-05 14:43:58

RT @CairnsKcairns: Northern Pkwy and Charles. Accident Right Now.

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2015-03-05 14:47:00

@MimiKimWebDev The horizon lines in this photo are killing me. WTC is plumb but Federal Hill is crooked

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2015-03-05 14:58:37

@MimiKimWebDev important config option

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2015-03-05 16:44:58

On the one hand the roads are almost empty. On the other hand, everything else

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2015-03-05 16:47:58

People on the road right now: cop, buses, postal carriers, and me.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-05 23:34:58

This winter is all fun and games. Next year she's on shovel duty with dad.

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2015-03-06 13:39:28

RT @BmoreCityDOT: Icy conditions exist on roadways this morning due to the cold temps. Please consider delaying or canceling your morning c…

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2015-03-06 17:29:40

Mint is emailing me that every spending category has "Unusual spending in the last 30 days" because last month had only 28 days.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-03-06 17:37:43

@ralban Yeah there's no way they could have possibly predicted it in advance

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-06 18:44:32

Inner harbor chipotle installed an ultrasonic bird repellent system which explains why one flew at my face trying to escape as I entered

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-06 18:48:13

Explain to me how a "bioretension basin" is better than what was there before: a grassy hill with trees on it

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2015-03-06 18:54:12

RT @Adweek: TV station cuts to reporter for the weather and he's ordering McDonald's instead.

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2015-03-06 21:31:24

RT @lukebroadwater: .@mayorsrb announces she will veto the Hampden parking bill

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2015-03-06 22:32:01

Would you vote for me for U.S. Senator for Maryland? Be honest.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-03-09 14:12:57

RT @robotmachine: I'd tell Ben Franklin to "suck it" for daylight savings time, but then I'd just be adding syphilis to my list of problems.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-09 15:14:22

RT @MrTrashWheel: Needed about 47 extra coffee cups this morning just to get my wheel spinning... thanks daylight savings.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-09 15:30:51

Dear abusive neighbors posting on @Nextdoor: The First Amendment doesn't mean what you think it means. Signed, your sheeple censor/ND lead

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-09 16:55:54

RT @HavasWWChicago: The first rule of #InternFightClub is: Talk about #InternFightClub all over social media. Do you have what it takes? ht…

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2015-03-09 21:52:00

Fire hazard much?

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2015-03-09 21:53:38

@PhilDarnowsky the smokers corner is right there too so it may see some use

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-03-10 15:22:53

RT @RectorSun: All lanes of I-95 closed in both directions in PG Co near Rt 198 for overturned tanker. 8 mile backup on SB.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-10 19:25:15

No doubt in my mind that @HillaryClinton was wrong to use personal email for work stuff. I have avoided it since my first job 15 years ago.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-03-11 12:34:14

There's a ton of traffic out here on Harford road this morning. There doesn't seem to be any particular reason for it, though

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-11 12:46:37

@BmoreSandlots I know, I was the one who invited parks and recreation to host it at the Harford Park community center

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2015-03-11 18:57:15

Congratulations to @david_s_marks on his appointment to the Critical Area Commission!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-11 19:42:30

RT @ThBaltimoreChop: @vansmithwicks @BaltoSpectator LOL. People who say 'I'm getting my lawyer' never have a lawyer. If they did the lawyer…

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2015-03-12 20:25:31

There should be a way to filter out audio product ratings and reviews on Amazon containing the phrase "burn-in"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-12 20:55:44

There needs to be a note on the side of the box warning people not to flush baby diapers? Humanity is doomed.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-13 01:20:37

@SMLG_YALL it's a symptom not a cause

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-13 14:34:54

RT @andywingo: vegetarian hackers should use 0xcabba9e5 instead of 0xdeadbeef

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2015-03-13 18:02:33

East Hanover NJ @BestBuy staff literally escorted my friend out of the store while she was trying return a defective product after 13 days.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-16 14:35:05

Productivity level: Chick fil A cow mascot

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

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2015-03-18 14:25:57

Definition of a slow news day: Baltimore County issues press release about a single St. Patrick's Day DUI arrest

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-18 14:33:37

RT @RawlingsFake: Happy Birthday to @dennisthecynic and keep yapping your gums on the fake radio. Hear ya loud and clear foul mouth. SMH

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-18 18:09:41

Did a spit-take as @woodruffbets on @SlateGabfest used the phrase "herp derp" to describe @HillaryClinton's PR response to email-gate

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-03-18 18:35:50

RT @capitalweather: Some snow accumulation likely Fri AM, especially N & W of DC. Details:

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2015-03-19 12:56:29

Just took a nice long swig of yesterday's cold coffee. Please tell me this is not an omen for the rest of the day.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-19 13:35:08

It is difficult to reconcile the company's new strict "need to know" data security/classification policy with our open office layout.

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 2

2015-03-19 16:11:16

RT @capitalweather: We've bumped our forecast snow totals slightly for Fri AM. Messy commute poss, esp NW of DC. htt…

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2015-03-20 18:54:44

If a judge suspended an $850 fine so long as you kept lids on your trash from now on, wouldn't you make that a priority? Not my neighbors.

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2015-03-20 18:56:49

If it takes 30 seconds to attach the lids every time you take the trash out, that just cost them the equivalent of $425 per minute saved.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-20 19:02:01

@tom_swiss There is a scheduled re-inspection after hearing as part of the code enforcement process. Theirs was yesterday. They failed. o_O

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-20 19:10:21

RT @secretly: Duck yeah.

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2015-03-20 21:26:48


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2015-03-23 16:32:56

Illegal dirt bikes: a crime @BaltimorePolice won't directly enforce b/c of pursuit danger - leads to this:

  • Favorites: 5, Retweets: 10

2015-03-23 16:56:19

@coldcomfort1 Middle-class folks bothered by the corruption and stratification of the city already live in the counties

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2015-03-23 17:05:40

@tom_swiss @coldcomfort1 Doing my part: My @harfordpark assoc hosts meeting to revitalize North Harford Rec Ctr 3/25

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2015-03-23 17:13:42

RT @disnazzio: 497 overwrought, purple ass paragraphs to say "the cops weren't especially helpful"

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2015-03-23 17:32:23

Twitter replies: Dirt bikes racing on city streets goes way deeper than road safety, is interwoven with class and race. Noted for review.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-03-23 17:44:55

RT @RucioDonk: @vees A sea of dirt bikes as far as the eye can see at the city impound lot.

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2015-03-23 20:06:56

Uncovered first handwritten deed for my property, right after the amorphous blob of land became a named neighborhood

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2015-03-24 01:45:25

Land record (deed) books are a permanent record that also indelibly record the racism in Baltimore County à la 1920

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2015-03-24 02:37:50

@vees I would not be surprised to find similar rules shortly after the Villa Cresta lot division depending on the year.

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2015-03-24 13:18:37

@dj_kittycat It's illegal under the Fair Housing Act, so unenforcable. Also doesn't show up in any subsequent deed.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-24 13:48:49

My life is spent in avoidance of bad time pterodactyls. So far I've done a marginal job

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-03-24 19:18:04

Door-to-door solicitors destroy my focus for at least an hour. Hate.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-03-25 19:22:24

Current status: Bagster

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2015-03-26 16:09:43

On Tuesday mental illness and counter-terrorism measures combined to take 150 lives.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-03-26 17:27:55

Why do I volunteer my time as neighborhood association president? For the fan mail, of course!

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

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2015-03-26 18:40:13

Mexican Coke > HFCS Coke. HFCS Pepsi < Real Sugar Pepsi.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-26 19:35:33

I can easily file all of today's irritations under Middle-class First World Problems so really I have no problems at all.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-26 20:18:55

@avdi @github "Oh my God git's full of files"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-27 14:06:49

How do we solve the meta-meta security problem of cockpit doors being too secure? Ground-based emergency lock override?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-27 14:35:26

RT @kenulman: Love this flag. Love this state! Happy #MarylandDay #MarylandPride

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-03-28 13:03:27

Flurries this morning. Unreal.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-30 14:26:18

RT @fox5newsdc: #BREAKING NSA police on the scene of a police involving shooting at the Entrance Gate to Ft Meade/NSA Headquarters. http://…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-30 15:11:32

RT @BillMoyersHQ: A Baltimore mother is fighting to hold accountable those responsible for her city's urban decay.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-03-31 19:08:12

Proper time to use the "Message recall" function on your email client: Never.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0


2015-04-01 15:32:01

Local contractor: MD 6-801-6-852 requires all property owners built 1950-78 to register & pay $30! Me: No it doesn't. LC: Oh, you're right.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-01 18:00:27

This seems like an awkward day to tell my neighbors that their community association president is putting his house up for sale this week.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-01 18:01:13

RT @GailSimone: Oh, no, I am drowning! Help! April fools! Ha ha ha you showed human decency like a chump!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-01 18:59:08

RT @Pinboard: Although I admire Google’s committment to an April Fool joke. They kept Google Plus going for over a year!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-01 19:28:52

Big props to @WasteManagement for today's Bagster pickup at our house. Expertly done!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-02 14:44:00

A neighbor posted that Parkville High School is on lockdown. Does anyone have any information on this?

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-04-02 15:13:05

There is NO lockdown at Parkville H.S. says @BACOPoliceFire via @david_s_marks (cc: @kalanigordon @bremmore)

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-02 15:19:09

Via neighbor on @nextdoor: "Apparently it ended about 45 minutes ago, but they were on lockdown for at least an hour." Police unaware?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-02 15:20:44

It's unclear to me what situation would require admin to lock kids in their classrooms without necessary county police involvement.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-02 15:28:31

RT @Tmuzzatti: How come #AprilFools day is the one day of the year when people critically evaluate news articles before accepting them as t…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-02 15:30:16

@dj_kittycat That's all I could think of too, but why would you take an hour out of the school day for that?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-02 15:49:11

RT @RectorSun: ID'd w license plate reader RT @thedbk Suspect arrested after driving stolen vehicle onto campus via …

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-02 17:03:48

My agent emailed me a 25 page contract and my red pen is running out of ink. Tonight will be fun.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-02 20:06:01

@nikzb7e In the Nextdoor post/comments the neighbor specifically wrote that her kids told her it was not a drill, was 1 hr long.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-02 20:08:10

@nikzb7e Since you've told me there was an announcement and it was only 15 min I think its teenagers exaggerating, what a shock

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-03 17:30:11

Spread the word! 2636 Wentworth Road listing soon for under $175k. Great home in a great neighborhood:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 2

2015-04-05 14:11:09

West Virginia bans Tesla sales, which is crazy since any Tesla in WV is basically a coal-powered car

  • Favorites: 12, Retweets: 10

2015-04-05 14:53:34

On listing services tomorrow but available now! Great home in Baltimore County: 2636 Wentworth Road, check it out at

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-06 10:29:56

@artwells I only saw your reply to @torrez and thought you were talking about some sort of frostbite injury

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-06 13:58:41

Baltimore: Violence surging, infrastructure failing, casino underperforming, budgets unrealistic. Mayor blames media. Story at 11

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 3

2015-04-06 14:18:18

Another day, another BUY MY HOUSE tweet. Baltimore County home at a starter price of $175k!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

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2015-04-06 15:21:43

RT @ashalynd: If the programmers like each other, they play a game called "pair programming". And if not, then the game is called "peer rev…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-06 15:26:39

And thus begins the descent into madness

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-06 16:28:08

RT @MDAppeal: "A Border Line Is Not a Border Zone" in categorizing police-citizen encounters

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-06 18:32:31

2636 Wentworth Road listing Tuesday for under $175k. Starter home in Baltimore County. Info:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 2

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2015-04-06 19:33:18

RT @wbaltv11: Trending: 3rd Salisbury University student diagnosed with tuberculosis

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2015-04-07 13:52:37

"No society ever survives the ability to 3d print viruses"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-07 16:43:01

2636 Wentworth Road listed today with beautiful photos, check it out at and spread the word!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 2

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2015-04-07 19:50:05

Calling in every social media favor I own to sell my house. Is this what "independent sales consultants" for MLM companies feel like?

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0

2015-04-07 19:57:09

@pfredphotos @TheBrownWord My wife and I were worried it might turn buyers off but our Realtor said its in vogue right now

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-07 20:03:24

Site up since Friday with concurrent Twitter and Google ad campaigns, organic Facebook shares outshine paid 40 to 1.

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2015-04-07 20:21:08

@dj_kittycat Whatever the percentage is, it's driving over 3/4 of the click traffic to the sale page.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-07 20:24:54

@dj_kittycat I agree. Will be interesting to see where the conversions (showings) come from, and what drives the completion (accepted offer)

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-07 20:40:42

RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Washington DC I hear you have a power problem.

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2015-04-08 13:48:11

The important thing to take away from the shooting of Walter Scott is that these cover-ups were happening long before pocket video cameras.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-04-08 14:10:57

@marobella My Pebble Watch has definitely improved the way I interact with my phone - specifically that it comes out of my pocket much less.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-08 14:16:08

RT @umrain: The dogs are now communicating across the house with each other by shaking their collars.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-08 14:55:51

RT @jemillerwbal: City owned Hilton hotel is supposed to provide hotel tax for the city. But, city had to use $1.3 of hotel tax money to pa…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-08 15:49:35

Phrase of the day from @johndickerson's Whistlestop: "a titanic battle over the very foundation of honest dealing and sagacious constancy"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-08 16:10:06

RT @radleybalko: What are the odds that the only time it went down this way just happened to be the only time it was captured on video? #Wa…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-08 16:44:24

RT @JeauxAlejandro: "Starter" home for 175.

I fucking hate the east coast for that reason, and that reason alone.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-08 19:39:13

RT @ebaynetflix: This write up is sure to get people psyched up for the show tonight in Charlottesville. Really captures the energy http://…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-08 21:42:20

I'm going to "Data Science Series: Data Exploration with Pandas". See you there? via @Eventbrite

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-04-09 15:37:17

This morning I realized that the word "verbiage" has faded from the office vocabulary lately in favor of "content." Small blessings.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-09 17:13:47

Via Reddit: Hitler, Stalin, Freud, Tito, Trotsky all lived in Vienna, at the same time in 1913

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-09 19:21:42

Imagine yourself in this spacious family room with fireplace! 2636 Wentworth Rd listing at now

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-10 00:51:25

RT @justin_fenton: Follow-up: Lawmakers demand answers about police widespread use of 'stingray' phone surveillance device.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-10 14:21:53

It's overcast & chilly outside but cozy & warm in this just refinished family room! See at now

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2015-04-10 14:22:14

RT @AnneWHilborn: Remember kids, if you become a biologist, you too could spend your days very closely examining camera trap pictures of ha…

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2015-04-10 15:57:57

Fellow homeowners: How silly am I for STRONGLY preferring that my next house has natural gas heat over electric?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-10 16:26:31

@tmkeesey The listings don't specify. If NG service to the house could always replace for a large-ish sum.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-13 17:57:39

A house like this doesn't list long. This bedroom and more could be yours. Don't miss out!

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

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2015-04-14 14:06:32

Neighbors: Nobody wants your CRT television. The county dump doesn't even want your television. Nobody will pay $85 for your television.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-14 20:25:07

Well if you waited until now to think about buying my house, you waited too long. It's under contract.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-15 00:20:32

RT @RickWolff: Hillary Bold. Because, America. Now you too can announce! #font #typeface

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2015-04-15 13:57:17

OH: @kylejbritt "Is anyone in the office a notary?" puts on cape

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2015-04-15 20:00:43

The @PentictonVees hockey team did something cool and now my Twitter is blowing up from people who don't know what their handle is.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-16 14:44:47

In the past 12 months, my household has spend $2328 on Amazon. It's not quite a tithe, but it's getting there.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-16 14:45:14

RT @nytimes: If there were a manual for transporting wolverines, Rule No. 1 would be: Make sure it cannot get out of the cage…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-16 15:01:20

This month I paid $65 to Google and Twitter for advertising so to all of you with free Twitter and Gmail accounts, you're welcome.

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0

2015-04-16 15:27:49

RT @JohnDingell: Back in the Capitol. A "Take Your Husband To Work Day" of sorts. Off to the floor for votes.

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2015-04-16 16:10:34

At least I'm not alone: @Honda

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2015-04-16 16:18:17

Of all the NIMBY things for my neighbors to get upset about, a county salt shed is by far the strangest.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-16 16:26:31

RT @jilliancyork: How is a gyrocopter not a tool for delivering delicious Greek sandwiches?

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2015-04-17 01:54:27

House fire 2623 Wentworth Rd

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2015-04-17 02:17:18

RT @BACOPoliceFire: Units on loc 2800 blk Wentworth, Parkville, basement fire with 1 pri 3 pt transported. Fire under control.

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2015-04-17 02:19:24

@BACOPoliceFire it is the 2600 block of Wentworth.

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2015-04-17 02:50:32

RT @BaltimoreBNN: Parkville |1ST ALARM FIRE| 2600 Blk Wentworth Rd. Basement fire, crews o/s. Fire attack in prog.

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2015-04-17 11:47:25

@jongaynor county fire engines have that effect on the local continuum

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2015-04-17 17:52:25

Displaying on screen lyrics for the popular EDM music station borders on absurdity

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2015-04-17 17:59:54


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2015-04-19 15:28:45

The act of creation is the act of putting things in order

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2015-04-20 15:05:58

The minimal organ interlude in the middle of Daft Punk's One More Time is what brings the track from great to amazing.

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2015-04-20 15:31:24

It took me until 11:30 to realize today was 4/20. That's because it's been 14 years since I was 21 and it was my personal national holiday.

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2015-04-20 19:14:31

RT @BaltimoreOEM: #BalWx Tornado Watch issued April 20 at 3:05PM EDT until April 20 at 10:00PM EDT by NWS for #Baltimore City…

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2015-04-20 19:19:15

Emailed my wife to make sure she doesn't ignore the "slot machine sound" from the weather radio this time. Always only tornado warning.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-20 19:23:51

RT @vogon: today I learned that there's a weed store in seattle called "hashtag" and now I want weed to be illegal again

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2015-04-20 19:24:23

RT @joshgerstein: Judge voids search of alleged illegal gambling rings hotel villas based on web failure ruse, via @jacobgershman http://t.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-20 19:57:21

RT @Paul2eD: This bird keeps itself in the air by sheer force of anger alone.

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2015-04-20 19:58:41

RT @paulmgardner: Baltimore's most trustworthy politician speaking at the podium..

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2015-04-20 20:16:30

@messypixels Just a watch here. Only active warnings in Caswell Co. NC and Anderson County SC so far

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2015-04-20 20:46:51

#FreddieGray press conference: Interviews with officers yield statements, not "facts." Facts come from time-stamped dispatch and video.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-21 14:27:34

@gizzmogeek I started using the lightning connector plugged into the USB port in the center console and there's no delay that way.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-21 14:56:54


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2015-04-21 16:00:29

RT @betamore: Our #DataScience series continues this Wednesday with 'Intro to Machine Learning' led by @Prof_OZ »

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-21 16:28:51

@NWS_BaltWash Is KEC83 down? I didn't see an email about it.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-21 19:16:30

RT @bazecraze: When you say it's selfish not to have kids, you're admitting it's better.

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2015-04-22 18:06:39

My home inspector was nice and well-versed, but his humor was old-school sexist. I don't encounter that heteronormativity much lately.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-22 18:54:29

These winds took out a bunch of power lines in the county. Reports popping up on Twitter.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-22 21:05:48

RT @cmcampbell6: .@FOP3 statement on #FreddieGray, comparing protests to "lynch mob" for calling for cops' arrest before investigation http…

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2015-04-22 23:34:28

RT @justin_fenton: #baltimore

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2015-04-22 23:51:19

RT @BaltimorePolice: The protesters are marching towards City Hall. Expect traffic delays at Fayette Street and Gay Street.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-23 13:43:29

RT @samsteinhp: Just a lot to digest in this entire statement

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2015-04-23 16:10:12

Thanks to @mikemillerdc for the phrase that will haunt my dreams: "intracranial teratoma"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-23 16:42:03

RT @BaltimoreBrew: BREAKING: City workers sent home early ahead of today's Freddie Gray demonstration in front of Baltimore City Hall. http…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-23 19:11:25

I have noticed an uptick in the amount of spam I receive which originates from the Amazon SES email service.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-23 20:51:04

Lots of BPD stationed in and around Harborplace doors. Not sure why. State Police at McKeldin Sq and ambo across Pratt. #FreddieGray

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2015-04-23 20:52:11

Lombard diverted at South St by BPD #baltraffic #FreddieGray

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2015-04-23 20:54:04

Protest just emerged south on Light at Pratt heading to between Harborplace malls

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2015-04-23 20:55:43

Protest now in front of Baltimore Visitors Center #FreddieGray BPD escorts all along harbor walk

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2015-04-23 21:01:34

Protest march now gathered in front of science center letting others catch up. Fox is vigilant overhead #FreddieGray

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2015-04-23 21:30:51

Baltimore Street eastbound at gay street is blocked to all traffic #FreddieGray

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-04-24 13:48:21

RT @RussPtacek: Illegal stop photo orders all over DC. Photographer @jkeene1957 was frisked & then put in a 13 hr day to edit story. https:…

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2015-04-24 14:51:30

Ulysses S. Grant: "I am descended from both the wives of Matthew Grant" HT @johndickerson

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-04-24 15:04:41

Former BPD @PeterMoskos posts great overview of Baltimore prisoner transport process #FreddieGray

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 4

2015-04-24 15:43:58

RT @RectorSun: Disposition issued today in knife charge against #FreddieGray from morning of arrest: "ABATED BY DEATH."…

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2015-04-24 15:49:57

RT @appigo: Thanks @scottallan83, we are glad you like it . Have fun showing off on launch day.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-24 15:51:10

@appigo @scottallan83 Got a Pebble version in the works?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-24 15:52:51

RT @ScottAllen83: @appigo ToDo Cloud on the Apple Watch! Serious envy factor from co-workers!!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-24 16:30:31

RT @eevee: git people trying to use hg: "WHY WON'T IT LET ME DO THIS" hg people trying to use git: "WHY DID IT LET ME DO THAT"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-24 17:01:18

RT @baltimoresun: Commentary from @JonahNRO: If Martin O'Malley wants to be taken seriously, he should probably stop talking.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-24 18:36:30

It takes 3 minutes fewer to scan a one page PDF with @scanbot on my phone to @Dropbox then walk to the multi-function printer down the hall.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-04-24 18:41:25

@iknowalready Took me a minute to parse the word adultery

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-24 18:56:52

@iknowalready Does that mean everything you did today was an adulteration?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-24 20:03:31

City Major Rawlings-Blake holds conference on death of Freddie Gray. County Exec. Kamenetz holds conference on Arbor Day proclamation.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-24 20:05:19

City traffic Saturday to be disrupted by funeral and massive protests. County traffic Saturday to be disrupted by MD Hunt Cup horse race.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-24 20:16:15

RT @normative: A Residence With Locking Doors And A Working Toilet Is All That's Needed To Justify A No-Knock Warrant…

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2015-04-24 20:24:45

RT @PeterMoskos: Well done, hon! Balto ain't Ferguson. Policing protests right.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-24 20:48:35

RT @wbaltv11: Batts: 5 of 6 officers have given their statements and the one who invoked their rights continues to invoke their rights

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2015-04-24 23:15:09

RT @BaltimorePolice: Det.'s need help identifying the witnesses in this photograph. Anyone with information is asked to call 410-637-3097. …

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-25 22:14:52

RT @JimWBALTraffic: URGENT - I 83/JFX CLOSED BOTH WAYS btwn President/Fayette and Northern Pkwy to keep people OUT of Balto @wbalradio #mdt…

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2015-04-25 22:28:23

RT @JimWBALTraffic: I 83/JFX is CLOSED BOTH WAYS btwn Northern Pkwy & President St @marybmarsden

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-25 22:31:44

RT @JimWBALTraffic: REPORTS of a fight at Pratt and Light. Signal 13 at Camden and Howard @wbalradio #mdtraffic

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-25 22:41:13

RT @BaltimoreOEM: Roads blocked: I-395 ramp to Conway St SB I-83 from ex10 W Northern Py to E Fayette St @mtamaryland Light Rail also stopp…

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2015-04-25 23:18:16

@slantsixneal @wbaltv11 there is an odd fatherly disappointment in his voice that doesn't really fit the tone

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2015-04-25 23:21:49

RT @UMBnews: UMB Police have issued a shelter in place order for the UMB campus. Do not leave buildings. Avoid campus until further notice.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-26 00:13:05

RT @phscoop: Teen sporting Baltimore police cap -- No. 617 -- he took from a police car he broke into

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2015-04-26 00:20:25

RT @jemillerwbal: Temporary interruption of our live shot..someone cut our cable

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2015-04-26 00:23:03

If/when arrests begin for failure to disburse, it will be interesting to see official stats of locals vs. out-of-town protestors.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-26 01:15:02

Things I could not be less concerned about: Orioles play by plays, the WHCD, a coyote in NYC

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-26 01:21:09

@wheelsee @petermoskos His backpack is a crime against fashion

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-26 01:38:59

RT @masnRoch: Fans are asked to remain inside the ballpark until further notice. It's just a bad, bad night for the city #orioles

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-26 01:43:30

RT @EddieInTheYard: This announcement on the Camden Yards scoreboard just now. #Orioles #RedSox #FreddieGray protest

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2015-04-26 01:47:58

RT @POLICECOPTER: Be safe, #Baltimore.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 01:18:19

@flintsparc That was my suspicion too

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 14:59:53

RT @BaltimoreBrew: City blames "outside agitators." A closer look at who did what at #freddiegray protest http://t.c…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 15:23:39

The GIS team of @BaltCoGov is obviously composed of people who love their jobs. And why not? Paid to hack map data? It's like a dream.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 15:26:15

RT @justin_fenton: NEW: Police claim "credible threat" that BGF, Bloods, Crips have teamed up to "take out law enforcement officers" http:/…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 15:38:05

Can't watch the #FreddieGray hashtag right now. Filled with snarky racist illustrated tweets directed at a man literally in his open casket.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-04-27 15:52:14

Traffic on my house sale microsite surged again yesterday, composed entirely of porn site referer spam. Lame.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-27 17:39:02

Phrase of the day from @felixsalmon "ex hypothesi" basically "as far as we can tell or explain"

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 18:18:42

Co-workers talking in hushed voices about potential for downtown violence and several are leaving the office in fear.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 5

2015-04-27 18:27:17

Okay, fine. Now I get it. Somehow the phrase "violent protests" doesn't phase me but "high school purge" is fucking terrifying.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-04-27 18:37:16

County folks hear "protest at the mall" and just assume Towson Town Center because what other mall is there?

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 1

2015-04-27 19:09:10

RT @kdrabinski: This ought to calm things down. #wtf

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2015-04-27 19:18:19

A line of more than a dozen BPD cruisers just made their way west on Lombard at Commerce in a big hurry.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-04-27 19:20:06

BPD's Bearcat is gonna need a wash and wax after this. Possibly some replacement armor paneling too. The rocks just keep coming.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 19:40:57

RT @EricaLG:

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2015-04-27 19:44:39

More paternalistic commentary from WBAL's Roy Taylor.

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2015-04-27 19:50:27

Rubber bullets being fired into the crowd

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 4

2015-04-27 19:53:50

Tear gas canister just released from the Bearcat into crowd while injured officer being placed in the rear under missile barrage

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 4

2015-04-27 20:20:01

RT @BaltimorePolice: We are asking motorists to avoid the area of Gwynns Falls / Reisterstown / Liberty Heights. Take alternate routes.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 20:43:18

Multiple BPD units headed westbound on Argonne Drive

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2015-04-27 20:46:51

Just passed four more BPD units headed southbound on Harford road from Hamilton Avenue RLS

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 21:15:34

RT @justin_fenton: Using a crowbar, they opened up the trunk of the police car. Can only imagine what was being kept back there..

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 21:39:18

RT @justin_fenton: The guys who pulled me aside are self-identifying as Crips and say they don't approve of whats happening. "This is our c…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 21:44:00

RT @KarenDeCamp: Ridiculous! @CNN's map showing how close Baltimore is to the White House. Come on.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 21:48:20

RT @elizdickinson: Probably not the best move by Geico to fly its advertising banner over Baltimore right now...

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-27 21:51:54

@cwellssun It's so they don't confuse us with the one in Ohio

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2015-04-27 22:03:35

RT @KevinLewisABC7: Check this out! Men are sorting through what seem to be pills taken from CVS in Baltimore hit by looters. @ABC7News htt…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 22:07:25

And the Bearcat returns to North Avenue, acting as a magnet for projectiles

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 22:10:00

Countdown to LRAD deployment?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 22:54:59

RT @HousingWatchMD: Please tell me someone didn't just cut the hose while @baltimorefire was fighting the CVS fire.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-27 23:30:46

My guess is every Stingray in BPD inventory is deployed and logging like crazy right now. We'll never see the evidence but it'll be used.

  • Favorites: 5, Retweets: 8

2015-04-27 23:56:05

RT @lizbowie: Looting continues in Bolton Hill. No police in sight. Neighbors fight off looters.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 00:07:51

RT @jlepolastewart: Council member Brandon Scott says he is "pissed off" says this reminds him of the riots in 1968

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-28 00:10:21

Three minutes into questions, @MayorSRB blames "your industry" (the media) when confronted by reporter. Nobody shocked.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-04-28 00:14:36

RT @chrislhayes: The idea that West Baltimore hasn't been rebuilt since the 1968 riots seems like a pretty powerful condemnation of generat…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 00:23:38

Here's the idiocy that is the Baltimore City curfew, featuring my local shopping center on Harford Road:

  • Favorites: 5, Retweets: 5

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2015-04-28 00:46:35

RT @ABC2NEWS: #BREAKINGNEWS | #Baltimore City public schools will be closed tomorrow.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 00:48:39

RT @MiriWBAL: Large fire at Chester and Gay streets

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-28 01:46:27

It took Baltimore catching on fire but I put my Baltimore County scanner back online

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 01:47:06

If you'd rather be listening to Baltimore City trunked channels just let me know by replying to this tweet. Might not be until tomorrow

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 01:55:50

County police have reports of kids having hidden under clothing in Towson(?) mall during close, now posting about being inside on Instagram

  • Favorites: 6, Retweets: 7

2015-04-28 01:57:54

If you are a city police reading my last tweet, yeah, it's totally unfair

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 02:04:17

@johnwaire Nope just heard it on the scanner before I closed up to go to bed. Listen in on the link I posted, lmk if you hear new info.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 11:35:03

RT @baltomel: Pratt street right now.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-28 12:19:42

RT @_hmmarr: Dozens of volunteers out in force to clean up #Baltimore this morning.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-28 12:29:22

RT @TomRodgersNews: Unreal

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 12:29:41

RT @redemmas: We are a #safespace for students today! #FreeLunch for city youth starting at 11am. Pls RT!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 12:30:18

@d9jms it does seem like things are looking up today

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 13:05:04

Only received one request to switch over to the city trunk system so scanner will remain on Baltimore County today

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 13:05:31

Lots of other streams out there to listen to for BPD, easy to find too

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 13:12:53

RT @wbalradio: Security Square Mall is shut down today as a precaution of rioters, says @BACOPoliceFire Chief Johnson. LISTEN:…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 13:17:03

RT @BmoreCityDOT: Bike lanes on Pratt St are blocked. Bikers are advised to use alt routes. Motorists should proceed with extreme caution a…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 13:17:12

RT @bykowicz: ‘Space to Destroy’: The Short History of a Dangerous Botched Quote via @bpolitics

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 13:19:56

County scanner: Caller reports group of kids ifo Kenwood HS talking about rioting

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 13:58:03

@dennisthecynic The good thing about developing spatial awareness is you know when they're looming just behind you

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 13:58:27

@dennisthecynic Relevant:

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 14:03:46

Big shout out to @bsarsgard who took today off work to help clean up the damage to the city #recovery

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 2

2015-04-28 14:16:17

RT @sarahkendzior: If you're going to talk about looting, discuss what's looted. I saw a man taking Pampers and toilet paper. What kind of …

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 14:17:07

RT @HamiltonHills: Like many, we're far from last nights events. However, Lakeins Jewelry, Pizza Bravo Plus, the mobile phone store, and CV…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 14:17:23

RT @HamiltonHills: if you're out today, and you see one of our neighbors struggling, please offer a hand.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 14:19:45

RT @scanbaltimore: This feed IS broadcasting the tactical, special event channels

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 14:25:45

Office closed today. Told to work from home. Listening to ALL THE SCANNERS while I code.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-28 14:36:44

Unsurprisingly the Parkville, MD 21234 Facebook group is a huge rumor amplifier, mostly reposted screenshots from Instagram.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 14:43:55

Literally nobody listening to county police/fire scanner. Might tap in the city channels on my lunch break and repost.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 14:44:46

RT @yvonnewenger: All Baltimore City Recreation Centers will be open for children from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 14:58:48

RT @kimdaceywbal: Security square mall closed. Received similar threats as #MondawminMall yesterday @wbaltv11 #BaltimoreRiots…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 15:05:37

RT @TomRodgersNews: Dozens walk down NFULTON and North avenue CLEANING....

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2015-04-28 15:07:57

RT @Chris_Ashworth: Well, the bad news is that every place we’ve gone to try to help clean up was already cleaned up. But that’s also the g…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 15:09:27

Yesterday: Police in Bearcats. Today: DPW in Bobcats.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 15:29:42

RT @holy_chao: Where help is accepted, and where help is in oversupply: #BaltimoreUprising

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 15:47:05

RT @BACOPoliceFire: #BCoPD investigating multiple social media rumors re: civil disobedience in the county. These remain unconfirmed rumors…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 15:52:40

Unclear why are police advancing on clean-up crews? @brandon_weigel appears to have pictures

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 5

2015-04-28 15:54:28

Majority of county police dispatch calls today appear to be responding and investigating rumors called in by residents

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-04-28 15:56:08

RT @ColinDaileda: Police slowly clearing a block near the burned-out CVS. Not sure why. Still chill. #Baltimore

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 16:06:57

On scanner: County Air appears to be monitoring students leaving a school by rear entrances. Operations on V2 Event 2

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 16:18:13

New shorter link for Baltimore County Scanner Radio activity picking up but individual events unclear

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 16:19:29

RT @BaltimoreBrew: City says 144 vehicles, 15 bldgs torched in #BaltimoreRiots. 200 arrests. No deaths or severe injuries. #FreddieGray htt…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 16:28:08

@Androidguy79 I'm hearing the same thing, county police seem ready for anything but very little going on

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 16:31:40

@dj_kittycat Just saw a tweet from @BCObreakingnews that Eastpoint is closed as well as Security, no details on scanner. Some units moving

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 16:32:30

RT @BCObreakingnews: As of now, Eastpoint Mall and Security Square Mall are closed as precautionary measures, as well as BCPS... http://t.c…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 16:34:44

@dj_kittycat As far as I know county schools are open, after-school activities are cancelled

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 16:46:59

RT @BACOPoliceFire: Press briefing 1 p.m., Public Safety Bldg; #BCoPD Chief Johnson, CE Kamenetz will update re: @BaltoCoGov’s public safet…

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2015-04-28 16:57:17

Does anyone have a streaming audio/video link for the @BACOPoliceFire press conference at 1pm?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 17:11:43

@phildarnowsky And parallel dickfors!

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-04-28 17:16:11

It's been a rough few days so here's a picture of my daughter licking her semitransparent plate clean #cuteemergency

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2015-04-28 17:30:40

Reddit is kicking ass with the curated live feed

  • Favorites: 5, Retweets: 6

2015-04-28 17:37:41

Live video

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2015-04-28 18:22:26

RT @HamiltonHills: Damaged but open. Pizza Bravo Plus. #onebaltimore #stillstrong @ PIZZA BRAVO PLUS

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 18:32:52

RT @KarenDeCamp: Happening now: York Rd. Partnership folk a York&Woodbourne to keep the peace #BlackLivesMatter #onebaltimore…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 18:41:48

There are many unsubstantiated rumors about Perry Hall and/or Baltimore County today. Follow @david_s_marks who has had the inside scoop

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 18:58:08

RT @PeterMoskos: Permission granted to deploy chemical weapons: "It's your line. You make the call... If you feel it necessary to protect c…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 19:04:23

RT @BACOPoliceFire: Reports that the National Guard are deploying to Baltimore County are false. No unusual activity in the county at this …

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 19:17:52

Accepting requests for county talk groups to monitor, if anyone figures out the "event" TG reply here

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 19:32:46

RT @brandon_weigel: Four firetrucks just showed up. Appears the CVS is on fire again. Smoke coming from the roof.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 20:03:57

Can Roy Taylor use the word "havoc" more? Havoc. Havoc. Havoc. Dirtbikes. Havoc.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 20:06:11

"We'll go to George on the ground." "Thanks, I wouldn't call it havoc…"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 20:18:08

@cairnskcairns unfortunate typo there

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2015-04-28 20:24:18

A lady on Facebook group for Harford Road area just said we should turn firehoses on the rioters. My jaw is on the floor. #tonedeaf

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 20:30:10

@petermoskos Got a link?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 20:34:32

I want to start a march at 10pm down Harford Rd from Taylor Av, then everybody bounces off the city line like mimes off an invisible box.

  • Favorites: 4, Retweets: 1

2015-04-28 20:39:13

@petermoskos Thanks, I have my ear to the county right now. They must be from Atlanta HQ + assume OC is everywhere.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 20:45:32

RT @BaltimoreDPW: 4/28 in numbers: Heavy debris removed from a dozen sites 26 vehicles towed 33 properties boarded We'll be ready in a.m. a…

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2015-04-28 20:53:42

Well crap, the AWS console makes it fairly easy to accidentally shut down the wrong server. Time to get my email back online.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 21:18:48

RT @ATFHQ: BREAKING: Due to the magnitude of one scene, coupled w/ # of fire investigations, 2 ATF #NRT teams are heading to #Baltimore.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 21:22:12

Is Mayor Rawlings-Blake's Under Armour baseball cap her version of the Chris Christie's fleece following Hurricane Sandy?

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 21:32:59

Accusations of out of town protesters causing all this trouble again.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 22:39:01

Nation: When former Baltimore City pols line up to ask be your President and U.S. Senator remember that they made this pressure cooker.

  • Favorites: 4, Retweets: 7

2015-04-28 23:20:08

RT @paulmgardner: This is a city that will defy a citywide curfew because there's a citywide curfew. I can not believe they're following th…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 23:21:04

RT @technosailor: Curfew in 2h and 45 mins. Let's see what that really means #BaltimoreRiots

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 23:24:57

RT @iduncan: Someone is banging manically on the window and yelling from inside jail. "No justice, no peace." Eerie

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2015-04-28 23:45:59

RT @RobLowe: Also, nothing says "intelligent, thoughtful, decisive adult in charge" quite like a Under Armor ball cap.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-28 23:51:03

RT @scanbaltimore: Just pushed the beta feed to the main site until I can sort out the Internet outage for the building with the main scann…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 01:09:44

RT @daveweigel: Organizers moving crowds from police lines, getting annoyed with photogs who keep doubling back #Baltimore…

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2015-04-29 01:11:08

In a few minutes the Twitter spam bots are going to rate limit the @LarryHogan account. Not sure what these bulk tweets accomplish.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 01:18:55

@SushGirl I imagine something à la the Terry Tate Office Linebacker videos

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 01:28:31

RT @justin_fenton: Already stopped by a guy who said, "We don't want you to write down what's about to happen."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 01:34:32

RT @cmcampbell6: Funny moment as @jamalhbryant waited 10 mins for CNN interview with @andersoncooper. "Anderson...I got a curfew..." http:/…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 01:43:19

RT @BaltimorePolice: Members of the MEDIA may continue to work after the curfew begins.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 02:03:55

Who writes @RepCummings permission slip to be out after 2200 in the city for work?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 12:59:46

Dark smoke to the east from inner harbor

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2015-04-29 13:03:06

Dark smoke in direction of Camden yards but I have no visibility from here. Anyone know the source? #baltimoreriots

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2015-04-29 13:03:25

RT @RaptorH: Whoa, I'm in Morrell Park - suddenly a huge fire has broken out on Griffis Ave.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 13:05:14

RT @migold: Yes, friends from high school, your crappy Facebook poetry is exactly what will heal the city of Baltimore.

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2015-04-29 13:06:56

@HousingWatchMD This tweet says Griffis Av

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2015-04-29 13:07:40

RT @RaptorH: House was already abandoned. Breiwert ave in Morrell park.

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2015-04-29 13:18:13

Sorry for the riot hashtag earlier. Visible smoke has nothing to do with civil unrest. Just a symptom the usual slow crumbling of this city.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 13:19:57

RT @RaptorH: Again, abandoned house on fire on Breitwert Ave in Morrell Park. No protests in our neighborhood.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 13:21:03

@RaptorH @HousingWatchMD Can you tweet with your location turned on? Can figure it out from Google Maps if you are directly to the rear

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 13:21:23

RT @RaptorH: Like I said, this is the 2nd abandoned house to burn in our neighborhood this week, but no one knows why.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 13:27:33

RT @deray: And this is today's @BaltimoreSun cover. Wednesday. #BaltimoreUprising

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2015-04-29 13:37:04

RT @RaptorH: Total wreck.

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2015-04-29 14:23:47

Hard to believe it took until Tuesday for me to see a quote from Ed Norris.

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2015-04-29 14:36:07

City Paper employees claimed they were stopping a drunk woman from "stealing a protester's bag." Actually, no:

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-04-29 15:25:05

RT @ramez: Law enforcement in the US doesn't yet seem to realize the severity of the crisis of confidence and distrust it finds itself in.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 15:51:24

RT @doctorow: Translation: once they learn they truth, techies hate and fear us

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 15:58:05

RT @mleibovic: I started programming when I was in college. You don't have to start as a kid or teach yourself to code to be a good develop…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 17:05:55

RT @LiamFD: There's still an army of reporters and the actual army in front of City Hall today.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 18:07:25

RT @aresef: Plenty of good seats are still available. @Orioles

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 20:01:52

Digital Harbor protestors just came through

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2015-04-29 20:04:06

Nice sized group, peaceful, escorted by police through intersections and lead and flanked by media

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2015-04-29 20:06:47

@RyanatMGH My office, as usual

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2015-04-29 20:06:54

RT @jimmy2bad: 2pp people, mostly kids from Digital Harbor High chanting "We Love Baltimore" and marching to City Hall. #ScaryProtest

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 20:08:04

@RyanatMGH Commute will be fine, I'm right on Pratt Street.and traffic is flowing great

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 20:49:05

Rap Genius, never change:

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 20:59:16

RT @PhotogChris: #Balitmore #Orioles #BrianWilliamsMisremembers

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2015-04-29 21:08:44

RT @cmcampbell6: The most #Baltimore of corrections in an otherwise great story about today's desolate O's game http…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 21:14:58

Expect enforcement of reactive changes to BPD ops to have a half-life of about 2 months. By early 2016 "rough rides" will quietly reappear.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-04-29 21:17:03

You are what you measure. For a few months we'll all carefully gauge BPD on community interaction. Then slowly back to crime/arrest stats.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 00:02:20

RT @jmgpix: A #FreddieGray protester meets her man after two day in a #Baltimore jail.

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2015-04-30 00:02:39

RT @cullenenn: #Baltimore #JusticeForFreddieGray #blacklivesmatter #pennstation

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2015-04-30 01:16:22

RT @FiveThirtyEight: How Baltimore's young black men are boxed in:

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2015-04-30 14:40:34

RT @NateSilver538: I mean, literally, Al Gore is more likely to be the Democratic nominee than Bernie Sanders.

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2015-04-30 14:44:57

Trying to block out notification firehose I've been connected to this week. Phone on DND mode. Wearing dumb watch.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-30 14:55:40

RT @TammyforIL: When Members of Congress debate women in combat, I look down at the stumps of my legs & wonder, where do they think I was -…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 14:59:03

Who has a livestream link for the 11am presser re Gray investigation?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 15:02:59

@bmoreconnected At least on Twitter you get out in under 47 hours.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 15:04:55

Two minute warning on BPD presser

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 15:12:45

RT @justin_fenton: One new tidbit is that police found private security camera footage that determined where the second van stop occurred.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 15:14:16

Wonder if we will see Stingray or "tower dump" location data from involved officer's private cell phones used to refine timeline

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-04-30 16:33:30

@EleniPolites When is this from? It doesn't look like they are still there?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 17:20:46

NG with shields clustered at WTC

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-30 17:40:15

RT @willowdower: Really want to help Baltimore? Make a note now to do something in a few months when world attention leaves. Folks will sti…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 19:34:36

@maureenjohnson @anneheathen Right after car horn sounds are removed from all radio ads during drive-time

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 19:37:24

Not bad

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2015-04-30 20:19:25

Via NWS "At 356 PM EDT...a strong thunderstorm was over Josephine Lee...moving west at 15 mph". Are we doing per-person forecasts now?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 20:22:13

RT @ErinatTheSun: Again and again, West Baltimore residents asked Hogan to help with jobs, rec centers and development. The gov's response:…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 20:41:46

RT @TimHillRocks: Microsoft seems to think I'm either a woman in her young 30s or a 45 year old man. I guess there are a lot of bearded wom…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 20:44:32

@dennisthecynic Well said

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 20:47:17

RT @anamariecox: Oh, one of those VOLUNTARY head injuries you hear so much about these days.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-04-30 20:50:45

Right now @BethRodgersFNP is live-tweeting a Frederick Co council meeting spat that seems impossibly trivial next to any Baltimore update

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-04-30 20:53:29

RT @miguelmarquez: For first time some police are marching along and police closing roads ahead of protesters. #FreddieGray…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 20:55:00

RT @anamariecox: "Voluntary head injury" is the new "legitimate rape."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 21:10:26

Hey the scanner's back on. I literally did nothing to fix, just got the SERVICE UP emails

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 21:34:27

RT @justin_fenton: Per @Jean_Marbella, Freddie Gray's family just walked out of the @baltimoresao building

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-04-30 23:49:58

For the record @BethRodgersFNP you are doing great work covering this stuff, and I'm glad you do. Its just the contrast was striking today.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0


2015-05-01 13:01:43

RT @wbaltv11: Trending: Authorities seek man who tried to foil firefighting efforts

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-01 13:04:19

RT @deray: This is the badge that the @BaltimorePolice have given to those allowed to stay past curfew. #BaltimoreUprising…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 13:12:26

Talked to city friends who are fellow parents of young kids. To a person they say "What curfew? We're home by 8 and we're in bed by 10."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 13:16:56

RT @EdgeofSports: Here's a computer-enhanced photo of what David Brooks would look like if we dropped him in West Baltimore for 2 days. htt…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 13:30:27

RT @politico: Martin O’Malley’s political career, which started in Baltimore, may also end there | AP Photo http://t…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 14:25:20

There's a nonzero chance that the wind will blow over a flagpole again in the middle of the Mosby presser

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 14:26:33

When's the last time you heard police demand a special prosecutor?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 14:37:54

Just lost WBAL video stream. Keep me posted, Twitter!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 14:43:28

RT @MelserWBAL: @BaltimoreSAO speaking now. #FreddieGray

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-01 14:46:05

@MCChocolateGuy I got the feed back, thanks

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 14:51:54

RT @WBALDash: This is a very detailed and well thought out presser. My gosh.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 14:55:52

RT @brandon_weigel: "Your peace is severely needed as I work to bring justice for Freddie Gray," Mosby says.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 14:57:15

RT @justin_fenton: Mosby: "I have heard your call for no justice no peace. But your peace is needed as I work to deliver justice on behalf …

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 15:03:37

RT @nvasconcelos: So happy to be wrong about Marilyn Mosby.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 15:04:56

RT @MarkPuente: List of charges

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-01 15:05:12

RT @MarkPuente: More charges

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-01 15:21:09

RT @SushGirl: Oh yeah, please try to discredit @MarilynMosbyEsq. .. smart move. Are you kidding me? She hails from a family of police! #Fre…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 15:33:01

Time for curfew to end and NG to depart.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 3

2015-05-01 15:34:24

RT @alexandraerin: The problem here is not that the police did the thing to the wrong person, it is that they did the wrong thing.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 15:42:07

Now lets go back in the MD court records for the last 10 years and see the ratio of Article 19 § 59-22 convictions to nolle pros.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 15:43:25

@bosconet How many folks got taken for a ride for a legal knife and then had the charges dropped without comment

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 15:45:06

@bosconet I think that's what the nulle pros charge represents. Someone more familiar with the process can correct me.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 15:52:16

Police body cameras represent an enormous document management issue. Officer shift makes ~5GB video data = 5 terabytes per post per year

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 16:20:13

@SMLG_YALL Yeah, that's just the beginning of the story. Also downloading each shift, public records requests, preventing misfiling, etc.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 16:21:11

@SMLG_YALL Not an intractable problem, of course. Just one that isn't as simple as pressing record and forgetting about it

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 16:38:00

@TracyGosson This is not Clinton or her campaign speaking

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 16:45:23

RT @kirstiealley: Gotta say Im kinda lovin my power right now ... I can add "Major Bridge Closer Downer" to my resume

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 17:08:28

Any estimates on the turnover rate delta of BPD officers in the next six months vs the previous six? Will be an interesting stat to watch.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 17:12:17

@TDRDanny Does a typical vehicular manslaughter charge assume a victim outside the vehicle?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 17:14:47

When I see a convoy of NG transports growl down the street it reminds me of all the diesel fuel our taxes will have to pay for.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 17:18:52

@TaureanDoll @SushGirl Claim that the jury pool in Baltimore CIty is tainted by protests and media coverage, need change of venue

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 17:39:54

@jimmy2bad McKeldin

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 17:48:56


  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 5

2015-05-01 17:58:59

@griffey Blockchain can't be an enforcement mechanism when a copy is as good as the original.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 19:15:51

@griffey I can still open old bitcoins I've spent and read their contents. Doesn't matter because their value is in the next transaction.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 19:17:36

@griffey The ability to transact an eBook is secondary to the content. Still need DRM overlay to prevent use in multiple places

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 19:30:03

RT @KaitlinObscura: Now at Central Booking #FreddieGrayProtest #baltimoreprotests

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2015-05-01 19:41:05

Protest march blocking left two lanes of Pratt at Gay #baltraffic

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 19:59:55

RT @Juliemore: "I finally made a difference in the world," said Kevin Moore, the man who shot #FreddieGray's arrest.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 20:10:43

Skeptical reporters are skeptical at FOP presser.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 23:10:53

I'll be so happy when the local news segue into the national news isn't the exact same story.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-01 23:48:20

First curfews, now media codes of conduct. Next BPD and SRB will ask if we're really going out in that outfit and send us to bed w/o supper.

  • Favorites: 38, Retweets: 28

2015-05-01 23:50:31

@aresef see last tweet from BPD with post-curfew media rules

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-02 01:43:57

RT @CairnsKcairns: Some protestors vow they will not leave the lawn outside City Hall. Protest Curfew

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2015-05-02 02:16:45

RT @justin_fenton: People are sitting down in an act of civil disobedience and getting arrested over the curfew, on live TV

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-02 02:18:12

RT @TheBrownWord: The justifications 1st given for the curfew seem no longer to be present, so it does seem merely punitive & provocative.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-02 02:19:28

Only in Baltimore are people arrested for the crime of being out too late on a Friday night

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 7

2015-05-02 02:26:05

RT @RaniaKhalek: #Baltimore police have positioned themselves as a wall around the police van holding arrestees to keep media away http://t…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-02 02:28:32

RT @JustinKownacki: This Baltimore curfew situation is Orwellian. By claiming the curfew is for our safety, do they mean "from the police?"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-02 02:31:34

The Baltimore curfew should have ended 30 seconds after SA Mosby dropped her mic and walked off stage this morning

  • Favorites: 11, Retweets: 14

2015-05-02 02:37:19

RT @bad_decisions: Every day the curfew goes on we are hemorrhaging money. Unlike the city budget we have to pay our bills on time and not…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-02 15:44:00

RT @BrianfromABC2: this crude explosive device was charcoal, propane tank in plastic bottle. Found at Penn North Monday #BaltimoreRiots htt…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-02 19:06:10

RT @justin_fenton: Does Baltimore curfew lead to increase in day drinking? I'm going undercover to find out

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-04 11:16:47

RT @toggl: Take time every day to reflect on the big picture. This helps adjust your priorities #productivity

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-04 13:28:24

The office temperature is a perfect 76° this morning. Don't change a thing.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-04 16:23:19

Situational awareness in the office has returned to normal levels. A siren just went down Pratt St and nobody got up to look out the window.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-04 17:30:52

The live feed of Hansmeier vs. Doe is about a million times better than Mayweather vs. Pacquiao

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-04 17:53:02

RT @adamsteinbaugh: Judges allowing Pietz to go on because they need to rest their arms before resuming the flogging.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-04 17:53:45

So glad I took a late lunch to watch Morgan Pietz give arguments. I couldn't concentrate with this on in the background.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-04 18:25:38

RT @Popehat: Judge Tallman: "Counsel, you're not listening."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-04 18:44:34

RT @justin_fenton: 3 signal 13's dropped at North and Penn #scanner

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-04 18:50:03

"Armed suspect with handgun affected arrest discharged his own weapon"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-04 18:50:54

Scanner: Signal 13 is 10-32 (officer needs assistance has sufficient units)

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-04 21:17:26

The false FOX News report about a police shooting today is echoing through my office. Every half hour someone new asks about it.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-05 19:23:19

Why did I get a email from Donald Fry of the @gbcorg to an email I only use for domain name registrations? Are they buying spam lists?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-06 14:20:04

@BaltimoreBNN Kinksville sounds like a fun place to live

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-06 14:20:51

RT @jonswaine: A DC circuit court judge accused the US govt of behaving like Rachel from Friends yesterday http://t.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-06 14:25:50

Body cameras are actually pretty cheap. Might pick one up to show just how boring my day really is.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-06 14:28:16

@bosconet Also tons of expense when you need to offload the video to secure storage instead of just taping over it the next day

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-06 14:28:46

@wildbluebug I had a car camera for a while that got some interesting footage but it started having recording issues and I returned it

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-06 14:30:04

When the BPD gets body cameras can we make sure that all the K9 units get this? Those vids would be epic

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-06 14:42:55

RT @CairnsKcairns: As of 8am this morning 16 foot shark Mary Lee is off the coast of Assateague Island Maryland.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-06 14:46:36

RT @CraigCaplan: "It's not enough to restore public order in streets of #Baltimore,we need to rebuild"-@SenatorCardin on Senate floor http:…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-06 14:59:06

RT @nytimes: Police unions are struggling with the loss of a privileged position

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2015-05-06 15:12:33

National Night Out org implores community associations not to invite any security companies besides ADT to August events.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-06 15:55:30

RT @SavedYouAClick: The butt. RT @Salon: Sex experts think that more straight men are exploring a formerly taboo hot spot

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-06 15:58:52

RT @JohnRydell1: Gov. Hogan: state to withdraw $20 million from rainy day fund to pay for riot related costs. #Maryland…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-06 18:05:50

RT @reiley: Tom Brady's soft, grippable balls were confirmed as real and deliberate.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-08 16:28:11

My biggest pet peeve from this whole home inspection process is that everybody kept calling them CO2 detectors. Including both inspectors.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-08 18:40:47

Our office conversation just degraded into: "Well, if you were going to garrote someone, a metal guitar string isn't the worst choice."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-08 18:43:43

It started talking about the Python framework Django, then conflating Django Reinhardt with the plot of Django Unchained. So there it is.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-11 15:17:22

Wonder how much flack @jhweissmann getting for conflating Baltimore City and County in re Intergenerational Mobility plug on Slate Money

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-11 15:22:08

In @jhweissmann's defense, the Chetty paper does the same thing. Folks are used to big U.S. cities being contained within governing counties

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-11 15:27:54

Someone should design and market a $1 carbon dioxide detector for all the building and design contracts that write CO2 instead of CO.

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 1

2015-05-11 21:17:54

I'm sure every small hospitality business owner in Baltimore City is delighted to hear the mayor's curfew may have been illegitimate.

  • Favorites: 6, Retweets: 5

2015-05-11 21:19:23

Of course being eligible for a low-interest SBA loan more than makes up for missed revenue and small paychecks, right?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-11 21:29:08

Next time Mayor SRB tells us to do something under the color of law, the new most rational choice is to just ignore it.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-12 13:06:26

RT @BMcCarthy32: ding said the NFL's random punishment generator after a long weekend of making whirring and sputtering noises

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-12 13:49:17

Soon to be my life. Haha butts.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-12 14:02:38

@lizrawr Analogy: A bank charging you $5 per month vs. giving 0.25% interest instead of 3%. Same money, one ticks you off and is regressive.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-12 14:03:42

@lizrawr The whole budget is a shell game anyway. The only reason lawmakers itemize taxes and fees is to express their displeasure.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-12 15:45:19

RT @MrTrashWheel: The ducks were having a hard time crossing my trash booms, so we made a bridge and now this is happening…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-12 19:22:58

RT @baynardwoods: #mckeldinfountain

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-12 19:39:15

My iPhone: Amazon Music was playing, but now WiFi is off and phone streaming is disabled. So I'll just play this random Christmas carol, OK?

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-05-12 20:13:06

RT @emptywheel: How to compose a picture w/6'8" man and his 5'1" superior to emphasize her stature.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-12 20:14:43

RT @ReutersUS: BREAKING: Madison, Wisconsin police officer will not face charges in fatal shooting of black 19-year-old: prosecutor

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-12 20:18:39

RT @MolotovFlicker: Sunny Hostin on surprising amount of details made public by Wisconsin prosecutor: "I'm calling this the Mosby effect."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-12 20:41:18

RT @wesbos: Super excited for this new O’Reilly book

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-12 20:46:59

HoCo bans firearms in county buildings. Why? Someone violating this law already on the hook under MD law, right?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-13 15:59:52

Loan officer tries to say that $30k in savings over 30 year refinance is the same as $1,000/yr. I explain amortization schedules. #notmyjob

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-05-13 16:05:55

Explaining amortization to people who don't already know it is like trying to explain the "last dollar" of marginal tax rates.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-05-13 16:25:54

@sdawncasey Stop tweeting and take cover

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-13 16:30:05

@sdawncasey Warnings are issued when radar indicates strong circular motion or one is spotted. They are for very small very specific areas

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-13 19:07:35

Asked a county firefighter how many hoarding cases they see locally, and how bad. Said hoarders don't hold a candle to the bariatric calls.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-13 19:44:49

Did anyone else notice the surveying helicopter working a grid pattern over downtown?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-05-13 19:49:45

@TheBrownWord Yep its just working its way slowly south via a east-west pattern across the city. Did some close OH passes on our bldg

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-14 15:36:20

I can't remember the last time I took a survey that was well designed.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-14 16:22:42

I can't imagine ever using this, but I'm glad it exists

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-15 15:11:06

RT @SteveMatthews12: Greenspan: Get ready for another taper tantrum via @CNBC

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-15 15:12:46

The phrase "taper tantrum" to describe market disruption from higher interest rates is awesome. WAH MY TVM ISN'T FAAAAAIR

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-18 14:43:39

Easy access to plentiful caffeine is in the top 3 reasons I don't live in a cardboard box in a gutter right now.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-18 21:18:10

Good Guy Monty Hall wants to impart his knowledge. Your Scumbag Brain doesn't believe it:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-18 21:20:33

@Bmorejourno Not confusing from a traffic flow perspective. Out of Service bus can get back to where the riders are faster than in service

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-18 21:31:13

RT @ignu: I don't know why I ever look up USPS tracking numbers. The only states it has is:

  1. What? We don't know what this is.
  2. You mu…
  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-18 21:31:43

RT @dntlookbehindu: Wife: WTF is in the window? Me: The festive collinear antenna! Wife: Get it down. Me: Festive!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-18 22:03:21

Lots of police outside Citgo station at Harford Road and 25th St.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-19 01:36:57

My wife just got a blaring flash flood warning on her phone. My phone across the room got crickets. Wth Verizon?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-19 01:38:40

@zegolf definitely have not opted out. When they happen at work downtown I'm one of the dozens of phone klaxons. Home? Crapshoot.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-19 12:39:57

Settling in to my work day with my @baltimorebrew coffee mug and a @polymtl paper

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-19 14:18:58

RT @phil_g: Neat. Howard County uses for citizen problem reporting. (@vees, have you seen thi…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-19 17:00:07

@philshapiro Entrepreneurs can't be chained down by residences

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-19 17:00:39

@philshapiro Besides, if an entrepreneur got a residence they'd probably mortgage it to fund their next big company idea

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-20 15:32:04

Wife sends me a status update text: phrase "[child] ate potting mix" a casual addition to list of terrible things that happened since 8am.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-20 15:43:49

@wildbluebug I'm not worried about it

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-21 02:23:58

I want to set up a SDR just to retweet EAS duck farts from KEC83.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-21 14:37:53

@RateYourRide Compliments to driver of 11027 bus on #19 route this morning. So cheerful to everyone, brightened my morning.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-21 14:38:46

RT @AlexanderAbdo: The FBI has a classified understanding of "U.S. persons" . . .

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-21 14:43:38

Achievement Unlocked: Used a WMATA SmarTrip card on an MTA bus fare.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-05-21 15:47:48

Would you do business with a loan officer who calls the amount of money originally loaned your "principle?"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-21 15:51:30

BCPS superintendent issues PR applauding generosity of county council budget allotment, which probably means the school system got too much.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-21 16:35:56

@WBALDash Are you A-list or B-list invitations?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-21 18:16:38

RT @BrianfromABC2: .@ATFHQ wanted poster for suspect setting off crude explosives at Penn North #BaltimoreRiots #FreddieGray…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-21 19:13:58

The AFSK data burst ringtone for incoming texts on my phone is slowly desensitizing my co-workers to the sound of Emergency Alert System

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-05-21 19:17:17

echo "ZCZC-EAS-DMO-024005+0015+2701033-KC2AEI-" | minimodem --tx same -f ringtone.wav

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-21 20:32:30

The one thing missing from my day was a photo of a dead oil-covered pelican. Thanks every news station on Twitter.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-21 21:28:35

Can anyone tell my why downtown is in something approaching complete gridlock right now.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-23 20:26:53

Four county council members thought it was a good idea to extend legal door-to-door soliciting into 5 to 7 p.m. aka "family dinner time."

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-24 11:44:00

"You know why your property hasn't sold? It's ten dollars over-priced. Let's fix that."

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-25 13:50:02

RT @baltimoresun: 18 people were shot this weekend in Baltimore. 33 have been killed so far in May.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-26 12:57:10

Glad I come in to downtown via surface roads. There's always another artery road I can take in if one gets fucked. There's only one I-395.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-26 13:36:01

RT @TheMDTA: Balt City SB & NB I-95 ramps to inbound I-395 (Ex53) REOPENED. #baltraffic

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-26 14:47:55

Aux port in the 2007 Camry is over-engineered. Has internal switch to detect inserted audio plugs but when switch breaks input is disabled.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-26 14:57:01

@jurph Agree on both counts. Luckily it looks like getting access to that plug is quick, and I can just solder a single terminal to fix

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-26 15:28:52

The FHA appraiser showed up at our house for reinspection with his newborn baby, so he must be confident its safe and habitable

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-05-26 16:26:22

@jeffreyprice @HamiltonHills I'm not a fan because egress/igress will cause that intersection to be way worse than the cluster it is now

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-26 17:20:27

Emoji are the sacred carvings of our time. Future historical fiction will depict treasure hidden by a puzzle of smiling poop letters

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2015-05-26 19:13:38

"Rape and incest represent heinous crimes and as such should be treated as capital crimes."

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0

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2015-05-26 22:06:43

RT @BACOPoliceFire: #BCoPD on the scene of a shooting in Glen Arm. Man on tractor hit by gunfire. Anyone with information is asked to call …

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2015-05-27 11:45:23

RT @thepacketrat: Dear @NBCNews @TODAYshow please stop using the term "sophisticated hackers". You don't seem to know what it means.

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2015-05-27 11:46:11

@thepacketrat watching the same show, having the same reaction

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2015-05-27 17:21:24

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2015-05-27 18:14:40

A handful of people in my office just got a WEA for a severe thunderstorm watch. As usual, I didn't get one.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-05-28 13:30:26

RT @ashedryden: The tech industry is becoming harder and harder to parody.

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2015-05-28 16:00:49

To combat murder trend numbers, Baltimore mayor and council will legislatively divide month into "Early May" and "Late May" #problemsolved

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 3

2015-05-28 16:09:46

RT @trevorpaglen: Can someone just write headline "NSA Spies on Millions of Gun Owners; Tea Party Activists" - that should put Patriot Act …

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2015-05-28 16:45:54

RT @justin_fenton: .@FOP3 just released statement blaming crime spike on post-#FreddieGray indecisive officers & "empowered" criminals http…

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2015-05-28 18:37:43

It is stupid bright outside downtown.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-05-29 15:20:43

RT @BACOPoliceFire: #BCoFD on the scene of an explosion in a boiler room in the 100 block of Chesapeake Park Plaza. Two people exposed to h…

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2015-05-29 18:46:50

In case there was any doubt about the new racist four letter word in Baltimore

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-05-30 15:28:53

"It's got to be the carburetor. It's always the carburetor."

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

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2015-06-01 15:21:17

RT @BaltimoreBNN: Parkville |ARMED ROBBERY| Taylor Ave iao Old Harford Rd. Store robbed. Suspects fled the scene.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-01 15:41:15

Word of the day from @Dahlialithwick's Amicus podcast this morning: invidious, adj. unfairly discriminating; unjust.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-01 16:54:00

My twitter feed is now 90% a picture of Caitlyn Jenner's crotch.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-01 17:09:32

Moving 2.5 mi up the street, same zip, same gear, no install required. Suddenly identical @VerizonFiOS service $15/mo more expensive. Lame!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-01 18:14:54

Pretty clear @GovernorOMalley won't win because even Marylanders don't like him. @forecasterenten delivers the data:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-01 18:24:20

@aCraigPfeifer At least that will be fun to watch him walk back all his comments about how dynasties don't belong in politics

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-02 01:27:20

Today I realized our mortgage principal will not be as low again as it is today until July 2034.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-02 15:15:12

I need to stop using a "rolling the dice" gesture at work when describing random probability. Co-workers keep misinterpreting.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-02 15:32:46

RT @jemillerwbal: Shower stall at Balto City Jail..part of new complaint about treatment of detainees at the scandal ridden facility http…

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2015-06-02 15:33:49

@missfidget What's wrong with those numbers?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-02 15:44:21

@lizhenry Is this @sfmta_muni you're on right now?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-02 16:07:49

@sdawncasey Did you know if you shake an imaginary container of salt over your mouth you can actually taste it?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-02 16:11:38

Would be interesting to quantify the percentage of email threads I'm on where I'm the only non-Gmail address.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-02 16:17:00

@sdawncasey Just don't try it in public

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-03 15:56:44

@tom_swiss The Bill Me Later service?

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2015-06-03 20:57:42

RT @BACOPoliceFire: Have you seen Emmanuel Adebisi? Call 410-887-2361 #MissingPerson

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2015-06-04 15:11:33

RT @caitlin_carlson: Signal out at Ebenezer Rd and Pulaski Highway in White Marsh

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2015-06-08 14:54:38

To the driver who blew past me on I-83 with license plate "SUP YO": I ain't even mad.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-10 00:44:15

At OPACY and wondering exactly when high-waisted jean shorts came (back?) in style. Also when they'll go back out again.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-06-10 00:46:10

Seriously it's like a sea of bright orange and faded denim out here. Did I accidentally park in a time machine?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-10 01:12:17

I liked baseball better before video reviews.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-10 15:10:43

RT @BACOPoliceFire: Units en route to reported tractor - trailer fire on top of Key bridge ^ LL

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-10 17:24:17

From now on whenever anyone asks me what I do for a living I'm just going to show them this Kotaku illustration

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-06-10 19:15:57

HDR pictures in your listing make me think its conveniently located in either Parkville or the Blade Runner universe

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2015-06-10 21:39:38

"This is the internet! Not a feelings factory."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-11 16:06:03

I only recently discovered that the phrase "call DYFS" is a phrase only people who grew up in NJ understand.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-11 16:07:57

RT @PINACnews: #Maryland Corrections Officers Threaten to Arrest PINAC Journalists For Recording Interview on Constitution Street http://t.…

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2015-06-11 16:13:49

@yesthattom Being an early adopter doesn't mean you need to be a tech martyr. If he had a reason for each one it means at least he tried it.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-11 19:02:07

Listed at $259k. Last sold Dec 2014 for $110k. Color me skeptical you added $149k of value to this property in 6 mo.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-11 19:56:15

RT @Point_Mutation: I fell in love with the microcentrifuge... typical woman in the lab. #DistractinglySexy

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-06-11 20:31:25

RT @lukebroadwater: Public records I received came in an envelope first used by Kurt Schmoke, mayor of Baltimore, in 1991…

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2015-06-12 12:48:42

Oh my god I am literally only 6 years away from being able to join the QCWA.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-12 13:25:30

In four hours Windows Update is going to ruin my day. I'm too busy to reboot now and I'll miss the dialog later.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-12 14:17:02

If you replace "cloud" with "other people's computers" and "big data" with "every customer record" you will understand my world better.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-06-12 14:22:54

Cloud-based big data analysis is "renting other people's computers to run reports on all the info you have about all your customers."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-12 14:56:41

Bill Pasternak WA6ITF, SK. Posthumous thanks for the media boost during the Swatch Satellite debacle in 1999. (HT @w2lj)

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-12 15:07:22

Basically Javascript:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-12 15:08:44

RT @thegypsytruck: We're here for you! Pratt n Commerce. It's HOT on the truck, but we have cool street eats

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-06-12 17:06:05

Anyone sell a notary journal that's the size of a Moleskine pocket notebook? The only ones I can find are desk sized. I'm an on-the-go guy.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-12 17:13:55

You whippersnappers aren't even old enough to remember when the county website was

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2015-06-12 17:20:42

@gfitzp I'm trying to figure out why they sunset those old hostnames. Did they have to give them up to get access to .gov TLD?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-12 17:21:24

So this is what a White House looks like in year 7.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-12 20:38:07

"[A] survey of graduating high school seniors revealed that over 50 percent thought that Sodom and Gomorrah were husband and wife."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-13 01:56:12

Good thing I took a good drivers license photo in 2010. I had no idea I'd have the same one for the next 11 years.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-13 01:58:30

It's nothing close to this lovely profile picture mug but it's definitely passable. And it's me in my late 20s so that's nice too.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-15 14:04:12

Anyone want to take bets on when I get the letter stating that the SF-86 I filled out in 2006 is now also stored in a Chinese spy database?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-15 20:55:39

The Smores flavor destroys any pretense of these Pop Tarts being a not unhealthy mid-day snack.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-15 20:59:03

Life in 2015: Listening to track called "Bass Cannon". The lyrics are "Bass cannon (let the bass cannon kick it)" repeated x100

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-16 00:08:54

I understand most of the traffic icons but the one makes me think I should avoid the mall and time paradoxes.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

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2015-06-16 14:14:04

So glad I left the house before the #RachelDonezal interview came on. It sounds like a lot of heads are exploding from the justifications.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-16 15:34:10

From 1999-2015 @governoromalley had some level of executive authority over Baltimore City Schools. HT @dennisthecynic

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-16 16:04:03

RT @city_paper: ICYMI: @SusanReimer and @Juliemore take buyouts from @baltimoresun, more possibly coming:

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2015-06-16 17:50:41

RT @justin_fenton: Baltimore Police union learns the joys of Md's Public Information Act

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2015-06-16 18:03:41

Quantified Civic: Lifetime MPG: 29.3. Last 305 miles MPG: 27.9.

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2015-06-17 02:00:39

RT @EricWFMJ: Real nice pass of the International Space Station coming up at about 10:15. Details:

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2015-06-17 13:39:49

RT @s13mon: Why machines will never replace humans. They just don't understand us.

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2015-06-17 13:44:08

RT @thepacketrat: OPM was in kind of a hurry to get this contract out: 5 days from RFQ to award.

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2015-06-17 13:49:02

@justingeorge That happened to some folks from my office. Guards do know they can't enforce it, but demand anyway.

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2015-06-17 14:53:35

Bruce Wayne fatally shot in Parkville. #toosoon

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-17 14:55:27

RT @jbendery: Email to all House staff this a.m.: OPM breach wider than 1st thought. BG files of ppl w past/present security clearances may…

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2015-06-17 14:56:42

OPM says past security clearances included in leak. Called it.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-17 18:37:06

Best tl;dr: "We have a Latina Supreme Court Justice swearing in the the first black attorney general with a black abolitionist’s bible."

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-17 20:47:45

Never thought @OverleaRocks would be Internet famous for being #relentlesslygay. But there it is.

  • Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0

2015-06-18 13:34:13

RT @FBI: Active manhunt underway to locate #Charleston shooting subject. Please review photos & report tips to 1-800-CALL-FBI.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-18 13:36:26

RT @holy_chao: Ask yourself: Why would the white terrorist in the #CharlestonShooting choose to act right now? Why in the way that he did?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-18 14:12:22

Just went to a page on the IBTimes where TWO video ads started playing at the same time over the music in my headphones. Jarring!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-18 14:27:38

Bulletin to Millennials: A Father's Day email with the subject "Daddy Dearest" gives me the heebie-jeebies. Google Christina Crawford.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-18 14:32:55

RT @keithboykin: The new face of terror looks a lot like the old face of terror. #DylanRoof #CharlestonShooting

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2015-06-18 16:29:19

Last words heard at POTUS presser feed: "What would you do differently on gun control?"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-18 18:49:39

RT @CommLawBlog: EAS Rules Revised

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2015-06-19 14:13:25

Anecdotal increase in spam referencing hosted domains today

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2015-06-19 14:23:58

"Don't underestimate the appeal of the irascible old man who speaks truths." -@jbouie

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-21 01:12:45

@JoannaFBB My computer is cross-posting raw Emergency Alert Messages from the weather radio. TOR = Tornado. 024005 = Baltimore County.

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2015-06-21 01:14:05

@joannafbb Here you go

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-21 14:20:27

Just overloaded a laptop power supply by keying up a portable radio too close.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-22 13:37:57

The UHear app and my Sennheiser HD 280 headphones peg my hearing loss as mild in my right ear. No surprise for 35.

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2015-06-22 14:28:58

Last night I slept on my arm in a certain way that's making typing this morning very painful. Time to locate some aspirin.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-22 14:52:27

RT @BaltimoreTom: My 8 yo found a loophole. He discovered he can tell any of us to 'shut up' as long as he follows it with 'and dance with …

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-22 17:08:32

Ragu, Bertolli Make Agency Change Under New Ownership

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-22 17:23:01

Martin O'Malley is coming out hard against guns. Maybe that worked in Maryland elections...

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2015-06-22 20:28:16

Thoughts and prayers with Governor @LarryHogan

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-22 20:39:43

Hogan: "The best news is that my odds of getting through his and beating this are much, much better than my odds of beating Anthony Brown"

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 2

2015-06-22 21:39:06

RT @ChaseMit: Don't worry, Confederate flag supporters, you may have lost the battle, but you haven't lost the w-- oh right

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-23 14:19:35

My last two emails: NWS: "Use your air conditioning today" BGE: "But not too much please"

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-06-23 20:50:06

NWS to warned area in PA "consider moving cars into a garage"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-23 21:04:36

@GusSent Amazon Mechanical Turk

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-23 21:08:37

@GusSent I've only played with it on a very superficial level myself, lmk if you want to try to make something

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-23 21:43:49

RT @JustinWeather: Multiple reports of golf ball size hail and some broken windows in Cockeysville/Hunt Valley MD. Be safe

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-24 00:39:46

Awesome clouds over Parkville right now. Are these round enough to be Mammatus? @JustinWeather

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

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2015-06-24 12:10:02

Minor accident at Perring Parkway southbound at Taylor Avenue #BALTraffic

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-24 16:11:48

Today I learned Millenials use eggplant emoji to mean penis. #🍆 #kidsthesedays

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-24 16:20:14

Recent fashion phenomenon: tight clothing reveals unsightly FitBit lines

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-06-24 16:42:56

@magurski you appear to have given this a fair amount of thought

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-24 16:43:57

@SophieBegonia I don't think I was ever scandalized. I've been on these internets for a while.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-24 17:15:38

U.S. Government: You shouldn't pay ransomware to recover to your data. You may now pay terrorists to recover your loved ones.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-24 20:42:12

My desk always seems to go from super cluttered to ascetic with nothing in between

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2015-06-24 21:07:51

@genehack ascetic is a subjective term

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-06-25 13:32:42

My wife caught a man masturbating at @bcplinfo White Marsh before "Baby Story Time" and told the librarian. She says he's still there.

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2015-06-25 14:19:05

@bcplinfo Thank you. Because of the delay I've advised her to call county police immediately if this ever happens again.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-25 14:31:28

SCOTUS says congress "plainly meant to avoid" a "calamitous result" yet often amendments are clearly intended as poison pills during debate.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-25 14:35:49

@BenRossTransit What's the Thomas Johnson bridge? Is like when my E-ZPass has a "William Preston Lane Bridge" toll and I have to look it up

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2015-06-25 17:12:04

@realtormarney Buyer should provide seller so they can make complaint to MHIC for unworkmanlike repair, co's insurance can fight it out.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-25 20:38:47

In 2013 a company recalled a device marketed to prevent SIDS after two children choked to death on its power cord. HT @laura_june

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2015-06-25 21:15:14

Proposal: Baltimore County should be renamed to Hereford County. Baltimore City should be dis-incorporated and renamed Baltimore County.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-06-25 21:20:36

@jurph We could just merge Harford and Baltimore and call it Hardball County.

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2015-06-26 00:41:11

@phil_g I don't imagine that it would, but it would make it less obvious that the city was an entirely different sort of entity in MD

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2015-06-26 12:33:03

RT @ieure: Ah, finally got my Emacs setup just how I like it.

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2015-06-26 15:21:10

I don't know enough about leaky Java abstractions to properly administer Jenkins.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-26 20:34:38

@eleikus that wasn't a euphemism for watching you pee and you know it

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-29 13:21:41

Social Security Admin online account login page is timing out this morning. Probably directly related to the mass email they sent out today.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-29 13:22:03

@justin_fenton Don't feel bad, I had to do the same for The Wire.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-29 13:42:40

@dj_kittycat Just an email inviting folks to login and download their annual SSA statements.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-29 14:37:09

Are these "irrelevancy of Scalia" narratives I keep reading the construct of hobbyist court watchers or something more substantial?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-29 14:42:16

@david_s_marks I always admire your attention to detail

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2015-06-29 15:36:37

Looking for the proper adapter to connect my iPhone 5C to a @Cybex 770T Treadmill. Will a standard 30 pin to Lightning adapter work?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-30 13:46:54

The first charity solicitation letter that includes return address labels for my new house will receive a generous donation.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-06-30 14:23:48

Fantastic Field Day 2015 report by W2LJ for NJ2SP. As a founding member of SP RACES I love seeing hometown activity:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-30 15:15:24

RT @BMore_Healthy: It's been only about 90 minutes but it's already triple digits in the car. Imagine if you forgot your child inside http…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-06-30 16:28:11

Who decided that LS_COLORS='di=01;34' was a good idea?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0


2015-07-01 05:48:38

Times when it is okay to send a flash flood warning to my phone at 1:30 a.m.: 1. When I am literally under water. 2. No, that's it.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-01 18:32:37

RT @justingeorge: Mayor says riot gear inventory is being taken & the department will be prepared before #FreddieGray verdicts come down.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-01 18:33:26

RT @SkipBrooks9: On a 8th field trip to DC, we had a Q&A with @VP Joe Biden. I got this letter a week later. It still inspires me. http://t…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-02 21:49:51

RT @USATODAY: Don't you feel safe now? TSA tweets photo and location of passenger's bag filled with $75,000 http://t…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-03 16:39:50

Relaxation takes different forms for different people. This is mine.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-07-07 13:31:52

RT @adamjohnsonNYC: My latest: "Zero for 40 in 14 Years: Why Do Media Still Take FBI Terror Warnings Seriously?" htt…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-07 14:08:26

Being sad for Bill Cosby is like being sad when vinyl siding falls off your house and reveals rotted wood underneath. It was already rotten.

  • Favorites: 4, Retweets: 2

2015-07-07 14:28:39

RT @BACOPoliceFire: #BCoPD charges man with taking pictures up women's dresses at York Road Safeway. ^JW http://t.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-07 16:01:23

In my ears right now:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-07 19:56:58

Having 1000 followers on my Twitter account seems to be the trigger point for getting added to PR agency auto-follow lists.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-07 20:20:13

@samanthasquared Not exactly. I've been oscillating ±20 for the last two months or so. They're obviously fake, so what's to brag about?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-08 20:05:19

Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Davis to replace Anthony W. Batts as the Baltimore Police Commissioner effective immediately.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-07-09 13:47:51

The worst part about being a notary public is that some lawyers do shitty work and I'm constrained by law from mentioning it.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-09 14:16:20

I"m surprised Netflix didn't just cut loose all Chicago-based customers in response to the cloud tax.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-09 14:55:59

@bosconet Amazon will probably not have to incur any additional expense to build out their local tax collection infrastructure. Netflix tho?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-09 21:49:06

Well I've pretty much just lost faith in humanity

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-07-10 14:32:11

Ryland Homes calls Rushley Road in Parkville "Minutes from Baltimore’s Inner Harbor" in ad spread. Yes, 30 minutes. A half hour.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-10 14:35:10

@TimHillRocks Technically every major project I've worked on, I have completed in minutes.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-10 14:52:45

@david_s_marks This tweet got cut off in the middle

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-10 17:52:55

Did encryption prevent the FBI from knowing that Dylan Roof shouldn't be able to buy a firearm? The answer may surprise you! (It's "No")

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-12 12:04:16

RT @baynardwoods: To Americans who say Greece must pay its debts-let China say that to us. Like old saying-owe $10000 bank owns u, owe $100…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-13 12:11:49

Speed enforcement on Perring Parkway north of putty Hill Avenue #BALTraffic

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-13 13:57:25

Summertime means long highway trips and increased fuel efficiency. Cumulative average finally trending up again.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-07-13 13:59:04

@sugarfreak You may also want to put in a 311 request, assuming you haven't already.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-13 14:12:14

@sugarfreak If talking with BGE doesn't get results, I've never had a BGE issue that a letter to OPC didn't fix.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-13 15:19:59

A product I would buy: A physical Bluetooth button that mimics the +15 second button on the Apple Podcasts app.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-13 15:42:29

@ralban There are plenty of products that come really close. I can do most of this from my Pebble, but not a 15 second skip with one tap

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-13 15:44:50

@ralban On Android I'm guessing?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-13 15:48:19

@ralban The Apple Podcasts app is another thing that does about 80% of what I want. Not worth the effort to start all over.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-13 16:12:01

Thanks to @BaltimoreBrew for keeping up on the investigation of of James Bethea's death

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-13 18:39:58

RT @kathrynschulz: I wrote about the earthquake that will eat the Pacific Northwest:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-14 01:56:21

I know I'm late to the party but damn the last season of How I Met Your Mother is a huge disappointment.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-14 14:16:01


  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-14 14:17:49

RT @Shit_TQ_Says: If I see the rednecks putting in earplugs, I'm putting in some damn earplugs.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-14 18:15:46

"Being a snail of a retiring and contented disposition"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-14 18:25:35

"The eruption of her implants caused severe damage to her rectum, colon, and lower intestines."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-15 14:11:47

Prime Day is a bust for me. I missed the great deals on the two things I want and everything else isn't appealing.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-15 14:51:20

And another two deals that were completely sold out before I even saw them. And what is this Wait List bullshit?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-15 19:28:44

Amazon's garage sale indeed. Ooh 1500 watt gas generator $169... click... NOPE ALL SOLD OUT how about Hair Loss Prevention Organic Shampoo?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-15 22:02:55

Check out this cool episode:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-07-16 00:41:14

Best pace in 2015 today: 12:20 min/mi over 2.24 miles. Looks like a <38 min 5K relay leg @bsarsgard @bpoulin

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-07-16 13:52:15

Only 14 days to Team Brobigayil 15K relay race @abigayil @bpoulin how are we looking for time?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-16 14:43:31

Someone in my office just got a IRS scam call at her work number and they knew her name and home address. Scary stuff!

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-07-16 14:52:53

Sometimes I wonder why I don't get those scam calls and then I realize that what Google Voice doesn't filter, I just don't pick up.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-16 15:21:25

@MEHOKIE @TheBrownWord From what I heard it sounded more like a credit report hack

  • Favorites: 17, Retweets: 4

2015-07-16 15:22:04

Yesterday I received my new passport with the RFID chip installed and I just can't get worked up about it. What's happened to me?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-16 20:33:38

@abigayil @bpoulin Don't let @KelseyAnnT and @bsarsgard put us to shame

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-16 22:53:01

@1kevgriff you can part together a pretty good system for under $100 on Amazon

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-19 15:01:04

Time 11:00 am, Temperature 87.4 F

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-20 14:00:41

Ashley Madison user database hacked and posted online. Couldn't have happened to nicer people.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-20 14:43:56

AWS Identity and Access Management is infuriatingly complex.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-20 15:49:31

Ashley Madison claims to have removed all their leaked data from the whole Internet, a feat even the U.S. Government can't accomplish.

  • Favorites: 4, Retweets: 2

2015-07-20 16:48:45

RT @BACOPoliceFire: BCoFD plans to bill insurers for patient transport. Chief Hohman: "Residents will not pay a penny."…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-20 16:49:28

@genehack Yes

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-20 16:52:18

@tom_swiss Or: private insurers have been profiting from the county's beneficence until now, and we haven't subrogated for our Medicaid dues

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-20 16:52:31

RT @ftrain: The 37 million AshleyMadison users should chill about the big hack; after all, it's just metadata.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-20 19:40:06

RT @barbhaynes: #DonaldTrump is like if a Comments Section ran for office.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-21 13:10:11

Latest parenting derp: The radiation from digital baby monitors causes autism. But not analog ones. They're safe.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-21 13:59:06

I left my black pens at home. I have only blue and red. This day is ruined.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-21 14:00:51

@TimHillRocks Exactly! Plus both of my bound notebooks are entirely black ink so far. It's terrible.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-21 14:11:58

RT @caitlindewey: I wish this was real

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

Tweet Image

2015-07-21 18:14:25

For a random peek into my life, go here:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-21 19:04:38

RT @PatWarrenWJZ: City council passes bill requiring restaurants/carry-outs to post health dept violations resulting in shut-downs #WJZ @cb…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-21 19:08:58

RT @JustinKownacki: BusinessTown's satire keeps getting sharper:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

Tweet Image

2015-07-21 20:54:04

We adopted a kitten and mother cat today. My wife finally has the dream of cats who groom each other.

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0

2015-07-22 12:58:32

RT @AccessDNR: Invasive #Snakeheads Found Above Great Falls!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

Tweet Image

2015-07-22 13:53:46

Great deal today on these over-the-ear Bluetooth headphones if anyone is looking to buy a pair. My dad loves his.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-22 13:55:32

RT @BaltoSpectator: 12 hours after 2 people were shot, scenes of carnage remain. Where's the cleanup @MayorSRB, @BaltimorePolice??? http://…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-22 20:56:52

Classic @PhilDarnowsky (2001)

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-23 20:49:46

PIcture of the day: My wife @caitlin_carlson hugging a unicorn

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-24 15:14:31

Latest @shanselman podcast with @mj1856 made nostalgic for @kendallmiller rants about the hidden complexity of time at @mindovrmachines

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-07-24 15:28:45

RT @politicalmath: Oh yes, a criminal inquiry will spell "trouble" for Hillary.

She could River Tam a pile of nuns & the NYT would endors…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-24 15:29:01

@politicalmath @CaseySoftware If the nuns are already in a pile why bother?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-24 15:29:28

RT @NYPD24Pct: Summer=crowds. Protect your stuff. We @ 24 r not the fashion police but fanny packs present a special case.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-24 15:31:00

@CaseySoftware @politicalmath Pretty sure the proper plural is "a convent of nuns"

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-24 17:29:04

Picture of the day from Harford County. Honestly, they should have seen this coming.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-24 20:37:18

Quite possibly the best picture of @jasoninprogress ever

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-26 02:08:46

Any Python coders know why json.dumps encodes Kuşadası as 'Ju\u015fadas\u0131' but .encode('utf-8') yieids 'Ku\xc5\x9fadas\xc4\xb1'?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-27 13:37:45

I read "Never Let Me Go" and dismissed it as dystopian fiction. Then a redditor posts their actual donor life story

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-27 14:34:34

@dj_kittycat Is this a standard government form or something agency specific?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-27 15:18:43

Let's just enter this data in the original language with Unicode, I said. It'll force me to learn how Django handles Unicode, I said.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-27 15:28:43

@genehack n̦̪͋̈̄̅͌ͥe̴̺͇v͎̗̟͕ͤ̇ͬ̊́̋e̙͝r͖̠͎̩̥̄̊ͫ͐ ͎̼̗͕̝̱̻̓͒̀ą̗̫͚ͧ̑̂̎ͅg̗̙̫̠̾ͧ̀͗́̒͡ͅa̞̠̤ͨ̇̒ͨ͜i͇̍͒̒̚n̋͐̋̾̐҉̳͓̹͍̗̲͍

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-07-27 17:33:13

Photo of the day, my paternal grandparents Bill Carlson and Peggy Carlson circa 1978, from his slide archives

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-27 18:03:06

Order of precedence, cola edition: Pepsi, Coke with real sugar, Coke, Pepsi with real sugar, any generic cola.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-27 19:52:35

RT @NodePing: We've had an issue with an upgrade today that sent some false 'down' alerts. We apologize and are working hard to correct th…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-27 21:28:57

@d9jms Mountain Dew isn't a cola, so the list stands. When I do my ranking list of orange flavored drinks it'll be there

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-28 11:10:01

RT @drpuffa: Deploying with git...

Life before: 😥 Life after: 😀

#webdev #coding #productivity

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-28 11:39:35

RT @trevortimm: This is just…there are no words

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

Tweet Image

2015-07-28 18:15:36

Does this type of design have a name? Google isn't coming up with anything:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-28 22:05:05

Listening to the city that breeds podcast with the quietest @carolsott I've ever heard

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-28 22:25:11

@CarolSOtt that plus your quiet mic and I hardly recognized you

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-29 15:32:22

@david_s_marks Your background in transportation policy shows from how excited you are about road resurfacing lately :)

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-29 15:34:05

@david_s_marks 140 chars too short to mention circulator and bicycle beltway in a grammar friendly tweet, but I've noticed

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-29 15:43:39

@brookeissocial It's OK if that someone is you. That's what the train is for.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-07-29 18:28:39

Photo of the day: My grandparents in London with Big Ben in the distance, date unknown

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-30 16:23:37

Picture of the day: drip sandcastles on Assateague Island beach

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-30 23:33:27

Our house is constantly filled with the artificially generated sounds of nature.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-31 16:35:19

Couldn't remember where I took this picture but Google Images recognized it instantly as a wall in Philadelphia

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-31 16:41:56

@dennisthecynic In grandfather's slides right-clicking in Chrome to "Search for this Image" has about a 7% success rate for world landmarks

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-31 16:44:40

@dennisthecynic TinEye has been able to do this pretty well for a while. Google made it a little easier.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-31 19:32:49

RT @bpoulin: Race #s ready! Corporate Challenge #BOMF @havashelia_NA @bsarsgard @kfredders @abigayil @vees @KelseyAnnT @thek1dSM http://t.c…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-07-31 22:54:51

#BOMF @KelseyAnnT @bsarsgard and @bpoulin ready to race

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 3

Tweet Image


2015-08-01 01:09:18

@bpoulin So glad I always have this picture to remember sitting on that angry anthill

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-01 01:39:22

Training paid off! 3.26 miles in 33:28 for a 10:16 pace. Combined team effort 15k in under 90 min @bpoulin @abigayil

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

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2015-08-03 01:31:31

Official 15K time posted: 1:29:14.3 with a 9:36 pace. Good job @bpoulin @abigayil #BOMF #HavasHelia

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-04 20:54:44

RunKeeper's sharing tool is obnoxious so here's a terrain map of my 6.66 mile hike unencumbered by a login screen

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-05 00:06:41

Not supposed to code to metrics, but the Github "current streak" stat is so damn motivating.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

Tweet Image

2015-08-05 20:59:35

My county scanner radio is back online now powered by a Raspberry Pi. Weird audio, working on it.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-08-06 01:11:23

Ran into this little snake in Ricketts Glen State Park in PA. Can anyone identify?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-08-06 01:24:55

@jurph Snake ID looks good but that first link you sent has enough spam/spyware links that I had to slam 3 tabs shut as soon as I clicked

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-06 15:13:38

Got a great deal on an Aukey Bluetooth speakers but it makes a clicking sound when it charges. First time I've encountered that.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-06 16:00:37

NPR: "Donald Trump is the front-runner in polls and gets to be at the center of the stage." Also: comedy show writers everywhere rejoice.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-06 16:23:55

So @AukeyOfficial changed the model being sold as @amazon ASIN B00KNOGK48 from BT013 to SK-G7. Now I can't leave an appropriate review

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-06 16:24:28

(By the way don't buy the Aukey BT013 it makes a clicking sound when you charge and play at the same time. Two stars)

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-06 18:11:22

Picture of the day: Out hiking with wife and sister in Ricketts Glen State Park this week

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-06 18:12:47

Also since this one is too cute for words:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-07 19:48:55

Took a picture on a dive in Phuket, Thailand. Is this an anchor, an intentional reef, or something else?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-07 20:07:13

How this neurologist used Twitter to help treat a stroke via @kevinmd

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-08 00:05:09

@robwilkerson five stars. We hiked on a Monday morning and it still got crowded towards the afternoon but it's beautiful!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-08 00:07:10

@robwilkerson we just did a day trip in to the waterfall trail from my parents place about 90 min away in PA. Closest town is Benson

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-08 18:14:28

RT @byronclarknz: I set up my web browser to automatically change "political correctness" to "treating people with respect"…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-10 13:11:08

RT @justin_fenton: Following up: Photographer Noah Scialom has posted the picture of officer pointing gun at crowd last night…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-10 13:59:48

@DreamHost Please prioritize ticket 6936725 Passenger on skymaster not working and my Django sites are defaulting to the static directory!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-10 14:29:39

Our daughter is too cute for words: photo by Jessica Cee Photography cc @caitlin_carlson

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-10 16:02:57

@DreamHostCare Just re-checked the site and the issue seems to be resolved now. Thank you so much.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-10 16:13:21

I'm back at Inbox Zero. If you've been waiting on a reply from me you probably got it this morning. You're welcome.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-10 16:51:07

@dj_kittycat No emails at all

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-10 16:52:37

@dj_kittycat Anything that's archived or filed doesn't require any further action

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-10 17:15:23

@dj_kittycat At work I have no emails anywhere because I have workflow systems to move them into. At home not as much

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-10 18:27:41

Alert: Insecure bike lock fixtures in Baltimore

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-08-10 23:20:59

RT @robpegoraro: Places where Washington Post reporters have been charged with crimes for reporting: Tehran, St. Louis County.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-11 12:26:19

I don't use ad blockers because I'm also an advertiser, on both a micro ($100 of Google/Twitter ads a year) and macro (my employer) scale.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-11 15:42:55

RT @rrr00bb: @ErrataRob I once did a telnet to the Oracle port and typed 'hi' to see if it was alive. Angry admin told me I crashed the se…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-11 15:43:55

@sviehb @matthew_d_green Now it's 'f4ct0ry' Total obfuscation.

  • Favorites: 8, Retweets: 0

2015-08-11 16:00:52

@karaKittenH @Undisclosedpod @annmariebrok Is it BPD or BCoPD being called out? Difference matters.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-11 19:24:55

Good on @Canary for registering because you know that's what everyone is typing from the podcast ads.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-08-12 13:00:29

RT @LarryHogan: I have some good news & some great news -The good news is I just finished my day 5 of 24hr chemo. The great news: I'm 1/2 t…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-12 16:29:52

RT @Cyb3rOps: #oraclefanfic

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-08-12 21:35:24

I really hate BiaduSpider. It's always going to be the same copy of jquery.js. You don't have to re-check it for every page.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-13 17:10:02

My dermatologist complimented my pale complexion ("We like that") then made fun of me for having it ("I'm sure you don't go outside much").

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-08-13 17:11:16

On the plus side I apparently have "perfect" moles. A few scores of them, but all healthy looking.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-08-13 17:34:49

Interesting articles in this week's @CDCgov MMWR including this one on aquarium owners palytoxin exposure from corals

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2015-08-13 19:05:48

Remember Microsoft letting folks play for free intrigued me enough to get an Azure subscription to use in bulk.

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2015-08-13 19:07:08

Baltimore selling city underground conduits to BGE will turn out exactly like Chicago selling city parking spaces to Abu Dhabi.

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2015-08-13 20:17:34

Active car fire 395/95 ramps south of the city #baltraffic

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2015-08-13 20:30:58

Strangely satisfying to see. Now if they could just ticket the giant SUVs in the "small cars only" spaces too.

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2015-08-13 21:40:16

I almost forgot that on Ravens game days everybody important gets a BPD escort across downtown to the stadium.

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2015-08-13 21:41:22

RT @cbsbaltimore: #LATEST: Body found at the Inner Harbor

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2015-08-13 22:49:05

@dj_kittycat I'm sure the Ravens org pays well and out in the open for the service

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2015-08-14 13:57:29

RT @AvaWBAL: Woke up yesterday for work but went to the hospital instead! Easton Michael, born at 7:44 am, 7 lbs 8 oz

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2015-08-14 16:25:31


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2015-08-15 13:52:54

When @schneierblog calls out @dreamhost for refusing to fix infrastructure bugs, it's hard to pick a side

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2015-08-15 17:00:08

Anyone local need six moving boxes filled with packing paper? Email me or reply here before Tuesday.

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2015-08-15 17:32:42

Oh Craigslist, what part of "must pick up" don't you understand?

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2015-08-17 00:44:51

Three glowing clocks visible when I enter the kitchen. They say 8:40, 8:41 and 8:42. The universe hates me.

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2015-08-17 00:46:22

@davetroy whoa dude

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2015-08-17 13:16:14

Why would you call a coffee "Breakfast Blend" and make it a decaf?! Some people just want to watch the world burn.

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2015-08-17 13:16:51

RT @textfiles:

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2015-08-17 14:49:32

Considering that it's 10:48 am I have eaten a lot of Oreo cookies today.

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2015-08-18 14:25:55

Just got an email about new Speedo Shine™ which I was surprised to find is not a regrettable spray-on tan product.

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2015-08-18 14:54:11

I'm listening to to "50 Great '90s Alternative Songs" with the text lyrics turned on and they make way less sense than they did in 1995.

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2015-08-18 17:02:50

@mikesphar How long ago? Am I in for a bad breakup next week?

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2015-08-18 17:07:33

Somehow I wound up with 3 Lightning cables in my bag this morning. I may have an Apple problem.

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2015-08-18 18:35:58

Political rule: If you take credit for declining local crime during a nationwide downtrend, you need to accept blame for the upturn too.

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2015-08-18 19:14:25

RT @textfiles: In Realtime: We are barely halfway done

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2015-08-18 20:14:29

@kylejbritt Drone ammo

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2015-08-18 20:20:00

Anyone with access to a large format archival-quality flatbed scanner? I have old blueprints and family photos to scan, largest 33" x 17".

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-08-18 20:39:31

@bosconet I could probably do it with some good lighting and a glass plate but I know these scanners exist and must have owners in Baltimore

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2015-08-18 20:43:38

Just posted a "creative gig" request to Craigslist for photo scanning. I worry it will be lost in a sea of camgirl and stripper wanted ads.

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2015-08-18 20:44:54

@ErrataRob True but then you have less excuse to play "hard drive meets drill press" for secure disposal.

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2015-08-18 20:46:03

@jurph No way I'm paying camgirl rates for an intern's job

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2015-08-18 20:48:08

@bosconet I am strongly considering the lower-cost solution of a regular sized scanner and image stitching if I can find one with no lip

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2015-08-18 20:49:40

RT @philsturgeon: Blogged: The Ratio of Women Speakers in Tech Seemed relevant after the 50234th Twitter battle on …

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2015-08-18 21:13:13

Worst summary headline ever: "Man Known for Visiting Children Hospitals in Costume Fatally Struck by Car, Police Say."

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2015-08-18 22:33:53

@aresef can you tweet that stuff now. I thought it was just sms

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2015-08-19 12:15:04

I'm amazed by the variety of sensors in my car. It even knows the current barometric pressure.

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2015-08-19 12:21:19

RT @gdeems: Your checklist for more effective meetings My boss used the timer yesterday. Effective

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2015-08-20 18:15:57

RT @CityExplainer: .@BaltimorePolice declined to name social media software used to monitor #BaltimoreUprising http:…

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2015-08-21 14:03:23

Masses of dead fish wash up near Tianjin blast site

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2015-08-21 14:38:01

Lead Poisoning and Anemia Associated with Use of Ayurvedic Medications Purchased on the Internet via @CDCgov

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2015-08-21 18:14:04

RT @CairnsKcairns: A significant sanitary sewer overflow is occuring at the Patuxent River at US 1 and down river.

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2015-08-22 22:53:32

My wife: "Why are they making the Ravens announcers wear these shirts? I don't want to see man-nipples."

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2015-08-24 13:45:13

Facebook feed: First day of school, yaaaaay! Twitter feed: THE MARKET IS CRASHING, DOOOOOM!

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2015-08-24 15:52:36

Sighted in the Jones Falls by @Bluewaterbmore: an American eel

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2015-08-25 13:08:53

I had to verify that the sign in the Chinese restaurant bathroom said the same thing in both languages.

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2015-08-25 14:58:43

Fellow parents: Your back-to-school stories can't compete with this guy:

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2015-08-25 15:49:56

Police search teams iao Cider Mill Road, Trooper 1 overhead. Police advising residents to stay inside. @cmcampbell6 @baltimoresun

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2015-08-25 15:50:23

Harford Hills ES on external lockdown

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2015-08-25 16:12:39

RT @JackSmithIV: A bus. This man is describing a bus.

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2015-08-25 16:15:20

@BaltimoreGal @JackSmithIV It's like the automated check-out line in the grocery store. No talking required.

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2015-08-25 16:22:29

Meanwhile a holding noise complaint: Allegheny Avenue, "male with a bullhorn outside" #scanner

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2015-08-25 16:24:46

RT @BACOPoliceFire: #BCoPD searching area around Old Harford Rd and North Plaza Mall for escapee from Hickey school. Info? 410-307-2020. ht…

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2015-08-25 16:29:12

Police now searching the creek behind my house for missing Hickey School student. Wife says chopper is so low it is blocking sun in windows

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2015-08-25 16:36:04

On scanner: Dispatcher says last time student escaped (?!) he was hiding in sheds. Checking for and in unlocked sheds/porches now

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2015-08-25 17:46:48

@sdawncasey Folks around this area are familiar with Hickey School. Media outlets are using student/escapee combination. Just following lead

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2015-08-25 21:57:26

Police helicopter over 1900 block Mountain Road for possible sighting.

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2015-08-25 22:14:53

Tips to police not panning out.

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2015-08-26 00:53:54

Bill 53-15 permits the outlets at White Marsh. Return address here is Towsontown Mall. Skeptical of @ProtectProcess

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2015-08-27 12:50:52

I left the shampoo bottle at toddler height this morning. Wife reports that now crayon box and toddler are covered in shampoo.

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2015-08-27 13:16:11

@ampledata I'm sure that day will come. She's already been covered in cold coffee when we underestimated her reach (for the last time).

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2015-08-27 14:55:29

Is it wrong that I can recognize AirFlex 2 from 10 stories up and 7 blocks away?

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2015-08-28 01:26:47

@palestinelodge Why does your Fitbit wait until 9pm to warn us about the night before?

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2015-08-28 01:29:39

@palestinelodge Charles is/is not a cranky bastard today. Or he will be as long as the cat in this box is dead/alive.

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2015-08-28 14:29:32

Anyone get a "reverse 911" call from @BACOPoliceFire today regarding shed burglaries in Pct 8? Got one on my cell phone. Not sure how.

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2015-08-31 17:19:55

YMCA Maryland says "Smoking is NOT permitted on...the [Turkey Trot] 5K course." The one being held on public roads and sidewalks? Yeah, no.

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2015-08-31 17:24:58

Maryland State Fair news: child rapists and overdosing ride operators. (But ban drones and selfie sticks, that'll keep us safe!)

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2015-08-31 17:27:03

For some reason I'm having a Very Libertarian Morning here on Twitter. We'll return to normal social liberal sentiment after this break.

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2015-08-31 17:30:36

@samanthasquared Wonder what fair founders would have made of that list of prohibited materials in 1878. Tasers, drones, selfie sticks...

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2015-09-01 13:02:34

Traditional versus Open Office Design: A Longitudinal Field Study

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2015-09-01 14:03:50

Today I learned: There is a disease called congenital megacolon.

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2015-09-01 14:05:09

Important note: I do not have congenital megacolon.

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2015-09-01 14:48:29

Why do so many companies want to give me a free credit score now? What's in it for them?

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2015-09-02 12:59:26

RT @yvonnewenger: I'm manning the newsroom, scanner and Twitter. If you see something important in Baltimore today, please let me know. #Fr…

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2015-09-02 13:17:50

#FreddieGray hashtag is filled with spammers and racist remarks. Here are the relevant folks I read 4 months ago:

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2015-09-02 13:24:20

RT @BmoreCityDOT: The east side of Calvert Street is now closed between Fayette and Lexington Streets. Please avoid this area.

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2015-09-02 13:34:23

Protestors blocking Pratt St at Light. #FreddieGray

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2015-09-02 13:35:23

Police line advancing on protestors #FreddieGray

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2015-09-02 13:36:37

Protestors have dispersed at Pratt St #FreddieGray

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2015-09-02 13:40:26

Fox overhead, police have lines across crosswalk at Light and Pratt to keep roadway clear #FreddieGray

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2015-09-02 13:42:10

Road mostly clear but BPD is diverting Pratt St eastbound traffic to Light Street north anyway #baltraffic #freddiegray

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2015-09-02 13:44:28

Pratt Street west of Light: AVOID #baltraffic just head north first and cut over a few blocks up

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2015-09-02 13:50:38

Ambulance arriving at scene of Pratt St crowd #FreddieGray Not sure for what. Only one lane getting by now

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2015-09-02 13:53:39

RT @darrensands: Protesters chanting for officers to take off the cuffs for the injured guy. He's getting ready to be transported. http://t…

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2015-09-02 13:54:41

RT @KaitlinObscura: This is what that looks like.

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2015-09-02 13:55:39

RT @adammaytv: mostly Quiet outside Baltimore Courthouse as hearing nears in #FreddieGray case

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2015-09-02 13:58:26

RT @darrensands: Chaotic standoff between police and protesters has calmed almost as quickly as it started.

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2015-09-02 13:59:57

@CNN Send me an email to discuss

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2015-09-02 14:08:10

@seanfomurchu Please email me to discuss

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2015-09-02 14:20:43

RT @BaltimorePolice: Update- There has been 1 arrest. No Taser deployment. Most protestors are cooperating and not blocking roadways. (10:1…

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2015-09-02 14:31:00

RT @daveweigel: Voter: "Martin O'Malley is calling for..." Kasich: "Who? Should I know him? No, I'm just teasing."

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2015-09-02 14:31:18

@daveweigel "Trust me, if you knew him you wouldn't like him"

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2015-09-02 14:57:26

@bdsiphotography Small consolation when nobody will pay me for it.

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2015-09-02 15:30:06

RT @TheShamWow: It's safe to say the media are ready for the outcome of this hearing

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2015-09-02 17:14:05

Survey from "Canadian Bankers" from Turkish static IP requests name, email, bank. Prelude to spearfish? @thepacketrat

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2015-09-02 17:33:15

Pretty much the definition of a "hockey stick graph" @kylejbritt

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2015-09-02 18:52:56

RT @BaltoSpectator: #FoxTrot just did flyover of Mondawmin. All's calm. But more unmarked units continue to roll in.

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2015-09-02 18:54:05

This guy:

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2015-09-02 19:31:34

RT @NWS_BaltWash: 3PM: Strong storms w/ gusty winds & small hail W & SW. Best storm chances across this region through evening.…

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2015-09-02 20:10:27

Latest @BaltimoreBrew article shows both aquarium and Baltimore's BOE entered into land use agreement eyes closed

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2015-09-02 20:49:45

RT @normative: Yes, you read that right. // Teen Boy Will Be Charged As Adult For Having Naked Pics of a Minor: Himself…

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2015-09-02 21:23:19

So relieved that had tons of re-tweets of my photo of BPD and #FreddieGray protesters and ZERO RACIST REPLIES. Good job Twitter, keep it up!

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2015-09-03 14:07:03

Perspective of yesterday's protests by Russia News Today reporter written in Arabic and translated to English:

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2015-09-03 17:51:18

RT @pwgphoto: House of Cards filming at a home on Childs Point Road, a stand in for G7 Summit in Germany. @capgaznews #HouseofCards http://…

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2015-09-03 17:55:29

Me: "What's auto-erotic asphyxiation called when you do it to someone else?" Co-worker: "I think it's just called murder rape."

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2015-09-03 18:06:37

Co-worker: "I wouldn't be surprised if this old bottle of liquid paper is entirely solid now." Me: "Doesn't that mean it's just paper?"

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2015-09-03 19:53:13

I may have gone on a "traditional observance" rant in lodge rehearsal last night. Now to put my effort where my mouth is and make it happen.

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2015-09-03 20:05:40

@MCChocolateGuy Not quite that traditional.

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2015-09-03 20:08:14

@MCChocolateGuy More like making sure everybody leaves with new mental tools for self improvement and introspection every communication.

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2015-09-04 14:01:22

Biked 6.55 miles around Parkville just now with my daughter in the kid seat behind me. Great morning for it.

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2015-09-08 13:26:37

Thanks to Facebook, the "first day of school" now comes in waves over the space of several weeks.

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2015-09-08 14:09:08

The plaintive cries of "School closing early? Are you f**king kidding me?" were heard all around my office just now.

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2015-09-08 14:11:41

@annmariebrok Many county schools don't have A/C yet, but @david_s_marks is on a personal mission to change that.

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2015-09-08 14:14:50

@MCChocolateGuy Not kidding

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2015-09-08 14:16:16

RT @BlueWaterBmore: Volunteers Discover Sewage Leak in Roland Run

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2015-09-09 00:46:53

John McAfee for President 2016. Because if anyone can out-crazy Donald Trump, it's this spectacular son of a bitch.

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2015-09-09 01:11:48

Thanks to Councilwoman Bevins for the opportunity to introduce my daughter to county government up close.

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2015-09-09 01:13:12

When we got this flyer on our door Penny was only two months old. Today she sat quietly in a council meeting!

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2015-09-09 17:45:37

New perch in the rafters for my police scanner and Raspberry Pi streaming server. Listen:

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2015-09-10 14:20:12

@sarahjeong Pebble - lots of multi-time zone watchfaces

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2015-09-10 14:44:39

@bmoreconnected Tough call. When you are in a car surrounded by people, you are both unable to easily escape yet commanding a deadly weapon

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2015-09-10 14:51:42

@bmoreconnected Also not OK to inhibit intentionally inhibit ability to escape situation. Goes beyond frustrating

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2015-09-10 15:02:39

Waiting for my feed to explode with a pile of CoV decision tweets

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2015-09-10 15:07:07

And here they come

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2015-09-10 15:24:32

Lots of fire units heading east on Pratt including water rescue. Anyone know why?

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2015-09-10 15:34:47

RT @disnazzio: FB says submerged vehicle & water rescue at Central & Lancaster

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2015-09-10 15:46:03

RT @BaltimoreOEM: Central Av blocked @ Fleet and Lancaster blocked @ Exeter while @BaltimoreFire divers investigate a car in the water http…

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2015-09-10 15:50:15

Very likely that the petitioners will get their 26,000+ signatures for referrendum against this Bill 53-15:

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2015-09-10 16:15:16

RT @baltimore311: Opened Aggressive Animal request via iPhone at 5314 Brabant Rd Vultures on our rooftops due to tr…

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2015-09-10 16:17:23

Baltimore 311: "Aggressive Animal Request: Vultures on our rooftops due to trash and dumping"

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2015-09-10 16:37:08

Fun looking storms forming west of the city

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2015-09-10 17:38:58

High water reported at intersection of Loch Raven and Taylor

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2015-09-10 17:39:25

High water reported York Rd iao Aigburth, Towson

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2015-09-10 17:42:03

Reported traffic signal out Joppa and Belair, Nottingham

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2015-09-10 17:48:40

Busy day for BCoFD, now an MVC I-695 w/b at MD 295 n/b

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2015-09-10 20:01:50

I shed 32 Facebook friends in 5 minutes. Ask me how!

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2015-09-10 20:57:34

RT @holy_chao: Your coworkers are not your friends, though they can become them. I have many former coworker friends.…

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2015-09-11 13:41:32

RT @baltimoresun: Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake will not seek re-election in 2016. #breaking

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2015-09-11 13:45:14

Welcome new neighbors! "48-story 300 E. Pratt St. tower will 'dominate' Baltimore's skyline" via @BaltBizOnline

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2015-09-11 17:02:18

RT @nielslesniewski: Shooting reported in the food court area at Union Station in DC.

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2015-09-12 22:53:46

So now I know that "population change" is code for black people moving in. Thanks racist neighbor I never met before tonight. Classy stuff.

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2015-09-12 22:59:35

What is it about me that old racist white dudes feel inclined to voice their awful inner monologues moments after we meet? Help!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-14 13:58:29

Every week Naima Booth from the Microsoft Azure Product Team sends me an email asking if I have questions, but never answers my replies.

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2015-09-14 14:24:04

My car since 5/8/2014: 13,763 miles, 468.1 gallons, $1,340.89, 29.4 mpg.

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2015-09-14 17:59:43

Stop taking selfies in front of Baltimore's 9/11 memorial. Seriously, just stop.

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2015-09-16 13:03:17

RT @anildash: Teachers shouldn't respond to inventive kids by calling the cops. Say how you'll #HelpAhmedMake: (Plea…

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2015-09-16 14:25:17

RT @EricDrozd: Walking to the car this aft with @Sydonie570News and we run into a listener and regular caller! It's Jersey Bill! http://t.c…

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2015-09-16 18:10:54

Pretty sure Irving MacArthur High and Irving Police just got called out by the President of the United States. #coolclockahmed

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2015-09-16 18:11:17

RT @POTUS: Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science. It's what makes Am…

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2015-09-16 18:29:27

Can't even list all items I brought in to high school that would have me arrested/expelled today, but the best was Army Field Manual No 3-9.

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2015-09-16 18:32:14

Army FM 3-9 is the "Military Chemical/Biological Agents." A classmate stole it from my bag and gave to principal, who returned it to me.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-09-16 18:35:25

But this was 1995, 4 years pre-Columbine. Students were given the benefit of the doubt, and I carried a Swiss Army knife to classes.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-09-16 19:48:14

I need f.lux for font size that makes all my code gradually larger every hour I'm working for my tired old eyes.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-16 20:16:07

RT @cairchicago: In solidarity with @IStandWithAhmed CAIR-Chicago staff brought our clocks to work too. #IStandWithAhmed…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-16 20:17:19

Tweets from @POTUS and @hillaryclinton re #AhmedMohamed let me believe one day my daughter may live in a post-post-9/11 society.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-16 20:22:54

Found official emails in my Gmail spam today from @MayorSRB, Maj. Worley of @BaltimorePolice, and @BaltimoreDPW. May want to check on that.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-16 22:57:13

This crafty bastard 1i1i11i

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

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2015-09-17 01:43:36

PROTIP: You can also use the XKCD password generation scheme to make memorable device names.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-09-17 13:36:04

RT @holy_chao: So apparently a bunch of rich white men got on a stage last night and worried that being rich and white might be less awesom…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-17 13:52:32

RT @omarghabra: An Arab-looking man of Syrian descent in a garage w/his accomplice building what appears to be a bomb. Arrest them. http://…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-17 17:33:46

Who uses 10 packs of razor blades so fast that they need an Amazon Dash button for refills?

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

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2015-09-17 21:13:53

Thank you @HexagonRadio for sharing your story of Theo van Gogh.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-09-21 13:40:02

Deleted everything from my iTunes library and now when I plug my iPhone into my Civic it just says "No Songs" and won't play podcasts. :(

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-21 14:37:29

Bro. John W. Yewell, Jr. called from labor September 16, 2015

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-21 16:23:25

New "Open Account" podcast is a great concept and first guest, tho @suchinpak could use fewer "response tokens" while interviewee answers

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-21 19:54:16

Is it wrong that I love these gloomy overcast days so much? Because I do.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-21 20:59:23

RT @pwoodreporter: Does Towson need its own zoning district? Baltimore Co Councilman @david_s_marks is holding 2 meetings to discuss: http:…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-21 21:05:31

Right now @shadipetosky is having an unreasonably terrible time with @TSA KMCO and the world is watching.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-09-21 21:16:59

RT @Popehat: So @AskTSA: Does TSA have some sort of policy treating transgender persons as inherently suspicious?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-21 22:04:01

At this point @shadipetosky probably wishes TSA had only just stolen $61 from her bag.

  • Favorites: 69, Retweets: 20

2015-09-21 22:15:38

RT @amybruni: Apparently that Mackinac Island fudge is so good - it's missing from my luggage, but a @TSA inspection card is there. #IWANTM…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-22 16:00:11

Latest @citythatbreeds podcast is just @evanthemayor reading conspiracy theory web sites out loud and being angry. Worst. Audiobook. Ever.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-23 18:51:50

A digital watch with "high quality movement" & "3ATM water resistant" but "please don't press button under water."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-23 19:44:29

BGE makes low-ball offer to buy conduit, so city researches actual value & votes to raise lease fees BGE pays by 3x

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-24 13:56:18

Every time a member of Congress violates papal decorum, take a shot.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-24 14:03:09

Someone in the chamber just said "I'll take my shoes off and throw my shoe at him." CNN mics picked it up.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-09-24 14:09:36

RT @daveweigel: And now, the livetweeting of random sentences from a speech that anyone can read online, as God intended.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-24 14:13:34

I like the phrase "facile proposals"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-24 14:35:04

RT @nycsouthpaw: Little bait and switch from God's fisherman, there.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-24 19:37:13

There should be no error that is solved by turning Visual Studio off and then back on again. But there are. Legion.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 2

2015-09-25 15:55:35

RT @doctorow: This is what happens to mailboxes when the Pope comes to town

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-09-25 16:34:10

Digging my new standing desk area setup at the office

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-09-25 16:39:42

@samanthasquared Anyone can use it if they want, but they have to stand next to me.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-25 16:41:38

@samanthasquared thats a good idea I should put it back up on the TV

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-28 17:50:27

Maryland Masonic Lodge of Research No. 239 meets tonight at Mt. Moriah Temple at 7:30pm any MM recognized by GLMD AF&AM welcome.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-09-28 20:34:47

Hey is Facebook back online yet? Asking for a friend.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-28 21:09:19

Masonic cipher (also known as Pigpen) is not a candidate to be a Unicode set. Because it can map 1-to-1 over ASCII it can be a font instead.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-29 23:08:13

If you see someone at the playground on 900 E 33rd Street after dark please call 911 immediately.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-30 12:37:10

Signal out at Perring Parkway and putty Hill Avenue, traffic being directed by county police. #BALTraffic

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-09-30 15:11:37

RT @cabel: From a "cash for phones" ATM in the mall (in maintenance mode): @daveaddey finds the most amazing UI ever created.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-30 15:20:20

Preparing for potential Joaquin landfall? Remember that our inland concerns are different than those on the coast:

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-09-30 18:48:55

RT @StuartHarker1: Funeral Monument of Lucius Alfius Statius. Aquileia. Seven tools of a Master Mason inscribed below dates 200-300 BC http…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0


2015-10-01 15:59:14

@brandonsavage One uninsured visit to the emergency department would answer that question pretty quickly.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-01 16:24:41

This page, bookmarked: I'm checking it once an hour to not feel out of the loop

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-01 18:24:53

My day: 📬🎭😡😧🍺

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-01 19:02:40

How often do the hurricane models update? Asking for a friend. A friend who is constantly reloading @wunderground. It's me.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-10-01 19:06:44

@apieceofthelisa Love it, thanks!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-01 19:07:03

@apieceofthelisa MY PEOPLE! I'VE FOUND MY PEOPLE!

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-10-01 19:12:18

RT @apieceofthelisa: @vees This reddit page might be of interest to you-

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-03 22:32:05

How many Hail Mary's do you need to say when your lie is so bad the Holy Father calls you out in a press release?

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0

2015-10-05 19:41:12

Political cheat sheet, goat's blood edition: ✅ Pudding form ✅ Sausage form ❌ Ceremonial beverage form

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-06 15:03:58

If the stock market isn't gambling, why does every minute of CNBC look so much like a slot machine?

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-10-06 17:12:53

Headline of the day is "FANTASY SPORTS SCANDAL." CNBC has been taken over by The Onion. Up next: "MONOPOLY: Who gets to be the race car?"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-07 19:04:07

My dentist is really good at making new teeth for me. Which is good because I have a feeling I'll have many more before he retires.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-07 19:47:11

So glad I didn't commit to a solar installation in 2015. The county laws and panel efficiency have both improved substantially in Q3.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-07 20:08:50

@kylejbritt If I had ~2KW production in the winter plus 250 KWh of storage to net me through a bad week I think I'd be set.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-07 20:09:14

@kylejbritt I'm sure Tesla will deliver

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-08 14:45:51

Achievement unlocked: 17 TB of data in 1 month sent from an AWS account I administer. Surprisingly cheap once you get into high use tiers.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-10-09 19:10:01

The view from my window

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

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2015-10-13 16:12:58

RT @MaureenLangloss: Did you know #California is a made-up word? Fascinating literary history from The Oyster War by @summerbrennan: http:/…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-14 16:22:54

RT @david_s_marks: Pleased to welcome Delegate @Christian_Miele to our class at Loyola University today! @LoyolaMaryland…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-14 21:41:46

Big smoke due 208° from Inner Harbor. Source?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-10-15 16:52:21

Help I'm trapped in NuGet hell.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-10-16 18:24:15

Current status

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2015-10-18 13:39:58

Our little family is about to get bigger!

  • Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0

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2015-10-18 16:16:50

At IKEA where they can sell you polished sawdust and screws for $1.73/lb and you'll smile while you swipe your credit card.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-19 13:51:58

@HousingWatchMD It's likely that no city manager successfully sold bus shelters on the black market before. That's sort of an innovation.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-10-19 13:57:55

RT @MrTrashWheel: Friends, fans, countrymen lend me your tweets: I'll be the first trash wheel to host a Reddit AMA tomorrow (10/20) from 1…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-19 18:48:03

RT @TheSuzieHunter: Tips for responding to emails:

  1. Look at how the person spells their own name

  2. Spell it the exact same way when y…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-20 17:53:35

Anyone following the Royal Farms hearing can update for those of us at work w/o access to Channel 25? @electryandorsey @wittbecky

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-10-20 21:00:06

RT @electryandorsey: The BMZA Chairman's bias and disdain for our position could not be more palpable. #NoRoFoHamilton

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-20 21:05:26

RT @justin_fenton: Another confirmed shooting coming out, 6400 Pioneer Dr. Northeastern District has switched to tactical mode #scanner

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-20 23:49:59

RT @electryandorsey: After 2hr20min of Royal Farms side, Chairman allots 30 minutes to #NoRoFoHamilton and points it out immediately.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-20 23:51:11

RT @BaltimoreBrew: Atty John Murphy preparing to go up against 6 people here for Hamilton Royal Farms

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-10-21 00:04:38

RT @electryandorsey: After 6hrs 45min, only 10 minutes allotted to residents, board couldn't hear 3 minutes for 3 last 1-minute testimonies…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-21 16:32:32

RT @GeorgeTakei: Biden has declared he is not running for president, making him officially the biggest presidential tease since Marilyn Mon…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-21 16:33:48

Waiting with bated breath for @BaltimoreBrew's in depth coverage of last night's BMZA hearing.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-21 22:24:15

Three undercover police just tried to stop a car on Md-41 n/b just south of 695. Jumped out with guns drawn but the driver sped off to 695

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-10-21 22:24:50

Happened right in front of me. Didn't realize they were undercover pursuit until they lit up

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-10-21 22:41:59

@BCObreakingnews anything about the police chase 695 e/b starting at md41? See my feed

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-21 22:59:07

RT @paulmgardner: And don't call it "sex for maintenance" call it rape because that's what it is. City employees were raping women in publi…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-22 16:16:57

My new toy has revolutionized Twitter feed scrolling.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

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2015-10-22 16:49:07

@BrianfromABC2 Do you know where the chase took place? Still trying to ID reason for u/c police chase on MD-41 @ 695 last night 18:30

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-22 16:52:57

@BrianfromABC2 Thanks for info

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-26 13:53:36

There are more nuns in the United States over the age of 90 than there are under the age of 60.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-26 18:11:24

A sad day for bacon indeed

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-26 18:53:30

Listening to "Avicii feat. Noonie Bao - City Lights" on @Tiesto Clublife. Can we start calling that intro the "Imogen Heap Effect"?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-26 23:28:05

@holy_chao wish I could say what I got in the Camry but I don't have ODB computer attached like in civic.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-27 15:57:21

If birds poop all over China's man-made islands, does that mean that the U.S. gets to claim them under the Guano Act?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-27 19:24:46

Anyone else using a Griffin PowerMate on Windows 7 have a problem where the scroll doesn't work after you switch between apps?

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-27 19:31:02

@anne_theriault Here's Mabel

  • Favorites: 11, Retweets: 1

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2015-10-27 20:10:38

@berkun The all important part of the day - choosing the playlist for your daily writing

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 16:42:49

RT @honest_update: The postmortems will continue until morale improves.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 16:47:41

Is there a good reason we can't amend DNS to allow the @ record to be a CNAME?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 17:19:06

RT @jmvfc8: The blimp from @USAGAPG has come off its tether. If you see it on the ground, call 911. Here's what it looks like.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 17:24:34

Don't worry, every embedded Chinese spy in the vicinty of APG has been mobilized for the great spy blimp hunt of 2015.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 17:37:18

RT @matthewhaybrown: JLENS blimp has broken free of its tether and is now over Pennsylvania at 16,000 feet. Two fighter jets are monitoring…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 17:45:52

Got to say @JIRA really screwed up this cloud migration. I rely on email creation of tasks from my apps and now its broke in a cryptic way.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 18:14:22

RT @iduncan: So @Raytheon previously has said it's really unlikely the APG balloon's tether could break...

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-10-28 18:18:23

@paulmgardner Duh the other blimp

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 18:19:14

If I could funnel blimp status update tweets into an IV tube I could live forever

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 18:21:55

RT @SimonMaloy: wait wait wait

this blimp thing means we finally have


out-of-control inflation

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 18:27:13

RT @Snowden: I should know better by now, but even I still have trouble believing that "runaway surveillance blimp" is actually a thing.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 18:31:36

RT @JonMeyerWNEP: A viewer just sent us this photo from Bloomsburg. We are getting numerous reports of sightings in that area. #Blimp https…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 18:50:33

RT @PSUWeather: Another photo of what is believed to be the #blimp via Holly Starr near Bloomsburg, PA…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 19:01:03


  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0

2015-10-28 20:15:28

@JIRA I wish I could spend the time with you to get this fixed, but I need to just redirect those emails back to human users and let it go.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-29 13:33:19

Patch headline: "Runaway Blimp, Husband Charged With Murder"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-29 15:13:31


  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-10-29 15:22:30

RT @MrTrashWheel: .@AberdeenBlimp You'll always be free in spirit.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-10-30 13:59:30

In western Maryland this is just called "packing for deer season"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-30 15:17:15

Important PSA

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 3

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2015-10-30 16:24:26

Just another Friday at @havashelia_NA

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 2

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2015-10-31 13:58:49

RT @justin_fenton: With 283 homicides, Baltimore now has the most killings in a year since 1999, with 2 more months left to go

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-10-31 15:00:44

Amazon: Customers who watched "I Am Big Bird: The Caroll Spinney Story" also liked "All Dolled Up: Love Dolls and Those Who Love Them"

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0


2015-11-01 15:24:33

RT @honest_update: We replaced our monolith with micro services so that every outage could be more like a murder mystery.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-02 14:44:08

I have no idea what time it is. Every clock is lying.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-11-06 03:21:58

@dhstatus your panel is down and support email bot rejecting messages

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-06 15:53:12

Congratulations to the new board of the @harfordpark community association!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-11-06 16:23:35

RT @jemaleddin: I got mugged last night at 6pm by the corner of Northern Parkway and York. I was jumped from behind, assaulted and robbed.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-06 16:25:22

@amyhoy "Can I ask you something?" "You just did."

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-06 17:32:23

Last call for anyone that wants before I return it to the domain pool

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-06 22:31:14

Check out Pancake Day at Tall Cedars Hall on Sat, Nov 7

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-06 22:45:14

It's 42 minutes past sunset in November and 72° outside

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-11-09 15:10:17

Using store loyalty cards to better track food outbreaks, per CDC

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-10 15:05:09

RT @justin_fenton: Last nights homicide was particularly egregious; I'm told victim have been trying to keep drug dealers away from his pro…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-10 19:14:04

Seeking Front End Web Developer for full-time position, apply within. Reply, PM or for more info.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 3

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2015-11-11 14:54:11


  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-11-11 15:37:39

The @HavasWWChicago Wintern Draft is live through 11/23. They have just one question: #HowGoodAreYou?

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-11-11 15:46:48

RT @davidplotz: I never get tired of this picture of the world's steepest street.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-11-11 17:57:41

Had username "jsmith81" in a Google Doc column. Copied one column over to make some updates. Result: "jsmith82"

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-11-11 21:16:05

See new red dot in icon on Slack app. Click red dot. First option: "Turn off this red dot thing." Well played, @SlackHQ.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-11-11 21:19:48

RT @EricDrozd: It's listener Jersey Bill! Greeting seeing him at the legion. #LestWeForget

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

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2015-11-11 21:24:21

@EricDrozd Always gives me a smile to see my Uncle Bill show up on your feed. Lookin' crisp and stylish in that ASU.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1

2015-11-11 21:44:26

@kendallmiller @SlackHQ When Slack introduces a new feature I always love it. So I'm keeping the red dot. But I see why some folks wouldn't.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-11 22:23:56

@tqbf That said, it is $1MM given to the curious minds at CMU. Give it to a defense contractor, 4 days later it'll be gone with no results.

  • Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0

2015-11-12 12:27:57

RT @davidplotz: The brilliant dummy paratroopers we dropped on D-Day--they tricked the Nazis.…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-12 13:49:30

Fire activity Guilford Avenue south of Pleasant Street #BALTraffic

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-12 16:42:36

The view from my Lenovo ThinkPad #agencylife #outnumbered @havashelia_NA

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

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2015-11-12 21:58:03

I need to review my checkins to determine the exact moment I started cargo culting snippets from StackOverflow instead of thinking.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-11-12 21:59:34

Looks like about 3 days ago. So these are the three days I will regret for the rest of the year.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-13 12:16:48


  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-13 16:18:48

RT @sbromage: I just published my first eng blog post about one of my recent projects at Nextdoor. Have a read!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-13 16:33:30

I have six email threads in my inbox titled some variation of "Bylaws and Articles of Amendment" for 3 different organizations. Lucky me!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-13 18:23:07

RT @havashelia_NA: #FBF to our 2008 holiday card & video (under our old name): #FlashBackFriday…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-13 22:09:51

Chrome browser just popped up a notification letting me know about heavy traffic between here and home, and I'm really creeped out.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-11-15 15:43:48

Woman at the gym is wearing a "FUCK BEING FAT" tee shirt in 3 inch block letters. I appreciate the sentiment, but this is a family gym.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-16 15:59:31

@PhoDlite when will Parkville open? We can hardly wait!

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-16 23:03:22

RT @actionhappiness: Before you speak, THINK T - is it True? H - is it Helpful? I - is it Inspiring? N - is it Necessary? K - is it Kind? h…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-11-17 15:19:44

ISP: "Dear Sir, We have issued a Warning Letter to ensure that the erring customer does not further indulge into malefic activity." Malefic!

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2015-11-17 17:53:43

WaPo headline: "Uranus might be full of surprises"

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2015-11-17 19:19:16

RT @BACOPoliceFire: #BCoPD searching for Donald Joy, 16 - #CriticalMissing from Parkville. Please share: ^NL https…

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2015-11-17 21:01:18

RT @YannickBollore: Havas is mourning. We lost 4 of our family members. Our prayers are with Claire, Francois Xavier, Christophe & Eric. ht…

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2015-11-17 21:06:38

Nine out of ten interactions I have with @BaltCoGov are fast and efficient, and then there's that one that drags out 12 weeks for no reason.

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2015-11-18 22:26:21

After Endless Demonization Of Encryption, Police Find Paris Attackers Coordinated Via Unencrypted SMS via @Techdirt

  • Favorites: 7, Retweets: 3

2015-11-19 18:09:28

My city 311 requests follow a predictable path.

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2015-11-19 18:44:20

RT @BACOPoliceFire: #BCoPD looking for suspect who robbed Baskin Robbins on November 11. Info? 410-307-2020 https:/…

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2015-11-19 19:02:30

Who speaks for the agnostic Syrians?

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-11-19 20:11:04

Where can I register as Muslim to get one of Donald Trump's special ID cards? Do the star and crescent go next to the organ donor symbol?

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1

2015-11-19 22:26:53

RT @TheWriteMunz: "Pooh?" said Piglet. "Yes, Piglet?" said Pooh. "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra," said Piglet. "Shaka, when the walls fell," …

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2015-11-20 14:33:24

RT @jaketapper: "media was...led around by the nose by law enforcement" in "crisis where encryption hasn't proven to have a role."


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2015-11-20 15:08:06

@ArendsBill1 Just go here and change it:

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2015-11-20 22:00:17

Making it happen @havashelia_NA #devteam #agencylife

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2015-11-20 22:06:29

Friday couldn't care less bear #devteam @havashelia_NA

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2015-11-20 22:20:09

RT @MuslimMarine: Hey @realDonaldTrump, I'm an American Muslim and I already carry a special ID badge. Where's yours? #SemperFi #USMC https…

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2015-11-24 14:35:33

Props to Scouter's Lodge #236 for a fun table lodge last night. Nice to spend time with @phil_g and Bro. Coonfield.

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2015-11-24 14:50:40

Today @sexologistjill posted a nuanced backstory on the Washington College suicide. WBAL-TV covered none of this.

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2015-11-26 18:29:55

The house smells like pie and stuffing

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2015-11-28 13:11:02

A fellow ham radio operator bought the domain and now I'm sad I didn't think of it first

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2015-11-29 22:57:40

Happy turkey leftovers and extension ladders day

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2015-11-30 17:02:08

The blog post in which my daughter is featured singing and playing the piano with her neighbor friends

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2015-11-30 21:37:03

Sign of a bad day: My telephone headset is connected

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0


2015-12-01 01:19:16

RT @marcorubio: Our team is fighting to defend and expand the American Dream. Glad to have @Christian_Miele & @LauraNeumanExec leading our …

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2015-12-01 14:33:04

Dear all doctors: please lead with "your baby appears healthy" before asking about the rare genetic disease in my family. 😡

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-12-01 15:08:26

@samanthasquared Yes but this doctor is a geek and was super excited to discuss a disease he'd never heard of.

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2015-12-01 15:09:18

@samanthasquared came in room with a med student, US tech, assistant and geneticist in tow. I nearly pooped myself in terror.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-01 23:53:12

Why are there rumble strips on northbound Perring Parkway now?

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2015-12-02 00:00:35

@aCraigPfeifer this is at Putty Hill

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2015-12-02 15:11:51

If you run a Slack instance without the Giphy plugin you are missing out.

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2015-12-02 15:16:26

@samanthasquared By missing out, I meant missing out on the impropriety.

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2015-12-02 15:28:18

Hoover police spokesman Capt. Gregg Rector: "He may have achieved a higher level of stupidity, but that's about it."

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2015-12-02 17:42:26

I've made enough pots of coffee at work this week to make up for every time in my life I ever shirked that duty.

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2015-12-02 20:12:41

RT @PhilipRucker: GOP officials are preparing for Trump winning nomination and strategizing impact on down-ballot candidates…

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2015-12-03 15:52:23

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2015-12-03 17:30:42

.@VisualStudio 2013's inability to load a design surface when trying to change a SQL table is really ruining my day.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-03 17:57:44

Trying to prove the value of @Azure to my boss so of course this issue eats up half my morning

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-03 19:27:29

So trying to View Designer in VS2013 causes the load on my Basic (5 DTU) Azure SQL DB to spike and become unresponsive.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-03 19:29:39

Going up to Standard 0 level to see if this fixes the issues.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-03 19:30:45

@ignu If you hit Cmd-Shift-T as soon as you restart you get them all back.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-03 19:52:48

RT @mistersql: Need to write some log entries, trace. .NET: Use System.Diagnostics. It's good enough. JavaScript: Spend YEARS comparing 30+…

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2015-12-04 03:07:57

It's nice to work for a company where the holiday party lives up to the stereotype.

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2015-12-04 15:11:25

Most interesting response I've ever received to a spam complaint. I've been on their list for at least a year...

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2015-12-04 15:38:33

As of this morning I've put $1,500.76 worth of gas in my car since the day I bought it.

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2015-12-04 17:49:10

RT @bpoulin: Day after chik-fil-a with Havas helia team! #havastogether @_NA

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2015-12-05 00:13:39

Dear future self: We. Are. Not. 22. Anymore. Signed, the fellow old dude brought down by the company party open bar.

  • Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0

2015-12-05 00:32:55

RT @andrewbbenett: Congrats, @kylejbritt & @MKinstlinger @havashelia_NA on being chosen to present @sxsw 2016! http…

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2015-12-05 13:17:34

RT @WB4RFQ: The domain was available, so I guess it's time to start a ham radio blog.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-05 16:13:13

RT @PhoDlite: PHOD'LITE PARKVILLE ( BALTIMORE COUNTY ) 8926 Waltham Woods Rd Parkville, MD 21234 North Plaza…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-06 16:44:58

RT @NoticablyBacon: gets shot Me: quick dad call me an ambulance Dad: you're an ambulance Me: seriously im dying Dad: hey dying, im dad

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-06 22:35:33

RT @david_s_marks: Congratulations to the Carney Improvement Association on another great Christmas Tree Lighting. @Christian_Miele https:/…

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2015-12-07 01:31:56

Congress can't link gun rights and no fly list because this would force SCOTUS to invalidate the no fly list as a violation of due process.

  • Favorites: 7, Retweets: 3

2015-12-07 21:08:35

Happy holidays from @USOPM! Oh btw Chinese hackers have enough info to pwn you and your family six times over.

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2015-12-07 23:10:10

Tree up. Fireplace on. Christmas station on Pandora. Daughter decked in bells. Tis the season.

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

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2015-12-08 02:13:34

RT @BACOPoliceFire: One suspect deceased after being shot by clerk in attempted robbery of liquor store, unit block of Penn Ave in Towson. …

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-08 12:14:25

RT @david_s_marks: A business owner or employee has the right to defend himself or herself when faced with imminent danger. Moving... http…

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2015-12-08 16:30:33

I know I am truly exhausted today because I have nearly perfect focus on every task I've worked on this morning.

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-12-08 23:07:59

@windley At least one would come from the @Nextdoor engineering blog.

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2015-12-09 16:02:25

System.Reflection is dark magic.

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2015-12-09 16:13:18

Best affordable .NET library for outputting report data as style-formatted XLSX files that doesn't require Interop. Go!

  • Favorites: 3, Retweets: 1

2015-12-09 16:13:59

RT @bensummers: Er, thank you for the suggestion GitHub?

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2015-12-09 16:14:38

@kendallmiller Just XLSX, and it'll probably run as an Azure app.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-09 16:15:03

@kendallmiller Although it can also run on a full IIS server in a pinch.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-09 16:17:19

@kendallmiller Currently trying out GemBox which gets the job done, but was naively hoping for a better price point.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-09 16:21:16

@kendallmiller Thanks, also looking at right now. Owe you one.

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2015-12-09 18:33:09

@palestinelodge Thanks for the RT. The answer is definitely

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2015-12-10 13:50:17

The baby's not coming fast enough! Quick, add more moms! #metaphor

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2015-12-11 16:24:14

Insufficient coffee

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2015-12-11 16:25:04

RT @MeredithFrost: A huge thanks to the person that did this

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2015-12-13 16:49:05

Who wore it better? Trash boat or @MrTrashWheel

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2015-12-13 18:03:51

What the hell, weather?

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2015-12-14 20:24:07

RT @RectorSun: They tell me I can't be behind building. I walk to corner. They tell me I cant be on Guilford Ave at all. Members of public …

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2015-12-15 11:48:09

David Foster's version of "Carol of the Bells" sounds like a Soul Calibur level theme.

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2015-12-15 14:04:25

I had my last cup of coffee yesterday at 7am. I literally forgot to drink any since then but now I want to see how long I can go.

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2015-12-15 16:07:09

Made it to 10:45 before I poured a cup. Ah, coffee: a solid 5/7.

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2015-12-15 16:07:21

RT @earlxsweat: I feel like we're all mature enough to admit that IPA's are nasty as fuck

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2015-12-15 16:31:27

"@RandPaul is about as popular with Republicans as @MartinOMalley is with Democrats." --@MichaelJElston

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0

2015-12-15 16:46:29

This city's emergency operations center has been activated in anticipation of a jury verdict. Let that sink in for a moment.

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2015-12-15 17:00:29

@ballance The Officer William Porter trial here in Baltimore

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2015-12-15 17:02:25

The county schools superintendent says its too dangerous for county kids to be chaperoned into the city this week because of a jury verdict.

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2015-12-15 18:18:54

Today I learned that ovarian torsion is a thing.

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2015-12-15 19:06:33

RT @RectorSun: To be clear for commenters: BPD not apologizing for getting prepared, but donning gear now went against their attempts to do…

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2015-12-15 19:12:42

Just another average New York bro who has totally lost his shit @bsarsgard

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2015-12-15 19:47:01

RT @postsecret:

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2015-12-15 19:55:48

RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Good news 4chan, we're shutting down school districts over email now.

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2015-12-15 22:14:15

RT @theharryshearer: Report from @realDonaldTrump 's dentist: "His teeth are those of a 20-year-old mammoth. His gums are unbelievably supp…

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2015-12-16 14:33:43

When your congresspeople talk about "the encryption problem," this is what they really mean:

  • Favorites: 1, Retweets: 2

2015-12-16 16:58:53

Spam of the day: "Dear Customer, Our records show that your account has a debt of $475.{rand(10,99)}}."

  • Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0

2015-12-16 20:29:55

Thought Judge Williams had telegraphed that he wouldn't allow a hung jury until Thursday. Guess I was wrong.

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2015-12-16 20:37:46

RT @HousingWatchMD: Seriously? Delegate Jalisi sent me a cease and desist letter? You've got to be kidding me.

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2015-12-16 21:09:00

RT @RectorSun: Sheriff's dept comes over, tells me & Sun photog if we shoot pictures of court we'll be in contempt of court order by admin …

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2015-12-16 21:10:16

RT @RectorSun: We said it's a public street. Deputy says, and I quote, that the judge's order has now made it a "privately public" area.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-17 14:57:44

This coffee tastes like a hotel pool smells.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-12-17 22:43:57

Lots of sirens and movement north of Pratt and Commerce but nothing on Twitter feed so obviously NBD.

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2015-12-19 13:05:58

RT @Popehat: Why would a newspaper "trim for space" on a webpage? Trouble with the Pixelmakers Union?

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2015-12-19 21:04:05

RT @PhoDlite: We're thrilled to announce our 5th locations opening TODAY at 8926 Waltham Woods Rd, Baltimore MD 21234. See you there from 1…

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0

2015-12-21 14:15:53

Turns out @SlackHQ makes an excellent team sentiment tracker. This about wraps up last week's emotional spectrum:

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2015-12-21 14:35:34

@kateebee It's Yanni. We use him to represent management.

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2015-12-21 14:55:35

@david_s_marks Warms the heart to see you and Mike Ertel smiling next to each other five years after a contentious race.

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2015-12-21 18:40:11

Trying to dd a Raspbian image on my old Eee PC transports me into hardware hell. Three HCI modules, all slightly different...

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2015-12-22 20:56:08

This may be a gray and gloomy day outside but reading #schlonged is brightening it right up for me.

  • Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1

2015-12-22 20:57:32

RT @Belford_Paul: Merry Christmas everyone.

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2015-12-22 22:14:18

What a strange coincidence, all my credit card interest rates just increased by 0.25% at the same time!

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2015-12-23 13:22:36

Ground-level visibility less then 2/10 of a mile in north east Baltimore

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2015-12-24 20:40:08

My new creative outlet experiment for 2016 - watch this space or subscribe in your favorite feed reader

  • Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0