Tweets from 2020
2020-01-03 18:06:54
@cylussec Good luck with everything!
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-03 19:09:37
I was reminded of this strong contender for best tweet of 2019.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-01-03 21:08:22
@groupboard Seems unlikely that any spammer could survive their required delivery threshold with a dirty list, but maybe you have a different experience than I do.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-01-07 20:52:13
@cylussec Idk the intersection of Old Harford at Harford at Glenmore gives me anxiety even if nobody is in it. That’s more passively aggressive tho.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-07 23:39:33
RT @Zeddary: We got through 16 years of properly contextualizing the US-Iran conflict as a Cold War hammered out through proxies, spy games…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-01-08 13:14:32
You misspelled “York” 🤔
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-08 17:53:24
Thanks to the school delay I've been up since 5 a.m. and somehow only have 1.75 billable hours logged today. If I type nonstop until 7:15pm I can work a full day and still put them to bed. 😧
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-08 19:27:07
@Spicxer Above or below the Howard Street Bridge?
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2020-01-09 20:49:02
If I type "i also choose" into Google, it auto-completes to "i also choose this guy's dead wife." This is how I know that the Internet makes us all terrible people.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-09 21:32:02
Conversations with younger co-workers: CW: "guys I don't know what clippy is" Me: [posts picture] CW: "oooo is that clippy? I feel like I have seen him before...maybe" Me: "was he posted up in the nursery of the hospital where you were born?" CW: "why did he die? old age?"
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-10 14:10:46
Latest Facebook casual racism:
"Bill Batemans closing because neighborhood is declining - too close to the city."
My neighborhood is:
- Crime-free
- 3 miles from city line
- Outside the beltway
- No public transit
- Next to a working farm
Ok sure, it's the "city's" fault.
- Favorites: 55, Retweets: 8
2020-01-10 14:22:01
I engaged with the commenter. Pray for me.
- Favorites: 11, Retweets: 0
2020-01-10 14:28:30
@jbblawmd What's the size threshold between "working farm" and "for-profit garden?"
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-01-10 14:41:20
@JennyKessKlump Yes, I thought that was obvious. 🙂
- Favorites: 6, Retweets: 0
2020-01-10 15:28:42
@RayDubicki Wow this is amazing. I could play a full card on Nextdoor alone.
- Favorites: 8, Retweets: 0
2020-01-10 15:56:45
@rob_bru_washere They were referring to North Plaza in Carney.
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2020-01-10 23:40:24
@Bmore_NotLess I wouldn’t call the lack of public transit delightful, but it’s the usual reason people blame city folks for county issues.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-12 21:54:32
Just had a conversation with my dad where I learned he opposes a wealth tax on moral grounds but feels he personally does not pay enough taxes, won’t vote for Trump but doesn’t want four years of Warren “lecturing” him with her “shrill voice.” Guys my head is still spinning.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-01-12 21:58:11
He told me that a wealth tax is the slippery slope to the population beheading the ruling class a la Marie Antoinette. I asked him if maybe a wealth tax might be a relief valve towards millions of destitute Americans doing exactly that. To his credit he did concede that point.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-12 22:01:23
I just can’t understand how you hold a concept of protecting the accumulated wealth of people with 10 million dollars as a moral concern. He’ll never have that kind of wealth, doesn’t know anyone with that wealth and yet this person he will never meet should be protected.
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2020-01-12 22:04:53
My dad is an objectively smart and caring guy and I love him. He has volunteered his time in ministry his entire life and genuinely cares for the people that he knows. I have a hard time reconciling what he says on social and political issues with his actual behavior.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-01-12 22:16:35
I often use our discussions to form a mental model of folks who are politically different from me. It lets me predict what they will say and do but does not help me understand why.
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2020-01-12 22:25:01
It would take a thousand lucky breaks to make most of us millionaires. It would take one major illness to push most of us into an unrecoverable destitution. That fact alone makes me deeply uncomfortable.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-01-12 22:29:46
@Bmore_history No a very purple part of NJ.
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2020-01-12 22:38:59
@Bmore_history I think the point is to think about him as a demographic cohort than a single vote.
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2020-01-13 21:12:26
@Bmore_history Does "or die" mean not voting for a non-Bernie candidate in the general?
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2020-01-13 21:14:13
@obra Hopefully it includes your social score.
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2020-01-14 14:30:34
@Spicxer The post itself is totally reasonable. Basically says there were some a-holes in the park causing trouble and please try to be nicer to each other. Why are the comments going off the rails?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-14 14:32:39
@zonkerson @Spicxer Too long.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-01-14 17:24:38
@BaltCoPolice @ChiefMHyatt Now do Detective William Johnson
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2020-01-14 18:54:51
@abolishurbanism Get a keyboard remapper like AutoHotkey and turn the pipe into the em dash.
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2020-01-14 19:19:11
@abolishurbanism It wouldn't help you to have an em dash appear in your document when you type shift-? Sorry, thought that's what you were asking for
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2020-01-14 19:23:51
@epiphanyinbmore @ewarren For someone who takes so many selfies, you'd think she'd know to text first.
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2020-01-15 14:22:37
From all reports so far, the process of electing Chanel Branch was disgraceful. We should act better than that.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-01-15 14:33:05
@CarolSOtt You don't have Javascript enabled in your browser?
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2020-01-15 14:39:19
@CarolSOtt Very weird. And yes, also dumb. My email address is 20 years old. It's everywhere. I get about 500 spam emails a day and all but a handful get caught or rejected before they hit my inbox.
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2020-01-16 16:15:13
Dear “Real folx of 212xx” Facebook: this is 💯 what you sound like
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2020-01-16 18:28:05
Definitely don't read this article about Special Services Group that their lawyers said was literally a violation of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-16 19:04:58
@toriashley3 I once watched a guy work his way up Gay Street treating red lights like stop signs. Weirdly he didn't actually get much further than I did since it was a rush hour and if he waited the extra 10 seconds they all would have been timed for him anyway.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-16 20:51:38
@thepacketrat The obvious choice is "The Green Hills of Earth" by "Noisy" Rhysling.
- Favorites: 8, Retweets: 1
2020-01-17 16:18:16
@RayDubicki Honestly if those people haven't rage-unfollowed me by now, they're missing all my jokes.
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2020-01-17 21:19:23
RT @brockwilbur: Short Thread: staying with some friends and last night after everyone went to bed I could not figure out how to turn off t…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-01-18 13:14:18
The troops are assembled at the Satyr Hill Shopping Center and have taken over the Dunkin’ Donuts.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-01-18 21:45:03
RT @USNatArchives: We made a mistake.
As the National Archives of the United States, we are and have always been completely committed to…
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2020-01-18 21:48:10
For a "free" upgrade, Windows 10 sure has cost me a lot of hours this week in free tech support for friends and family. Unsupported video cards, Office licenses deactivating, to name a few.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-01-21 02:11:20
@CarolSOtt Rob 2020: Why are you so lazy?
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2020-01-21 20:07:57
@jasoninprogress Time to reactivate the Fitbit weekly challenge?
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2020-01-22 16:32:10
@ChloeCondon @girlscouts @Matheneyc @TitleOfConf @ngconf Love that it spells out "GS"
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-01-22 16:37:07
@ChloeCondon @girlscouts @Matheneyc @TitleOfConf @ngconf TIL the Girl Scouts are big endian
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2020-01-22 17:14:11
Imagine what they'd write to someone who took the bus.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-01-22 17:18:29
@NihilSegniter Looking exclusively for psych doc or NP alternatives?
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2020-01-22 18:37:57
I’ve never framed a tweet before but tbh no tweet has ever deserved it like this one does.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 2
2020-01-22 19:30:46
@RiannaEckel What’s this magic gas you can use twice?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-01-23 18:32:20
So now we're counting the symbolic end-of-the-world clock in seconds remaining. Cool, cool.
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2020-01-23 19:30:35
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2020-01-24 16:11:13
I'm forty years old now, so I have started to play a game in the office called "is this a new intern or co-worker's kid who doesn't have school today?"
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-01-24 16:55:34
RT @NatashaBertrand: Trump has claimed he doesn't know Parnas, but here he is apparently giving him a direct order to "get rid of" a U.S. a…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-01-24 22:29:56
My Twitter account is blocked by a teacher at my daughter's elementary school. My curiosity is through the roof. Accident? Something I said?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-25 01:40:28
RT @Yamiche: Rep Schiff: "It doesn't matter how good the Constitution is. It doesn't matter how brilliant the framers were...If right doesn…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-01-27 13:21:57
Plane crash in Ghazni province. News reports starting at 4am all said passenger plane, but otg video indicating USAF E-11A. So far only @CivMilAir seems to have it as a story.
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2020-01-27 14:31:26
PSA for Parents: Your child's teacher will drill into them to call 911 in an emergency. That's great, but hand them your locked phone and see how they do. We've had to teach our kids "hit the power button five times and swipe SOS" and "say hey siri i have an emergency" instead.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 3
2020-01-27 14:50:06
After 2 hours working at home I can identify the finally moral lesson at minute 7 of every Pokemon episode. It's directly related to the instant any character shows an ounce of hubris.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-01-27 15:46:35
@tom_swiss Failed passcode authentication will also put up a small button that says "Emergency" but that almost takes longer.
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2020-01-28 16:54:13
@pwgphoto Also Mac OS probably trying to peek inside each one for metadata and face scanning instead of just quietly copying from one device to another.
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2020-01-28 22:09:48
RT @matthew_d_green: A photo is a mathematical representation of your face.
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2020-01-31 16:26:57
And now NSA needs to re-key those two locks.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-01-31 16:31:39
@roscada Not really if your business is spying.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-01-31 16:34:35
@roscada More likely a red team contractor who bought the keychain at the crypto museum, but my version is more fun.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-01-31 17:14:24
@eric_hontz Are they selling packaged saline?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-02-01 23:45:37
@CarolSOtt 800-685-0123
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2020-02-02 11:18:42
RT @NWS_BaltWash: A few snow showers will be possible this morning for areas in northern Maryland and the eastern panhandle of WV. A warmi…
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2020-02-02 23:16:59
"Yes, the next lodge meeting is on Wednesday. Please stop asking." #notjustamanamason
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2020-02-02 23:52:19
RT @ewarren: Trump has been president for three years now, and you can feel the fear across the country. We have a choice to make: Will we…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-02-03 17:02:00
RT @mattkauzlarich: @TylerHuckabee @Franklin_Graham @pepsi @NFL What’s the difference between Shakira’s hips than the president’s lips?
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2020-02-03 22:47:38
RT @NatlAquarium: We are deeply saddened to share that Calypso, our beloved green sea turtle, passed away unexpectedly Sunday night.
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2020-02-03 22:49:39
RT @NashtrillPromo: Can we acknowledge that Shakira was dressed as her Zootopia character during her Superbowl performance?…
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2020-02-04 13:52:44
@rahulastrohl Progress?
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2020-02-04 15:02:47
@harry4maryland Do you send this out via email?
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2020-02-04 16:07:49
I work hard every day to build resilience and availability into my marketing-focused apps. It takes people on the team willing to stand up and advocate for the extra effort, and those people to be on the team in the first place.
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2020-02-04 16:08:41
@mistersql It doesn't have to be. I work hard to build resilient apps and platforms every day in martech.
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2020-02-05 01:51:59
If you’re going to try to spam call me, at least make the caller ID a number that could actually exist in the NANP. 🤔
- Favorites: 10, Retweets: 0
2020-02-05 15:17:23
@geofurb Telephone exchanges (the three digits after the area code) and area codes can't begin with a 1 because in the past if you used seven digit dialing, pressing one would cause the switching system (1ESS, etc) to expect a ten digit long distance number to follow.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-02-06 20:44:23
@Baltimore7Mike I just assume they are all empty houses or people who live in one room, shower at the gym and have all their food delivered.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-02-06 21:50:54
@CarolSOtt @DavidPontious Also has this live, @AnnieRoseNews
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2020-02-06 21:56:16
@thesoftestshep Suspicious package
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2020-02-06 22:05:53
@PrivacyWonk @AmtrakNECAlerts Suspicious package being investigated
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2020-02-06 22:06:10
@JeffCoxCNBCcom @Amtrak Suspicious package, police investigating, station evacuated
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-02-06 22:08:18
RT @AnnieRoseNews: K-9 units are currently at the back of the station as people crowd into the front - more and more passengers are leaving…
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2020-02-06 22:31:48
@PrivacyWonk @AmtrakNECAlerts
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2020-02-09 13:52:51
@Danielle_Bmore Cinemagraph of a full bus sailing past your stop in the rain.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-02-10 16:00:55
Me with 29 of my best friends
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-02-11 16:49:38
RT @originalspin: The VERY best argument for why @ewarren should be our next president is right here: She’s running to save America from it…
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2020-02-11 17:25:31
@justin_fenton Americans will do everything to avoid using the metric system
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 0
2020-02-12 15:12:21
@wittbecky I recommend some of the rain or wave soundscapes here
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-02-12 15:17:09
@wittbecky I have the app on my phone and the three that keep me from going insane are Spring Walk, Unreal Ocean, and Rain on a Tent.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-02-12 17:25:31
RT @YNB: A male friend of mine just told me the biggest mistake @ewarren made was not thinking far enough ahead to be born a man.
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2020-02-12 17:53:49
RT @IanColdwater: @EricVangoethem Devops people, like their sysadmin brethren, flag seniority by growing bigger beards and brighter hair wi…
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2020-02-12 18:56:52
@richseld @wittbecky Lets figure out how to get Dr. Pigeon a flight out here and make it happen.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-02-12 21:45:39
@wheelswordsmith Got any doors with mortise locks?
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2020-02-12 23:21:11
@wheelswordsmith Definitely try that one first
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2020-02-13 16:16:32
RT @schlthss: I am not sure if I could take a better photo that sums up the American urban street design experience for pedestrians aa this…
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2020-02-13 17:49:56
@CarolSOtt Better or worse than the emails from political campaigns that have a subject of "Re: Important info" when its not actually a reply?
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2020-02-13 18:34:47
I am dumber just for having read this headline: "Trump, Bloomberg trade insults as Twitter feud escalates" 😵
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-02-13 18:39:24
Warning signs that your child is about to earn a salary at 22 years old that is more than you earned in any five years of your entire life.
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2020-02-14 18:16:20
@jlepolastewart @BaltimorePolice Field training or classroom training?
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2020-02-15 17:21:21
RT @Spicxer: From the minutes of the last Towson PCRC meeting...
"Captain Chemelli brought everyone up to date on the crime trend for the…
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2020-02-17 22:42:38
Kids identified the scent variously as “watermelon” and “soap.”
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2020-02-18 23:04:48
@epiphanyinbmore Have you trained them to fetch Gatorade bottles and saltine sleeves?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-02-19 17:44:22
Vaccines are safe and effective.
- Favorites: 6, Retweets: 1
2020-02-19 23:55:17
Holow Kitty, creepy cousin of Hello Kitty, is here to haunt your dreams.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-02-20 15:35:08
@CarolSOtt @Hey_MissKeisha Isn't this almost always the BWI fire training?
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2020-02-20 16:59:23
@CarolSOtt @Hey_MissKeisha Looks like this:
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-02-20 19:04:11
RT @Keep3Free: If the @RainPryor campaign is a hint of how she will be as a council person she would be terrible. She is Indirect, non-res…
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2020-02-20 19:07:34
RT @LietjeMcCloud: @RVAwonk
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2020-02-20 19:16:16
Kept an "Amazon Alexa" scammer on the phone for two extra minutes using the Ron Swanson Hostile Witness technique of answering every question with a question. Could hear him struggle every time he had to deviate from the script. I'm no Kitboga but I'm doing my part.
- Favorites: 10, Retweets: 0
2020-02-20 19:54:36
"Hey Bloomberg give us some of that $83/sec, only we truly understand the beating heart common folk of this city." -Those guys, probably
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2020-02-21 03:10:39
@CarolSOtt It’s a modern version of the yellow pages invoice scam. Convince you to enroll your business in the “Alexa directory” which doesn’t exist or does nothing but bills you monthly.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-02-21 16:29:59
Isn't this the Wire episode where Detective McNulty catches the murder case because he can prove the body drifted out from the city?
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2020-02-21 20:21:21
@christinezhang @baltsundata @FinancialTimes @ftdata @baltimoresun Best of luck at FT, you'll do great.
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2020-02-21 23:02:01
Spotted a billboard on Gay Street at I-83 and listened to this podcast on the way home. Surprising that @BaltCoPolice is so reluctant to release records or info. Definitely going to look into this more.
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2020-02-22 02:26:15
@travisd1000 See my reply to @CarolSOtt above.
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2020-02-24 00:27:39
@CarolSOtt Legit refurb birds are hitting the market with branding intact. Might have been his personal.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-02-24 14:58:00
Join the clicky keyboard club for $21
code GJAPR7EW today. I have no stake in this, I just want people to have clicky keyboards at work so that together we can end the scourge of open office plans.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-02-24 16:12:09
@tom_swiss I'm (currently) more concerned with RSI/carpal tunnel than arthritis. The Unicomp and my assorted blue switch springs eat up the energy that would be reflected back into my wrists. Solved the trouble I had in my late 20s/early 30s.
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2020-02-24 22:32:40
@thepacketrat Since the score is supposed to indicate the likelihood you will miss a payment in the next 90 days this makes very little sense unless the formula expects you to use one credit line to pay off another...
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2020-02-26 14:27:42
@jbblawmd Why wait?
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2020-02-26 15:56:32
Every time I see COVID-19 in an email subject my brain reacts like I just got assigned a new JIRA ticket.
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 2
2020-02-26 17:17:56
Do you think the county PIOs get tired of typing "Unit block of Solar Circle" so often? @Spicxer
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2020-02-26 17:18:47
@socialistdogmom Worked out great for Roger Stone
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2020-02-26 18:03:58
RT @random_walker: In bizarro world, microwaves, TVs, and all other electrical devices are called blorps. There are heated arguments about…
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2020-02-26 19:35:55
@jbblawmd @cshelley26 @EHenak
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2020-02-26 22:46:39
Reminder: We're having a fun, short presentation on amateur astrophotography tonight at the masonic building at 507 West Chesapeake Ave in Towson. Public is welcome starting at 6:45pm. Presentation is 7:00pm to 7:30pm by our guest speaker Steve Rifkin.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-02-28 12:20:11
RT @alimanfoo: 4. Stop touching your face. Especially stop touching your eyes, nose or mouth. This is much much harder than it sounds, and…
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2020-02-28 12:40:46
COVID-19 action: with a label maker, print out a dozen stickers that say “Don’t touch your face” and “wash your hands right now” and attach them to your phone, laptop, TV, front door, steering wheel, watch, mirror, and any other place that gets your regular attention.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-02-28 16:45:28
RT @LibsInAmerica: Mike Pompeo refuses to say coronavirus is not a hoax. @tedlieu: You can’t even say it’s not a hoax?
Trump: Deny it’s a…
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2020-02-28 22:59:27
RT @fchollet: A deep learning model that can detect COVID-19 pneumonia from CT scans. When used by radiologists, the model can cut reading…
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2020-02-28 23:01:36
Not touching your face all day is SO DIFFICULT. Now that I’m keeping track it’s astonishing how much I do it. Instead of a mask I may just need to buy one of those cones you put around a dog’s neck after surgery.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-02-29 16:07:28
RT @KarenFlemingPhD: PSA for non-science folks: Wonder why everyone is emphasizing hand washing? Sounds banal, but soap really IS an amazin…
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2020-03-02 14:38:34
Good morning! When you read this tweet, go wash your hands, wipe down your desk, and write "stop touching your face" on a post-it. In two hours, do it all again.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-03-02 22:15:46
Two city police did a hit and run in the county and then tried to lie about it to the county police who showed up. 🤔
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2020-03-03 02:29:34
Are there betting markets open for if COVID-19 will mark the first use of the presidential message function of EAS? I have opinions on this.
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2020-03-03 16:16:35
@RahneAlexander It's still okay at home after a thorough hand washing.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-03-03 19:01:49
@jbblawmd @MMMcDermott The arguments against seem to be "if you tax [the service I provide] you're infringing on [protected speech/equal protection]", especially from lawyers.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-03 23:12:36
@wittbecky Will Rain be there?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-04 14:26:25
RT @BaltCoExec: Today, we‘re announcing BCSTAT, a new performance management program that uses data to make decisions — and shares that dat…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-04 18:32:55
RT @BarackObama: Protect yourself and your community from coronavirus with common sense precautions: wash your hands, stay home when sick a…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-04 20:43:03
Amazing work reverse aging Rashida Jones for this Stargirl film.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-05 16:48:18
Do I still get my Warren lapel pin?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-05 21:11:08
The first time you used "Netflix and chill" to someone in conversation after hearing it did you think it meant:
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-07 15:19:04
RT @LizSpecht: I think most people aren’t aware of the risk of systemic healthcare failure due to #COVID19 because they simply haven’t run…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-08 19:01:20
RT @tony_zy: After talking to several friends, I realize many ppl still aren't prepared for the societal impacts of coronavirus. Want to de…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-09 13:59:02
Happy Black Monday, everybody. #TrumpCrash.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-09 14:58:55
@KBQWrites What would you compare it to?
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2020-03-09 20:42:15
TFW your mom sends you a picture of an inflated LiPo battery that “kind of exploded” sitting on the wood floor. 🤯
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-09 20:44:06
@AnnFinkbeiner Positive tests make Trump's favorite metric look bad.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-10 14:58:43
Great job @nextdoor for this new post reporting option
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-03-10 15:56:42
The one year DJIA graph is now red. #TrumpSlump
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2020-03-10 18:19:51
@Spicxer @CitizenApp Don't you talk about County Air that way.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-10 18:59:52
@melissa_schober @gxwalsh
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-03-10 19:47:30
If you use it the feature, it seems like the comment or post immediately disappears into a totally different review queue than the usual system where it stays up until the Neighborhood Leads vote on it being against the rules.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-10 23:27:56
RT @BaltCoGov: Baltimore County reminds residents to practice simple preventive measures:
Frequently wash hands. Always get an annual flu…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-11 11:23:47
RT @trustpunch: 211 finally picked up told me they have no idea why @BMore_Healthy isn't directing people to their own COVID-19 hotline (41…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-11 13:02:09
It's my Twitter anniversary. I've been on this hellscape for 13 years as of today.
- Favorites: 6, Retweets: 0
2020-03-11 16:26:39
@Bmore_history According to science, it should be spherical by the time it hits the bottom.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-11 18:39:58
RT @jgeltzer: No. Stop. Please stop. This is wrong.
“The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus m…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-12 11:32:04
RT @owermohle: Trump's claim tonight that health insurers "have agreed to waive all copayments for coronavirus treatments" seems to be news…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-12 13:16:43
RT @ranimolla: I've gotten a hundred pitches about how to work from home but what I really need to know is how to work from home when the w…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-12 14:00:29
The VIX is the only green arrow on CNBC right now.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-03-12 19:46:58
RT @moxie: Friend in California (unsuccessfully) trying to get a test for coronavirus.
DPH: "Have you been to any countries experiencing a…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-13 01:05:52
Peapod by Giant web site and phone app are both down.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-13 14:41:12
Ongoing coronababies schedule:
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-13 14:47:01
@CarolSOtt @NihilSegniter So far I think it is. Yesterday gave me cover to make some tough choices cancelling all events at my masonic lodge until the 27th. By our bylaws we cancel when county schools do.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-03-13 15:20:44
How are Masonic Lodge around the world dealing with COVID-19? One brother is keeping an updated list of declarations on his blog:
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-13 22:20:33
RT @SpeakerAJones: Gov., we’ve been working with you for weeks. You’re well aware that we’re working to complete the budget & other importa…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-13 22:23:36
RT @SenSherrodBrown: Not true, @realDonaldTrump. I wrote to you more than 600 days ago demanding answers after you fired the entire White H…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-14 11:38:32
RT @dylan_thyme: hi, it’s me, a food service employee! & uhhh... no offense or anything, but i’ve seen how some of you... live? so in case…
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2020-03-14 11:43:18
RT @AsiaChloeBrown: I don't ever want to hear about what we "can't do" again. We're mass telecommuting, large-scale sanitizing, waiving cer…
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2020-03-14 11:48:20
RT @jemillerwbal: A light moment for a very serious time.. Squeegee kids, and these were kids, were wearing gloves as they washed windshiel…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-14 11:49:05
RT @CarolineMoss: Is anyone else’s brain so broken that you’re beating yourself up for not being productive enough about work during an unp…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-14 12:00:34
RT @griner: Real talk: If you're not feeling productive, it's not because you're working from home or poorly managing your time.
It's bec…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-14 13:33:28
RT @SheppardPratt: Is all of the news about #COVID2019 causing your #anxiety to skyrocket? You're not alone. Try these tips:…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-14 17:39:52
RT @ohgeminii: i wish some of y'all would understand that these closures & cancellations aren't because they think everyone is going to dro…
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2020-03-14 17:40:00
RT @BarackObama: If you’re wondering whether it’s an overreaction to cancel large gatherings and public events (and I love basketball), her…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-15 14:30:15
RT @MattZeitlin: One way to think about social distancing is that to contribute to a great national cause in World War II you had to, like,…
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2020-03-15 14:30:46
RT @mlipsitch: Repeating my plea to media: PLEASE stop saying "there are now X number of cases in the US" and start saying "as of today X c…
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2020-03-15 14:38:54
Keeping young kids safe is a lot like like long-haul driving. They are quietly drawing with you for 10 minutes with nothing happening. Then you look down at your phone for 10 seconds and BAM they eat a mouthful of wood shavings from the pencil sharpener.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-03-15 14:48:01
As of today 31 cases have been reported in Maryland. Because of limited testing, experts agree the real number is far higher.
- Favorites: 10, Retweets: 4
2020-03-15 16:04:50
Hat tip to @mlipsitch for this
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2020-03-15 16:19:45
RT @GovLarryHogan: Anyone who hosts or is part of the crowds in bars this weekend is jeopardizing the health of others and must avoid any c…
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2020-03-15 16:48:18
@banthaskull It’ll help with the civil suits later.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-15 20:46:44
Honest question: Is "Wuhan Virus" more intrinsically racist than "Lyme Disease" and "West Nile Virus?"
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-15 21:30:39
RT @Coach_Nick87: A school superintendent said something profound in his address cancelling school for the next 3 weeks. He said: In the en…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-15 22:19:47
@tadmaster I almost made this one of the poll answers.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-16 11:40:08
@SwiftOnSecurity The heating elements are just CPUs running bad code now
- Favorites: 52, Retweets: 0
2020-03-16 19:07:55
RT @corinthian93: Freemasonry does not begin and end in the lodge room. That point is repeated so often in our ritual and studies that it s…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-16 20:15:21
And just like that, the DJIA closes the day only $456 higher than when Trump took office. A gain of 0.7% per year.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-03-16 21:11:10
I’m not stressing out you’re stressing out
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1
2020-03-16 21:25:03
RT @SkinnerPm: If I had to describe my feelings as we wait for the hammer to fall, I’d say ‘I’m curious’.
I’m worried about my neighbors…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-16 21:26:18
RT @DrAJWalsh: I always thought wartime rationing was about scarcity - I suddenly appreciate that it was also about equity.…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-17 01:53:27
RT @themodernwench: Someone said that in 9 months there will be a new generation of babies called "coronials". But my dad said that in 13 y…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-17 14:47:39
RT @weijia: This morning a White House official referred to #Coronavirus as the “Kung-Flu” to my face. Makes me wonder what they’re calling…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-17 18:43:41
@MicrosoftUK Microsoft sherlocked Aquasnap.
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2020-03-17 19:59:22
@MassLandlords @MikeConnollyMA @RepKevinHonan BRB off to email all my friends in Mass to support this bill.
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2020-03-17 21:13:29
Listening to the police/fire scanner right now. Every few minutes someone is falling off a roof, having chest pains, stroke symptoms, getting in a car crash, you name it. This is the drumbeat of every day. COVID-19 is going to dwarf all of it.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-17 23:16:30
RT @Colinoscopy: decided to bike to work today
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2020-03-17 23:20:13
RT @dmofengineering: It's online meeting time! You jump into the call. Roll 2d4 for how many people are touching their face.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-17 23:22:44
RT @shomikdutta: This is a great reminder of how Trump lied about and ignored a clear and present danger to his fellow Americans:
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-17 23:25:23
RT @david_s_marks:
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2020-03-18 10:58:27
RT @JustinKownacki: If you wonder why everyone isn't taking the coronavirus as seriously as you think they should — like some folks I know,…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-18 14:42:10
Parkville and Towson police searching for vehicle and driver that was passed out, but when police approached drove off from the stop, vicinity of Joppa and Old Harford Roads. #scanner
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2020-03-18 15:24:05
RT @BarackObama: As communities have begun to recognize the importance of social distancing measures to “flatten the curve” on COVID-19 tra…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-18 15:32:00
RT @cmclymer: China didn't do this to America.
China didn't make Trump refuse test kits from WHO.
China didn't make Trump ignore our hea…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-18 17:17:30
And just like that, all of the market gains since January 19, 2017 have been erased.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 2
2020-03-18 17:40:29
RT @lefonceobscure: Here’s Donald Trump admitting to cutting the Pandemic team to “save money” on TV. Retweet...
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2020-03-18 18:23:36
RT @nikkiblackcat: whelp that’s enough instagram for today
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-18 18:29:08
President Pelosi should definitely give Dr. Fauci the Medal of Freedom after she takes office in January 2021.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-03-19 01:33:59
RT @ashleymcnamara: Please lead with empathy.
Many people have worked from home before, but none of us have worked from home during a pan…
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2020-03-19 15:03:37
Current Zoom status
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-03-19 15:24:00
@phil_g I'm surprised there aren't a bunch of quality Android apps that allow you to chromakey your video and pass it through as a virtual camera.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-19 17:04:40
RT @ElectRyanDorsey: New @OIG_Baltimore report in my inbox:
City Comptroller Joan Pratt failed to recuse herself from votes on more than $…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-19 18:27:15
RT @jabinbotsford: Close up of President @realDonaldTrump notes is seen where he crossed out "Corona" and replaced it with "Chinese" Virus…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-19 22:38:51
RT @RobertFaturechi: NEW: After assuring the public about the government's coronavirus preparedness, Senate Intel chair Richard Burr, in on…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-20 11:20:15
I just lost The Game.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-20 15:18:39
This morning a 70-year-old brother from my masonic lodge called me from Italy where he is under quarantine with his family. "We are very sad and don't know what is the next day," he told me. "We are ready to do what we need but we cannot see the enemy."
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-20 15:22:15
RT @nxthompson: If you know someone who is feeling confident and calm, and wants to be freaked out of their mind, this lovely terrifying es…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-20 18:32:29
RT @PeterAlexander: I offered both Pres Trump and VP Pence an opportunity to reassure Americans.
Simple question: “What do you say to Amer…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-20 21:40:14
RT @FilmmakerJulie: In a briefing on the biggest global crisis of many of our lifetimes, Trump refers to the State Department as the "Deep…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-21 00:05:22
RT @bradleyziffer: So, the last week I have been battling COVID-19 & Pneumonia. Never in my life have I been this ill. “Young people aren’t…
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2020-03-21 00:32:28
RT @katecallen: Not sure we've communicated well enough that social distancing interventions will pay dividends in 1-3 weeks. Anything that…
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2020-03-21 13:13:11
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-21 14:49:57
RT @wjz: ISO: #WJZ is looking to speak to people who tested positive for coronavirus or are trying to get tested but can't here in Maryland…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-21 20:53:06
@SleepyHead_band No covid. Strangely, lots of idiopathic pneumonia...
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1
2020-03-22 00:35:23
RT @meyerweb: ✍️🏼A few thoughts on working from home in unprecedented times.
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2020-03-22 13:58:07
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-03-22 14:44:07
RT @kayewhitehead: I think there is a little confusion: Social distancing means: No play dates No touch football No house parties No la…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-22 15:28:48
It is time for @GovLarryHogan to bring the hammer down.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 1
2020-03-22 15:37:12
RT @ddale8: Trump: “Nobody in their wildest dreams would have ever thought that we'd need tens of thousands of ventilators.”
2015 CDC stud…
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2020-03-22 17:12:35
In theory, if I was going to give myself a pandemic buzz cut, what electric razor setting would look best?
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2020-03-22 17:14:09
RT @marktough: .@GovLarryHogan I did not vote for you but your COVID response has been admirable in many ways. But you simply must compel t…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-22 19:14:34
@jbblawmd Don’t know if YTA but is it really the best survival strategy to lecture old ladies with nothing to lose?
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-03-22 20:38:58
@jbblawmd You did the right thing, obv.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-23 00:30:36
Everybody ready for "Shelter in Place" tomorrow at 11am?
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-03-23 00:58:02
@jurph I don’t have any specific knowledge but it does track with how other states are responding to similar numbers.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-23 13:29:12
RT @DRxKatherine: Well it finally happened to me.
A dentist just tried to call in scripts for hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin for himse…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-23 14:43:33
RT @mmpadellan: It's not rocket science.
A deadly pandemic causes the country to shut down.
-People need CASH. -All bills/payments should…
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2020-03-23 14:59:26
Is there a live stream of the Hogan presser available?
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-03-23 15:52:51
Son thinks the lyrics to a Meghan Trainor song are "Go to outer space, outer space, no trouble."
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-23 16:25:10
@epiphanyinbmore Use your Mute All button liberally.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-03-23 17:20:36
Hey everybody, rich folks want their money back sooner, so some of you are going to have to die. It's just your garden variety trade-off.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-03-23 20:51:31
RT @JStein_WaPo: BREAKING: Dr. Fauci is warning Trump officials NOT to listen to growing push among WH advisers, GOP lawmakers to restart t…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-24 14:27:55
RT @T_Inglesby: In last 24 hrs there've been prominent US voices calling for a stop to social distancing, citing rationale that they're wor…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-24 15:26:33
RT @howardtayler: "Every time you break isolation, someone will die," said the djinn. "But it will be a person you do not know."
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-24 15:51:21
RT @MarkAgee: So we're doing The Trolley Problem but the most important thing is to save the trolley
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2020-03-24 17:29:09
I am hours away from my pandemic buzz-cut.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-24 17:31:19
RT @ScottGottliebMD: THREAD: There’s a strong and understandable desire to return to better times and a functioning economy. But it should…
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2020-03-24 18:02:14
RT @JuhanaIF: This one's a real head-scratcher.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-24 18:25:57
MSBE was woefully unprepared for this shift to online meetings.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-24 19:21:05
RT @ewarren: Our obligation, our moral imperative, is to save lives. If people are forced out of their homes too early and thousands or mil…
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2020-03-24 19:54:41
Stay ~
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2020-03-25 11:35:01
RT @DynamicWebPaige: Dear parents,
I have no idea how you are juggling:
—child care —child education —work —work-from-home-ing (often in…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-25 15:15:27
RT @riccimike: Note to young people: 217 of Maryland's cases are between the ages of 20-50. That's nearly HALF of our total cases.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-25 15:44:30
RT @catvalente: When the President looks the nation in the eye and says some lives lost are acceptable to save the stock market, he means y…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-25 17:08:56
@RayDubicki Yeah, that's about the sum of it. Even otherwise respectable flashlight brands are putting a single UV-A 220nm emitter in their black-light flashlights and re-branding them in an attempt to cash in on the panic.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-25 22:45:30
RT @winston_chang: If there's a baby boom in 9 months, it'll consist entirely of first-born children.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-26 13:18:37
RT @sahilkapur: The Trump campaign just released a cease and desist letter demanding that TV stations immediately pull this ad.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-27 22:58:44
RT @NomeDaBarbarian: In this time, remember the wisdom of Kahless the Unforgettable.
"Long ago, a storm was heading for the city of Quin'l…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-28 18:47:46
Greetings from Britney Stage of Quarantine level 8
- Favorites: 9, Retweets: 0
2020-03-29 00:30:51
RT @obra: What I've seen from multiple sources is that many mask factories in China want a 50% deposit as you order and the rest before the…
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2020-03-29 13:30:43
@CarolSOtt @disnazzio What your phone knows (and tells you) based on spotty GPS and nearby Wifi hotspots and what the telco can triangulate based off your signal to two or three local cell towers are very different things.
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2020-03-29 13:34:44
@CarolSOtt @disnazzio E911 would have received the “real” info.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-29 17:53:51
@david_s_marks We were in the park when this happened. It sounded like a thunderclap.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-29 19:19:44
@Spicxer You should have seen the Q-heads when Trump posted to "Invoke P" with no context.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-29 20:26:26
Today I started to divide my paperwork inbox into "inter- covid" and "post-covid" piles.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-29 20:27:55
RT @HKalodimos: Even in the depths of our pre-pandemic cynicism, none of us could have imagined our present reality.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-30 14:38:20
@toriashley3 For most of us, I suppose.
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2020-03-30 14:54:59
Maryland stay-at-home directive issued by Governor on penalty of misdemeanor. EAS notification to follow shortly.
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2020-03-30 15:23:08
Did anyone get a copy of Gatherings-FOURTH-AMENDED-3.30.20.pdf before the Gov's wordpress site got DDOSd?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-30 16:19:37
Electronic notary acts now permitted in Maryland. Now I’m thinking about a deepfake algorithm that can have a simple conversation with a notary based on a small video data set. “My voice is my passport, verify me.”
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-30 19:03:37
@captainbitter It's nice but I have had to put on a knit cap or a hoodie when I wake up in the morning.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-03-30 19:32:51
@pwoodreporter @SarahDem2020 @riccimike Doesn't EAS have more to do with cell tower location than your phone number?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-03-31 00:06:26
Day 15: Going down the "birds aren't real" conspiracy rabbit hole. The arguments are strangely compelling...
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2020-03-31 17:07:51
Waze App is not fooling around. I’m not driving, just clicked on it to see the traffic. Don’t narc on me, GPS.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-03-31 18:24:00
So now $2,000,000,000,000 is COVID-19 relief table stakes?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-01 17:49:01
RT @emily_murnane: Days are now divided by coffee hours and alcohol hours, there is no other law
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2020-04-01 18:37:26
This is the right call.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-04-01 19:12:50
@RayDubicki I don't think anyone can be expected to understand international maritime laws in any practical sense, but they will understand (and share) on a visceral level that the company they chose fucked them over pretty good with their decision.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-01 21:36:24
@kalanigordon Cats also have an exponential curve for annoying behaviors.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-01 21:57:40
@thepacketrat Repurposed hash-generating GPU resources will save us all.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-02 19:34:29
Days and nights have no meaning anymore.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-03 01:12:07
Heeeeeeeeeey 2020: "CSU group is calling for a total of 16 named storms, 8 hurricanes, and 4 major hurricanes, compared to the long-term average (1981-2010) of 12.1 named storms, 6.4 hurricanes, and 2.7 major hurricanes."
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 2
2020-04-05 21:47:37
RT @djbaskin: Choosing your quarantine character 🍾👏😂
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-05 23:51:04
RT @CarlosLozadaWP: Today’s @washingtonpost front page reminds me of the days after 9/11 — there is only one story, and it’s being covere…
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2020-04-06 17:38:23
@Spicxer It can regrow from a root or shoot as small as one inch long. You have to remove all traces of it from where it grows and bag it up for trash (not yard waste) disposal to prevent the spread.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-08 10:57:48
RT @RectorSun: Working from home is blurring some lines, but records show a clear delineation remains.
Personal phone emojis:
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-08 15:43:29
Posted to my neighborhood group to suggest using FRS channel 9 as the COVID-19 kids channel to let kids chat with each other ad-hoc from their own yards. Lets see if it catches on!
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-08 18:03:39
@GovLarryHogan @benshapiro @wlsam890 You are the company you keep, I guess.
- Favorites: 11, Retweets: 0
2020-04-08 18:58:30
The tweet may be deleted, but that ratio left a mark.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-08 19:08:45
Scammers using COVID-19 and FMLA as bait are truly scum.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-08 20:20:09
@FoxForceFlacco @mattgonter @ErinatThePost That ratio gave me life, tho.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-08 22:05:56
@pwoodreporter @strobist On the plus side, if you happened to be a divorced man who’s ex wife won’t let him see the kids during this pandemic, you know which lawyers to call now.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-09 15:03:16
@CarolSOtt Forums are suggesting every tenant self-help with a “COVID quarantine” sign on their door and recording of loud intermittent coughing.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-10 00:03:56
Just got bored of scrolling Reddit on my iPad so I picked up my phone and instinctively opened Reddit and started scrolling while it was still open on the iPad. So I’m on that day of quarantine...
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-11 17:05:41
I don’t have a flashlight problem. You just spend too much time in the dark.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-04-11 17:57:37
The USPS is more important than ever. Tell Congress to repeal the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 which forces the postal service to pre-fund retirement pension plans to 2056. No other company or entity in the U.S. has this requirement.
- Favorites: 9, Retweets: 3
2020-04-11 20:23:36
Do it Monday
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-12 00:35:10
It’s so quiet on my walk through suburbia tonight I can hear birds chirping from the nearby farm, electric buzzing in the wires above and liquid running through the sewers under the road.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-13 18:08:42
RT @atrupar: Peter Navarro deflecting from the Trump administration’s lack of pandemic preparedness with a gotcha question to @60Minutes, o…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-13 18:25:43
Weather radio is back to back to back alerts right now.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-13 19:26:43
Show me a finer group of advocates for health and safety of the working class individual. Go on, I'll wait.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-13 22:24:15
This is fine.
- Favorites: 8, Retweets: 4
2020-04-14 14:23:50
Ironically, years of open offices have prepared me for working at home with children nearby.
- Favorites: 11, Retweets: 0
2020-04-14 14:59:18
Over the weekend several USPS packages I'm tracking (both to and from me) that were scheduled for Monday delivery all suddenly froze in "In-Transit" and now have no estimate. Is this just a weird coincidence or a bigger issue?
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-04-14 15:18:39
@roscada Good(?) to know it's not just me.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-14 15:26:18
Day 30: Forgot to put the carafe under the coffee maker last night and brewed 12 cups of coffee directly to the floor. Spouse and I have discussed each other's annoying habits in depth. Children realizing we have no energy for consequences. Driving a car a distant memory.
- Favorites: 8, Retweets: 0
2020-04-14 16:54:01
Narrator: It did not catch on.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-14 17:23:18
@ElectRyanDorsey Only analog vinyl laptop stands for this guy.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-04-14 17:28:49
Lots of essential contractors on my block today mowing lawns and installing kitchen cabinetry.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-15 01:06:03
@NihilSegniter Volume is down so they are finally getting to that dusty stuff that fell behind the conveyors.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-16 13:52:18
@DrRockt0pus Exercise permitted under the executive order.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-16 19:39:42
Good habits I've picked up in the last month:
- Evening walks
- Doing chores regularly
Bad habits I've picked up in the last month:
- Daily drinking
- Recurring angst
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-04-16 19:54:47
@ampledata As a fellow quadragenarian I recommend a good airy crochet blanket on the couch. Cover your head with it for an even more refreshing mid-day nap.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-16 20:20:51
Maryland needs to get on board with one of these coronavirus regional agreements or we're all going to get sorted into Slytherin House.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-16 20:21:35
@SkolVikes58 I'll admit the walks aren't great for my knees.
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2020-04-16 21:08:02
I’m brainstorming ways I could do a remote notary act for a neighbor without buying into a subscription service. I know a SHA256 of a PDF was good enough to verify my eQIP SF-86 so how about this: 1/5
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2020-04-16 21:08:03
Neighbor writes a document on their computer and signs it with their name. They save it and have their system of choice generate a SHA256 hash and send it to me. On a recorded video call I verify their identity and have them read out the hash and swear to it’s accuracy. 2/5
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2020-04-16 21:08:04
If the neighbor wants to send me a copy of the original file they can as well. Now I can put both hashes in my record book and generate a notary act certificate on paper containing both hashes and put my paper stamp and signature on that. 4/5
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-16 21:08:04
Once we’re done I have a SHA256 of their document which I have never seen and a video attesting to the signature and identity which I can then save and use to generate a second SHA256 hash. I safely store the video with my record book. 3/5
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-16 21:08:05
I feel like this is the same thing that the commercial eNotary services are doing but something as a tech savvy person I can do privately with very little cost. So the obvious question is: what am I missing? 5/5
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2020-04-16 22:42:19
@tom_swiss It’s worse than grift. The Maryland executive order doesn’t change the amount a notary can charge ($4) but most of these companies charge the account holder $25 per notary act and monthly subscription fees around the same amount. Makes it unaffordable to do eNotary as a courtesy.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-17 13:16:51
RT @evandhollander: Were they fired up before or after you emailed them (but mistakenly emailed Dem staff too) asking for a quote "blasting…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-17 16:27:29
12:22pm: Changed into “hard pants” to go outside and put lunch on the grill.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-04-17 19:21:58
My Maryland vehicle emissions inspection due date has extended to December 2020. I can literally tell you my last 35 days of total vehicle emissions. It's zero. Next 35? Take a guess.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-17 22:33:25
The way my son says “conolavirus” is adorable.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-04-19 22:56:34
Looking for a good summary of Hogan’s reopening plan. Do we need to have fourteen consecutive days of decline? If we have a spike on the 13th day does the clock reset back the full two weeks?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-19 23:09:04
@michaeltdresser There’s always the chance for a variance in the last few days that isn’t reflective of a trend. It’ll be interesting to see if we have a one day spike in an otherwise downward trend if things relax anyway.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-19 23:19:22
RT @SethCotlar: This book review was written 38 years ago by a far right antisemite and close compatriot of Pat Buchanan's named Samuel T.…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-20 17:04:33
This is week six and sometimes I still get this weird feeling that I'm the only person working remotely and everybody else is at the office.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-20 17:09:00
It was April 18 before someone I knew personally and IRL got symptoms or a diagnosis of COVID-19. Lots of friend-of-a-friend or media connections absolutely convinced me of the severity of the outbreak but it took until this weekend to have a first degree connection.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-20 17:10:48
@LegislativeBae In my mind I picture the folks at my job. It's never more than a fleeting thought but it still surprises me when I have it.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-20 18:09:36
Maryland has shown more prowess in international trade and logistics than the Federal government of U.S. for coronavirus testing. This is Hogan establishing his bona fides in working with world leaders and commerce in prep for his 2024 Presidential run. And it's solid work.
- Favorites: 6, Retweets: 0
2020-04-20 20:22:39
In defense of Len Foxwell, that post was pretty funny.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-21 11:38:59
You can buy a 36 watt UV-C “Medical Stage Lamp” for $27 on Banggood. The only warning is a single bullet point that reads “Avoid exposure to human body” which is the understatement of the century. People are going to buy this for Coronavirus and end up blind with skin cancer. 😠
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1
2020-04-21 13:20:47
Every time we try to carefully explain the new normal to our daughter her little brother barrels in the room like the Kool Aid Man shouting "CUZ THE VIRUS!"
- Favorites: 8, Retweets: 0
2020-04-21 17:56:18
RT @halltoons: Tomorrow’s syndicate cartoon. Thanks for sharing. #georgia #pandemic #COVID19 #coronavirus #cartooningforsolidarity #cartoon…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-21 22:48:38
No mention of the 23 favorable comments (100%) to the Neighborhood Commons downzoning in my neighborhood by the committee chairman. Disappointed.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-22 13:31:46
@jbblawmd A+ parenting. Imagining Calvin in quarantine.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-22 15:27:04
Day 38: Wife and I both forgot what day it is. Forgot to put trash out, missed morning video class, late to pediatrician. Told a neighbor I had crossed into new stage of precarious mental health. He nodded in agreement as our four year olds ran around, six feet apart.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-04-23 12:02:05
@hacks4pancakes What flashlight is it?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-24 13:52:32
BCPS videos being tagged and blocked by the Egyptian copyright bots.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-24 14:22:06
@travisd1000 County.
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2020-04-24 16:33:02
Today in 2020 we needed a PSA from the state emergency management agency to tell people to not drink bleach because WH staffers can’t keep the President of the United States on a short enough leash to not say something dangerously stupid during a press conference.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 3
2020-04-24 16:42:04
RT @nytimes: We've deleted an earlier tweet and updated a sentence in our article that implied that only "some experts" view the ingestion…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-25 17:01:36
@wittbecky Oil still has value, except if you ordered a whole bunch of it months in advance and have nobody to sell it to and nowhere to store it.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-25 17:14:37
@wittbecky Honestly you can think of the negative futures value as the cost of selling excess to smaller consumers like you instead of in the large (low overhead) quantities or paperwork-only (micro overhead) transactions.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-25 19:30:58
Why does the site
go to New York's web site, and why has the HTTPS certificate been expired since March? @TheMDTA
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-26 14:03:17
RT @justin_fenton: ICYMI: Md's highest court: "Given the egregiousness & the length of time of the conspiracy, the number of former members…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-26 19:46:43
Stolen from Reddit: "Injecting 100ml of Clorox or Lysol intravenously has a 100% chance of guaranteeing you won't die of COVID-19."
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-04-26 20:12:57
Distancing Errand #1: Safeway - pharmacist kept taking off his mask to answer the phone and talk to me. Used contactless card but had to decline charitable contribution request by pushing a button on the display. Cashier could not override or skip.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-26 20:12:58
Distancing Errand #2: Chok Chai - Gave card info over the phone. Employee came out masked to drop bags in passenger side then HANDED ME A CREDIT CARD TRAY AND PEN TO SIGN WITH AND HAND BACK. Luckily I had a million gallons of sanitizer ready for that.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-27 18:04:13
@jsfishnbuddy Next governors briefing: “You can release this, but the subsequent civil judgements will cost Maryland a dollar amount equivalent to your three favorite pet projects. Still want to push that button?”
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-27 21:38:15
Having pork for dinner tonight. Based on news reports today, it might be a bit harder to find in the coming months.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-27 21:49:32
@travisd1000 Good tip, thanks.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-28 02:03:12
@mcmansionhell Nice
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-28 02:04:44
It took seven weeks of quarantine but I’m proud to announce I now look at the face of the person speaking instead of my own during Zoom meetings.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-04-28 16:02:05
I heard today that you don't appreciate new music after age 33, so I put on a top hits playlist. Can anyone explain to me how a song like "hot girl bummer" makes the charts? Literally opens with a guy singing "Fuck you, and you and you" to women he thinks are too materialistic.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-28 16:09:30
@disappearinjon Out of the 10 top songs right now I like 8 of them so I feel like I’m comparing against its “peers” on the chart and it’s still terrible.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-28 17:37:53
My new favorite Nextdoor post is the woman complaining about people leaving shitty paperbacks (“the garbage you found on your bookshelves”) in her Little Free Library. Curation is hard, get over it.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-04-28 19:16:11
Mike Pence not wearing a mask at Mayo makes perfect sense. Masks are to make other people safer. They don’t really protect the wearer. He did the math, and the value of other human beings was zero.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-04-28 19:17:30
@joenatoli They work, just not on you.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-28 19:19:36
Never forget.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-04-28 23:11:22
Suddenly I have strong feelings on 5-024 CZMP issue.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-29 01:40:40
@Spicxer Most likely. Lots of discussion in the meeting tonight about not adding another gas station convenience store to the Joppa Road corridor that’s trying to diversify away from car-centric commerce.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-29 11:50:20
@grenadine @CarolSOtt Makes you realize that he’d probably settle for nothing less.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-29 12:41:14
Wear your mask.
- Favorites: 6, Retweets: 0
2020-04-29 14:43:51
@wittbecky So glad to hear we are not the only hyper frugal couple right now. Last month we had ten credit card transactions and one was a travel plan refund. I don’t want to admit how many we usually have.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-04-29 15:39:38
@NihilSegniter Same as folks leasing cars for Uber/Lyft.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-29 21:09:06
A bunch of rambunctious ten year old boys just waded out of the 6' drainage pipe behind my house, then ran screaming back in when they spotted me. The tunnel has to be a few hundred feet long and I'm SO envious. Nature is returning to the suburbs. You love to see it.
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 0
2020-04-29 21:12:19
They probably saw me and thought they were going to get in trouble. I legit wanted to hand them a 2 AA Maglite from my stockpile and tell them to bring me back the coolest rock they found. 🔦🚶🚶♂️🚶
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-04-29 22:15:22
RT @maureenjohnson: If you have gardening needs in Lower Bucks County, PA, here you go. This is a small local business and they are AMAZING…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-30 14:07:24
RT @ryanvaughan: My wife's uncle is a Paramedic. He convinced me... I'm wearing a mask in public.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-04-30 16:56:29
@Bmore_history When they hit the bottom they are perfectly spherical.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-05-01 11:17:52
@wittbecky Drastically outnumbered by the ones that say Maryland State Police.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-03 12:18:27
I’m “can’t make pancakes without thinking of that scene in Uncle Buck” years old.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-05-05 14:40:27
Are “spite chores” a thing? Because I think I just did some spite chores.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-06 22:48:19
@CarolSOtt The one up by me?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-06 23:41:46
@CarolSOtt We haven’t been there in a while but it is a genuine experience.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-07 00:30:02
Facebook is convinced I'm an undecided voter, which means I get ads from everybody with a ballot line.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-07 14:19:49
@missfidget That does sound like more fun.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-07 21:55:28
@david_s_marks @BCPSBoard_Julie Thanks for not posting the one with the back of my head.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-07 22:44:04
Is this the same spider? Guessing more likely T. domestica (barn funnel weaver) and not a brown recluse. But just want to be sure.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-08 02:32:13
@CarolSOtt Number five is the way to go. If you can talk to the ghosts and they can’t give you covid I call it a total win.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-09 14:14:23
RT @Acosta: This graphic is worth a thousand words
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-09 19:01:30
RT @thebrokenplate: Today’s Next Door post of the day.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-10 21:50:42
@thepacketrat I've used my catalytic propane heater to warm up my tent in November before I go to sleep. If I nod off I usually wake up sweating because the inside of the tent is 90ºF even with the air flap open.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-11 00:30:01
Last night I figured out my xBox 360 controller was faulty when I couldn’t ride a bicycle in GTA V. The last time my kids dropped it (months ago) something broke off in the left trigger so it’s registering 1% press all the time. Doesn’t affect any other game or vehicle.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-11 10:32:31
@epiphanyinbmore Next time you talk tell a little anecdote where you refer to yourself in the third person. (“I thought to myself: you can do this Rob”) and see if he gets the hint and returns the favor.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-05-12 13:38:32
RT @JakeMHS: Folks, I cannot describe how important it is that you read this r/relationships post. It's an absolute Hall of Famer.
My (29F…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-13 10:47:38
RT @samstein: Watched this a few times now and don’t think Romney’s drive here is to stick it to Trump so much as he is, inherently, a tech…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-13 15:34:14
It's been 63 days since I bought gasoline.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-13 17:34:47
If I can avoid that 2pm slump, today could be the day.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-13 23:54:55
RT @renato_mariotti: THREAD: What should we make of the news that Judge Sullivan has appointed retired Judge John Gleeson to present argume…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-14 11:17:30
RT @codyboteler: Maryland has not seen a 14-day decline in new cases, new hospitalizations or new-reported deaths. There is kind of a plate…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-14 21:29:54
RT @BarackObama: Vote.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-15 13:29:26
RT @BaltCoExec: After examining the available data and consulting our public health team, it’s clear we are not yet in a position to safely…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-15 15:43:53
My son just came inside to tell me in detail about all the spiders he's collected in jars today. He finished up and said "OK, sorry I distracted you" and ran back out. Now "Cats in the Cradle" is playing full orchestral version in my head, but I still have 6.5 hours of work left.
- Favorites: 10, Retweets: 0
2020-05-15 16:00:01
@SkolVikes58 I'm being dramatic. I've been spending more focused time with them in the last six weeks than all of 2019, but I'm working on a bunch of new bids so I gotta put in the time.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-15 18:14:39
@thepacketrat Same
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-15 21:18:27
So much disregard for others contained in one tweet.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1
2020-05-16 13:46:13
RT @ErinBanco: NEW: the State IG was pursuing an investigation into Pomepeo’s misuse of a political appointee to perform personal tasks for…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-18 17:08:27
Happy January 139th
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-18 21:04:59
Made a little app to help me comprehend my working hours with two working parents, two kids, and home school into what it would have been in the 8-5 grind and how hard I have to work the rest of the evenings/week to catch up.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-18 21:22:34
The local Citizens on Patrol captain just chased two guys out of our neighborhood for actively soliciting door-to-door without masks. I know this is prime season for contractors but damn just take out a Google Ad. The pizza guy doesn't even knock anymore!
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-19 16:26:05
Me: On Zoom Meeting Wife: On Teams Meeting Daughter: On Google Meeting Son: On Netflix Router: On fire
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-05-19 16:39:52
The dystopian rebel of 2020 will be a bitter coronavirus orphan who walks around Trump rallies in a MAGA hat carrying a spray mister of incubated spit
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-19 18:07:01
@matthew_d_green Both tweets describe the early telephone system pretty well though.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-20 01:39:05
@wittbecky If I could time shift real life conversations like my podcasts I’d be so happy. 2x conference calls with silence removers AND 45 second skip (forward and back... no embarrassing moments where you missed the start of the question)? Heaven.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-20 15:53:10
@tsdower Nobody's actually safe until there's a vaccine so just your gut.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-20 20:44:44
RT @emilyopilo: So here's a crazy tidbit: Maryland election officials found a bunch of ballots from South Carolina mixed in with their ship…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 01:00:08
RT @Firr: What absolute dystopian hell world are we living in.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 13:41:34
@jbblawmd My daughter wears a headset because it helps her focus (and be heard) but I usually log in to her class meeting from another device to listen in.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 14:15:20
"Please mute Councilman Crandall" 😬
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 14:29:30
Councilman Marks asks a pretty straightforward question to the county attorney who is struggling to answer it in a coherent way.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 14:33:16
Councilman asks “what is the constitutional basis for the state of emergency.” Attorney answers a bunch of questions that weren’t asked, and concludes by saying “There is a constitutional basis for the state of emergency.”
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 14:34:52
Marks keeping things grounded in specifics and law. Jones goes hyperbolic, “stick of dynamite to kill a fly in your kitchen.”
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 14:42:52
Nobody’s vote is going to change by this testimony and debates. I wouldn’t mind so much if it was good theater. Although we just got our first “as a Republican” and the end of the sentence was pro county rule.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 14:46:54
Jones switching analogy from “dynamite in the kitchen” to “general going to battle but hobbled by committees.” I’m excited for the next one.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 14:49:36
Crandall finally gets a chance to speak. He’s right that the chairman shouldn’t direct an administrator mute another councilman. She gave up her soft authority and now he can draw parallels between her hard hand and the one he’s trying to paint County exec with.
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2020-05-21 14:53:14
Still conflating the state of emergency with the lockdown. Bringing back 1st amendment arguments and “people getting tired of this” as a reason to vote against the bill. “One death is too many” but 204 don’t count because they were in congregated care.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 14:55:30
Feels like the only question left is whether this 52-20 vote will be 6-1 or 5-2?
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2020-05-21 14:58:53
Arguing for reopening spite of all the numbers and loss of life is a tough argument for anyone to make. You've got to respect his defense of the core principles, though.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 15:05:43
I despise it when council members address each other directly instead of addressing the chair with their argument. Maybe it's how they do things but it feel like a terrible lack of decorum.
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2020-05-21 15:11:25
Chairwoman Bevins needs to stop taking the bait. Nobody really cares how vitriolic her email inbox or Facebook page comments are. Nobody can see the comments she's reading, and the context is important.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 15:14:09
Chairwoman Bevins brings up Crandall's church. 😵
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2020-05-21 15:20:56
I'm just called into the webex phone line 415-655-0001 access code 474 716 633.
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2020-05-21 15:26:48
Councilman Marks back up again with his quiet strategy: ask the experts a simple question you already know the answer to and them make your argument for you. "My constituents say they can't take 45 more days of lockdown. Can you respond to that?"
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2020-05-21 15:29:24
Focusing on the numbers: "The July date is triggering a lot of frustration. Why not two weeks?" Mentions that the county council can have a special meeting literally any moment over video chat to extend as necessary.
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2020-05-21 15:31:47
It is Jones talking. Dynamite in the kitchen reference gives him away. Does note that the council could also come back in two weeks to revoke/end the SOE with a special meeting and additional legislation.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 15:31:47
His fellow Councilman (Jones? I can't tell) chimes in and thinks he is clarifying but he's actually clouding the issue by bringing up the difference between lockdown and State of Emergency.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 15:34:23
Nobody's biting on Marks "number of days" matters track. Crandall moves to vote. Bevins says an amendment was raised (when?).
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2020-05-21 15:37:56
Amendment offered by Wade Kach. Goes to roll.
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2020-05-21 15:38:47
Amendment fails. Bevins calls the vote, but there's another amendment by Marks.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 15:40:07
Marks amendment goes to roll. Fails. Bevins calls 52-20 vote.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 15:41:28
Resolution 52-20 passes. Next up 51-20, which undoes 52-20. Crandall waives comments (sort of).
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2020-05-21 15:42:01
Resolution fails for lack of a second.
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2020-05-21 15:51:04
Baltimore County SOE continues 45 more days in 6-1 vote. Facebook and Nextdoor should be fun today.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 16:17:01
@CarolSOtt I think it’s just the way he expresses himself.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 16:18:16
@jbblawmd Feels like the attorney was answering questions from previous conversations he had with the councilman or others.
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2020-05-21 16:18:38
@CarolSOtt It’s almost magical how well it works.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-21 18:58:08
@jbblawmd ?
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2020-05-21 19:59:32
@SkatingTomato She was obviously doing it because the health director was under time constraints to get to the fairgrounds testing center but when a council member has a point of order, the chair needs to at least address it. If the member continues out of order, then escalate.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-23 14:58:09
RT @gussent: To be clear, it’s the other conditions that are causing burnout, such as also having to school your kids, isolation from frien…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-24 12:38:05
@RobbynLewis46th @mattgonter Doesn’t a 1% prevalence mean 1 out of 100?
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-24 19:44:59
@wittbecky Throw your old patio furniture at him. Chances are he’ll throw it back clean.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-24 19:59:35
What will the Ocean City super-spreader event look like? I guess a few hundred new infections this weekend will be the bare minimum, all those folks will head back home asymptomatic and make for a 5,000+ case day for Maryland on June 7. I’ll be very happy to be wrong about this.
- Favorites: 6, Retweets: 0
2020-05-24 20:06:39
RT @JohnnyOJr: Maryland’s “flexible, community-based approach” ... to COVID-19 spread in action.
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2020-05-24 20:21:03
So @GovLarryHogan delegates the rules down to the county level and @JohnnyOJr has to watch as Ocean City becomes the “peeing section of the swimming pool” while angry folks yell at him about having drive to Harford for a haircut. We’re shocked he has no fucks left to give?
- Favorites: 12, Retweets: 2
2020-05-25 00:10:30
RT @Serps: Happy to cast my votes for @ewarren @RepSarbanes @CouncilPresBMS @Sneed4Baltimore @BillforBmore and @chrisforbmore. #ShowYourBal…
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2020-05-25 00:31:38
@AB9RF @Serps @ewarren @RepSarbanes @CouncilPresBMS @Sneed4Baltimore @BillforBmore @chrisforbmore Photos in polling places is about voter intimidation. Nobody will get in trouble for this.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-25 23:55:56
RT @atrupar: White House adviser Kevin Hassett: "Our human capital stock is ready to go back to work." #HumanCapitalStock…
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2020-05-26 00:00:31
RT @jeffstrabone: @FTI_US Hello, Franklin Templeton. You employ the Amy Cooper in the video below, yes? See how she falsely called 911 to…
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2020-05-26 15:12:25
@joenatoli How high value are your forms that reCaptcha 2 doesn’t work? I’ve got a lot of “share with a friend” functionality that was previously abused for UCE but after adding a captcha it went to zero.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-26 17:31:28
My son is locked in an epic battle of patience with a bold jumping spider and a rubbermaid container.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-26 21:52:34
My son’s purse is filled with spiders and Nerf ammo.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-26 22:32:37
My kids had an epic flashlight battle in their room that went on so long that both flashlights were hot to the touch by the time they were done.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-26 23:08:55
I did load them both up with 60 watt lithium ion batteries so it’s not so much surprising as satisfying.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-27 12:47:06
I can’t remember the last time I used a travel coffee mug.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-27 13:07:43
RT @EricLuedtke: For the fifth week in a row, the @MDHealthDept cancelled an appearance before the General Assembly's COVID-19 Workgroup, t…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-27 14:08:07
@JoannaBarnumArt I actually take my coffee on my morning walks with the kids but I just use a regular ceramic mug. It's not like I'll be further than a quarter mile from my house at any point.
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2020-05-27 14:38:58
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-27 15:24:37
@abenedikt I'm an adult and this happens to me too.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-05-27 16:25:24
My car insurer just sent me a check for 5% of my annual premium for not driving for almost 20% of this year.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-05-28 13:17:22
@EricBromwell Their initiative
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2020-05-28 13:52:03
Last night a member of my masonic lodge shared with us that he tested COVID positive and has the full list of symptoms. He is an essential worker in his early 50s who took every recommended precaution including masks and gloves and still got the disease.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-28 16:07:32
Could not fall asleep until 1 a.m. last night and had an objectively bad night of sleep (5:54) but woke up feeling refreshed my thoughts are the clearest they've been in 7 weeks. What the hell, brain?
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-05-28 19:01:04
@thepacketrat Imagine reading this sentence 20 years ago. You'd need a page of footnotes just to get up to speed on "lockdown" and "incel," much less Cancel Culture.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-28 19:04:14
@boothy443 @mddirtlaw @NihilSegniter @CarolSOtt Ah terra cotta, the material with a 60 year lifespan installed under 500 linear miles of Baltimore front yards 70 years ago.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-05-28 19:07:53
I picked up the atrocious "lineal feet" while working on factory line inventory control systems 12 years ago and my brain still wants to use it instead of the correct "linear" all the time now.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-28 19:09:37
@mddirtlaw @NihilSegniter @boothy443 @CarolSOtt Love that the sewage pipes are highlighted in brown.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-05-28 19:57:48
RT @PaulPinsky: Today, the Hogan administration couldn’t explain two things before a MD senate comm.: how they approved a $12 million PPE…
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2020-05-29 13:03:28
RT @igorvolsky: 1/ This line in Trump’s tweet: “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”... is a quote from Miami Police Chief Walter…
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2020-05-29 13:27:30
RT @justin_fenton: All of us in Baltimore who worked with @OmarJimenez when he was with WBAL know what a class act and terrific reporter he…
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2020-05-29 14:17:41
RT @darinself: Security sector reform in this former British colony has proven difficult.
This is the case because the ethnic composition…
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2020-05-29 14:33:56
RT @bethbourdon: if we only keep one thing from this pandemic, i hope it’s priests with water pistols
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2020-05-29 21:06:41
Anybody else have a “return to the office” box with a bunch of keycards and travel mugs?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-05-30 15:57:26
Lovely day to be poolside. Also, my garden hose has a flow rate of about 575 gal/hr.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-06-01 14:35:21
@AndyDoubleYoo @11DanTheMan11 Polarity is also important to diodes in a way that its not to filament bulbs.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-06-01 22:01:09
RT @JonathanTamari: ATL Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms asked right now on CNN if President Trump is capable of delivering a unifying national m…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-02 15:52:11
RT @DelegateStewart: On today’s call, Trump called the nation’s governors “weak” and urged them to “dominate” protestors.
When it was his…
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2020-06-02 16:44:24
Lemme just open Twitter for a minute and see what’s up
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2020-06-02 16:48:31
Sadly no actual Nazis are on fire yet
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-06-02 17:56:53
RT @DavidPontious: CNN transcribed yesterday's Trump call with governors — here’s his exchange with Larry Hogan in full.…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-03 12:21:09
RT @AdamParkhomenko: who made this
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2020-06-03 14:49:49
RT @Serps: State Board of Elections Statement on Baltimore City Election Results
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2020-06-03 15:26:58
RT @SchmidCathrine: Did you hear what happened in Boston?
In Boston, during a verbal dispute, an unarmed teenage boy was forcefully hit in…
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2020-06-03 15:29:14
@MsHallieMiller @BoydKRutherford @pwoodreporter What were the inaccurate postage instructions?
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2020-06-03 18:42:43
@Spicxer I certainly thought that we'd see a measurable difference. I haven't seen anything like that in the published stats.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-04 16:02:34
@wittbecky Key question: Is a gazebo more of a shed or a trellis? If you eat a hot dog in a gazebo is it a sandwich?
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2020-06-04 16:32:33
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2020-06-04 16:47:15
RT @NathanBacaTV: Breaking: police canisters gathered by @wusa9 crews Monday night show federal police DID use artificial CS tear gas in ad…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-04 21:07:35
Day 81: Five minutes before a client presentation my son falls backwards onto the corner of a table and gets a gushing head wound. Twenty-five minutes later we've cleaned him up and the pediatrician (via phone video) is satisfied it'll scab over, but I've missed the meeting.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-06-05 11:43:09
RT @ellenfishel: Baltimore elections officials could not say Thursday how many ballots had arrived but had yet to be counted.
“The lady t…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-05 19:39:43
RT @John_Hudson: US Park Police: It was a “mistake” to say no tear gas was used in Lafayette Square. "It was a mistake on our part for usin…
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2020-06-05 19:39:53
RT @Natt: It's only tear gas if it comes from the Têar region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling white supremacy.…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-05 20:40:43
RT @ElectRyanDorsey: Inbox full of advocacy for budget cuts to BPD. Fully support.
But, City Council can’t move money, only cut.
Rather t…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-06 13:31:06
@NihilSegniter The last time I called 911 I was served by the county’s crisis intervention team and they did an amazing job. Showing up in a polo shirt and slacks instead of a uniform was an instant improvement.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-06-07 15:08:12
Instagram ad for a bundle of: Bolt cutters, headlamp, portable motion alarm, remote camera unit, two way radio, and a drone. What marketing demographic am I in exactly?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-07 15:19:28
It’s a 120% markup on a bunch of Aliexpress items in a backpack so I’m guessing the category is “gullible prepper”
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-06-07 16:37:45
@wittbecky I’m guessing she has 5,258 specific people in mind.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-06-07 16:50:50
@jongaynor But with a solid surveillance and early warning plan.
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2020-06-07 16:57:57
How early is too early to teach your child reverse Polish notation? Is it like being multilingual or will it just confuse her more when she only has access to an infix calculator?
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-06-07 17:07:01
On further consideration this might be “organized bike thieves” or “construction site burglary team members.” I really have been giving it a lot of thought.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-11 15:31:36
Baltimore's old guard pols are so bad at concession letters.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-12 15:41:43
What happened to all the cash that stayed in peoples pockets when the casinos weren’t open to lose money in?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-13 22:13:56
This is basically the Baltimore version of a @replyall Yes Yes No segment where you have to go three levels deep just to get to the context. Next one will be how Dorsey’s antifa supersoldier mech suit can’t fit through the doors of Zeke’s coffee anymore.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-14 12:32:37
It’s 2020 and there are still people who believe that deleting a sent text message off their phones means the person they sent it to can’t see it anymore.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 1
2020-06-14 12:39:07
It’s been 95 days since I put 8 gallons of gas into my car. I still have 3 left.
- Favorites: 25, Retweets: 0
2020-06-14 12:56:11
@epiphanyinbmore @NihilSegniter This Instagram is a god damn treasure
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2020-06-14 13:05:18
@CarolSOtt @realmannynation @Reporterroblang @WMAR2News This is the equivalent party trash density of one square inch of a Kenny Chesney concert parking lot.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-06-14 13:25:57
RT @FoxForceFlacco: @BaltCoExec @BaltCoPolice When will you release the Body Worn Camera footage of the May 16 fatal shooting of Robert Joh…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-14 14:10:21
The @MyBGE site is just a bunch of .NET runtime errors lately.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-14 18:59:14
@matthew_d_green Just fill your hot tub with a few hundred bottles of PC Chill and you can just dunk your whole laptop in there with you. Only downside is you’ll have to wear a waterproof suit on your body to keep from adding your conductive sweat to the tub.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-06-14 21:56:16
I’ve been in quarantine so long my Starbucks app uninstalled itself.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-06-15 00:09:12
As always I am baffled by why some of my tweets are abnormally popular.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-06-15 16:52:06
RT @justin_fenton: .@BaltimoreSAO just denied my public information act request for declination letters for the shooting by 13 officers las…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-15 21:41:21
A nationwide cell phone network DDoS is a common tabletop scenario for amateur radio emergency volunteers because it’s the only one where point-to-point ham radio can still save the day.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-06-15 21:44:01
Best-worst part of today?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-17 15:13:33
My Baltimore County Scanner Amazon Alexa skill was approved this morning. Enable the skill on your account at
and say "Alexa, play Baltimore County scanner" to listen any time.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 1
2020-06-17 15:18:12
For example, a woman is walking on the east-bound Beltway up by Harford Road exit right now and Precinct 8 is trying to figure out how to get where she is.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-18 13:03:49
@ralban It's not?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-18 16:27:35
The Facebook ad library for the Trump Campaign is a wild ride. This one is literally just an angry Obama face pasted on a white background.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-06-18 22:57:49
Who had “deep swamp revenge porn” on their 2020 bingo?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-19 14:37:06
If the Music app on my iPhone uninstalls itself because it hasn’t been used in a while, the dock connector in my car stops working. Bad design.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-19 21:03:36
@wittbecky Must be the Baltimore neighborhood of St. Petersburg
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-20 00:31:58
RT @scanthepolice: Scanner: Cop says he responded to a "group text" and asks dispatch to tell others to check. Multiple cops are canvassing…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-21 13:31:07
RT @eric_hontz: Still can’t wrap my head around this statement coming from an official USG account.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-21 20:40:44
If there was any question the third district made the right choice.
- Favorites: 24, Retweets: 3
2020-06-21 23:13:46
@sevensixfive That kindle looks great for its age.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-22 13:17:12
Remember late 2019 when things were relatively normal?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-22 21:51:32
If we lived in the Matrix, Coronavirus would absolutely be part of the program. What better way to save CPU cycles than to keep all the human avatars inside and interacting by screens? You could cut your rendering costs by 90%, easy.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-06-23 11:17:14
@NihilSegniter @baltimoresun When you call you'll be offered a big discount to not cancel.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-23 13:12:32
Did the Baltimore County P25 control channels change last night?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-23 17:13:54
Albert Pike: Don't make me into a statue. Freemasons: Here's a statue we made of Pike. [100 years pass] Public: He did bad things, push over his statue. Freemasons: We are sad, but the statue belongs to the public so it's OK. Facebook Pundits: Punish those criminals.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-23 17:32:06
"Human progress is our cause, liberty of thought our supreme wish, freedom of conscience our mission, and the guarantee of equal rights to all people everywhere our ultimate goal."
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-06-23 18:13:32
@jurph How can you leave out "Listen Hellboy"
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-06-24 21:05:12
RT @BaltCoPolice: #BCoPD releases body-worn camera video from the officer-involved shooting on Skipjack Court on May 16:…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-04 12:59:10
RT @ElectRyanDorsey: Literally, a lie:
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-04 13:14:43
Guy uses ham radio to talk to his dad.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-07-04 17:48:52
RT @MarkRuffalo: Happy #4thOfJuly 🍑
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-05 13:39:07
RT @louiskraussnews: Protesters just took down the Christopher Columbus statue in Baltimore’s Little Italy.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-06 21:23:31
It's been 117 days since my last tank of gas.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-07-06 21:39:13
Walking through the SBA PPP FOIA data. Always a good sign in any dataset to see my local communities of Towon and Towsoon.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-07 13:11:31
Final stats for my last tank of gas puchased 3/11/2020: 8.565 gal, 117.6 days, 244 miles = 2.1 miles/day, 28.6 mpg.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-07-07 13:37:15
For my 14 year anniversary on Reddit, I got the gift of seeing r/the_donald get deleted.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-07-08 15:27:38
RT @JonnyGeller: One of the most effective political ads I’ve ever seen.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-09 16:05:25
"NIH researchers reframe dog-to-human aging comparisons" sounds silly, but it's has really interesting implications on aging and epigenetics
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-09 17:49:43
Got a bunch of 2700K visible filament ecosmart LED bulbs from Home Depot on sale. Thought I was getting a good deal on a good color quality but they flicker bad enough that I can't use them.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-11 00:52:22
It's difficult to be sympathetic to the message that FOP #3 is trying to communicate when their members keep kidnapping innocent county residents. Maybe they could try some non-violent approaches to get the public on their side instead?
- Favorites: 9, Retweets: 2
2020-07-11 01:46:43
@gussent Siphon with a short garden hose. That’s what we had to do earlier in the week to get all the rain off the cover.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-07-12 01:02:04
I love when people change fonts by accident in the middle of their email so you can see what edits they made in the first part before sending it to you.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-13 21:55:38
@CarolSOtt Short non-answers speak volumes.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-14 18:48:35
Larry Hogan could order the state closed at any time. Larry Hogan could order the state closed at any time. Larry Hogan could order the state closed at any time. Larry Hogan could order the state closed at any time.
- Favorites: 6, Retweets: 0
2020-07-14 22:31:41
RT @yayalexisgay: managers presenting on Q2 2020 😳
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2020-07-15 14:34:02
@oodja The David Baldacci shelf:
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-15 15:56:49
Maryland COVID hospital beds highest since 7/2/2020.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 2
2020-07-15 17:09:53
@MariannaFoos Obviously we need to call them the "vcsissitudes"
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-15 17:19:00
PGCPS announced remote learning until Feb. 2021. 🤯
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 4
2020-07-15 20:09:16
@JZTessler 1000%
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2020-07-16 15:13:10
@codyboteler I wonder what the retrospective estimate of March 30 case count is.
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2020-07-16 15:17:08
@mack_oxenden Depends on the contract. Can sister potentially recoup losses against other lost expenses if the venue can't perform on its end (due to potential September lockdown)?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-16 15:24:46
My recycle bin was 22 GB... is a thing I never thought I'd say back in 1998.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-07-16 19:23:32
RT @LukeMessac: 13 years ago, I emailed Dr. Fauci out of the blue to ask if I might interview him for my undergrad thesis. He invited me to…
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2020-07-16 19:57:17
It should be impossible to "steal" coronavirus research because it should all be freely available to anyone who needs it.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-07-17 12:59:03
RT @BaltimoreBrew: Just watched @FOXBaltimore segment on @MarilynMosbyEsq's travel with NO mention it was reported by @BaltimoreBrew first…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-17 15:05:39
@JoannaBarnumArt If you have a Mac I had success with WireCast for doing live events. Watermark removal for $10.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-17 17:06:54
Come at me with your podcast recommendations that will teach me something without stressing me out.
- Favorites: 21, Retweets: 0
2020-07-17 19:29:15
RT @cassidoo: I love being a woman on the internet
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2020-07-17 21:28:12
@kelleher_kc Twenty pounds of feathers.
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2020-07-17 21:34:12
A tab just for @GovLarryHogan
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2020-07-17 21:36:25
@EricBromwell @GovLarryHogan I’m split between “Meuller” and “Meta” as my favorites.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-18 13:08:26
@KillerMartinis I’ve found this immensely useful for the same reason
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-07-19 14:30:30
Happy Artscape weekend, where walking from the outside into my 78° basement feels like a trip to the walk-in freezer.
- Favorites: 10, Retweets: 2
2020-07-19 16:10:47
RT @spacecrone: anyone else remember being immediately alarmed by the term "homeland" as soon as homeland security was formed?
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2020-07-19 18:06:35
Well, it finally happened. I can’t consume any written fiction that has people gathering in groups without having instant anxiety that the plot will suddenly involve Coronavirus. I’m reading books written five, ten years ago too...
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-07-19 21:40:24
PSA: Wait until after dark to walk your dogs.
- Favorites: 10, Retweets: 4
2020-07-20 15:42:32
Windows Update broke my Start Menu app search again.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-20 17:46:52
It's not fair to parents to have to wait until August 11 for a Baltimore County Public Schools open/online decision.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-07-21 21:50:36
Friends, why does it feel like Thursday?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-21 22:58:41
@cluck73 White House transcript disagrees.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-21 23:19:56
Starting Thursday in Baltimore County we’ll see if day cares can keep masks on kids aged 2 and over for a full day shift.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-07-21 23:22:52
Baltimore County Public Schools will be 100% virtual from September 8, 2020 to January 29, 2021.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 1
2020-07-24 14:49:05
@misu_tasnim @krusynth 82 people getting paid to watch Netflix on their second screen.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-24 19:07:32
Struck by how when folks around the world tune into a livestream of Times Square right now they see six police, four in riot gear with rifles, stand guard over a basically empty food court.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 1
2020-07-24 22:22:55
Stream’s high.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-25 00:46:45
Somebody talk me out of buying a new headlamp just because it has a nice color temperature.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-25 23:54:00
I have a secret masonic joke but / tr pnchln ‘s / xprnc y hv ‘lng / wy.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-25 23:56:43
I have a ham radio joke that you couldn’t really hear but it’s still 599 in the log.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-26 02:03:50
@scanthepolice County helicopter is just called “Air”
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-26 02:18:27
@phillej_ @scanthepolice has noted people saying Foxtrot is out of service so that might be another jurisdiction’s helicopter?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-26 22:38:00
None of you jerks stopped me so I got it and some flashlights for my kids to read with at night (3 lumens low mode, low blue light content) which should make everybody happy.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-07-27 17:38:21
Post with Border Patrol agent asking for advice on the best way to track footprints through the desert on r/flashlight subreddit is as contentious as you imagine it would be in 2020.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-27 17:58:12
Larry Hogan wants you to know he thinks he has a lot in common with Donald Trump.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-27 18:59:00
Marie Antoinette is trending. As I recall, things did not go well for her.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-07-27 19:06:40
Unsolicited seed packages arriving from China are:
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-07-27 23:19:36
Guys, I just realized we can call this scam “garden-variety brushing.” You can all have that one for free too.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-07-29 17:28:19
@scanthepolice Demolition charges, maybe? I know there's some construction in the area.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-02 16:28:25
@bosconet @TheHumanCar Put them at fire stations too.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-08-02 18:23:09
Slow watch day.
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2020-08-02 18:44:13
RT @as_a_worker: america is haunted by the inability to recognize, let alone reckon with, the incontrovertible fact that the relatively-bro…
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2020-08-03 00:52:44
I have a calendar reminder set for tomorrow's Baltimore County Council Legislative Session just so I can listen to the debate on 73-20.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 01:25:32
@Spicxer Stay tuned for the live tweeting.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 17:26:37
Seems like every week since May has been leaders forcing hard COVID-related decisions down onto the less powerful which is leading to bad decisions. This Larry Hogan short-circuiting of MoCo government is an even more infuriating version.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 19:20:02
RT @ElectRyanDorsey: I had coffee with a prominent white political player yesterday. She asked me for the meeting. I didn’t ask why, just s…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:04:35
THREAD: Baltimore County Council Legislative Session for August 3 has a packed (and slightly contentious) agenda tonight. Tuned in to the live stream. Waiting for Mr. Jones to arrive.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:10:58
Variety of rooms and backgrounds today. Mr. Marks seems to be in his courthouse office, Mr. Kach in his living room in a recliner, Mr. Jones rocking the stark beige wall.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:13:24
Tom Bostwick and Mr. Patoka with awesome headsets this evening.
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2020-08-03 22:17:56
Rural broadband grant for Comcast to service Upperco up first.
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2020-08-03 22:21:10
Rural broadband passes.
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2020-08-03 22:23:38
Remote video conference equipment for nursing homes up for vote, but my audio just went out. Just me?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:24:53
Just me. Kid switched on a Bluetooth speaker and it took over from my headset. Missed introduction. Something to do with county ride up. Passes unanimously.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:28:58
Headsets are a recurring joke. They make a huge difference.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:28:59
NIBORS grant for police is up. Grants are easy. Unanimous.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:29:00
Forensic department grant is up. Unanimous.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:40:12
Hemp testing grant to distinguish hemp from THC cannabis. Amendment correcting sensitivity by a factor of ten. Unanimous. Move the bill. Unanimous. 64-20.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:40:13
Circulator grant is up. $1,651,720, county match $412,930 for 12 buses, signs, training. Mr. Marks adding some detail; thanks. Mr. Kach mentions north county to PA bus service and coordination with routes.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:40:14
Congratulations from council to Mr. Marks. Seems a wrap. Question about fuel and efficient vehicles within timeframe of purchase, some laughter. Moved. Unanimous.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:44:05
North county parking fine discussions. Unclear what’s going on but people seem to be peeing everywhere for some reason.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 22:48:37
Kids going crazy. Be back.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:08:27
Holy hell I rolled back into the meeting and we have a motion to table 73-20. I can't believe I missed this.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:11:38
Vote to table: Bevins - Aye Quirk - Aye Marks - Aye Crandall - Aye Kach - No Jones - No Patoka - No
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:15:55
Baltimore County punts 73-20 to a future meeting.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:16:24
Mrs. Bevins starts with explanations, says her district is "50/50" on reform measures, calls Baltimore County Police successful with room for improvement. Says no more good 'ol boys club in county police anymore. Wants the state government to lead on rules for reform.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:19:59
Mrs. Bevins calls the bill too "gutted" in conference to do anything but table, wants a bill on police reform to make a difference. Next up Mr. Patoka on procedure.
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2020-08-03 23:21:19
Mr. Patoka says that the gutted version was never submitted as an amendment. Apparently there was a version circulated in the afternoon between the council that was not submitted as an amendment. Secretary confirms that it was not submitted to the council.
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2020-08-03 23:22:52
Mr. Marks says he submitted a compilation of changes for the rest of the council to review from stakeholders he's spoken to. Says his constituents don't like last minute amendments so he did not submit them officially.
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2020-08-03 23:24:37
Mrs. Bevins wanted to see police training firsthand, "I actually got shot five times today in my virtual world in the police training" and now feels uncomfortable legislating the process. (This is a common police public and legislative relations technique).
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:26:28
Mrs. Bevins calls Mr. Patoka "rude" and asks if he would even say things like that if she wasn't a woman.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:27:47
Mr. Kach points out the sections in the bill on enhanced training and not hiring officers under investigation or suspended in other districts, which would have been valuable to debate and vote on.
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2020-08-03 23:31:19
Mr. Quirk says the state workgroup is doing all the things that the council is asking to be done with regard to this group. Says they were all too confused to vote without consensus, says he wants a careful and diligent process.
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2020-08-03 23:32:14
Mr. Patoka responds on gender. Mrs. Bevins sighs audibly, ends further discussion.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:35:55
Mr. Jones says he's shocked at the tabling. Mrs. Bevins says he should have expected it based on the end of the conference. He has "never seen an issue garner so much public support" with 180 people on the line watching (and tweeting). Compares it to a Seinfeld-style breakup.
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2020-08-03 23:35:56
("It's not you, it's me.") Has gone from protests from Hereford zone to Dundalk, to hear people saying they want reform. Concludes: the people of Baltimore County want the bill and it would have been good for police and citizens by reducing the likelihood of violence and force.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:42:45
Mrs. Bevins and Mr. Jones debate number of deaths by police compared to similar and larger jurisdictions. Mrs. Bevins brings up the death of Amy Capiro. Mr. Jones reminds her not to forget about everyone else.
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2020-08-03 23:43:57
Mrs. Bevins says she is closing discussion. Mr. Jones implores for his chance to speak, even after Mrs. Bevins gave everyone else a chance to speak.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:44:42
@bosconet "The funds will be used to expand broadband service to 24 homes on Grace Road and Black Rock Road in Upperco."
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:47:35
Mr. Jones closes with thanks to all who supported the bill. It's a long list. "On and on and on." And he's... done, but not without a reference to the "Oscar bill" being more important to the council than the victims of police violence.
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2020-08-03 23:51:24
Mrs. Bevins says "you were allowed to talk when nobody else was allowed to talk." Asking the Secretary. He says motion to table is not debatable but the chairwoman can allow for privilege of discussion. She allowed the discussion and she can close it.
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2020-08-03 23:52:48
Mrs. Bevins mentions that other council members have been "texting her" during the discussion. Is this like passing notes across the table in a "before times" legislative session? Meanwhile, this back and forth is exhausting. Mentions sine die is not until next April.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:54:46
Mr. Jones makes a motion to reconsider. Mr. Patoka seconds. Mrs. Bevins seems shocked, calls the bill "impossible to pass" as written. Jones and Patoka repeat their motion and second. Mr. Secretary says a motion for reconsideration can't be made on a tabled bill.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-03 23:57:24
Mr. Patoka asks if amendments would warrant reconsideration. Secretary says no. Mrs. Bevins moves to Fiscal Matters/Contracts. And the "fun" is over for the night. Matters 1-6 approved unanimously, Mr. Jones can't help but get in a jab at the chairwoman.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-04 00:00:17
Secretary reading of $25,000 letters from the bottom of the agenda (not searchable in the PDF because they are scanned in as an image). His headset is still the nicest of the bunch. Look at that lovely orange trimming.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-04 00:04:18
68-20. Passes. 72-20. Passes. Mr. Jones has been thinking... with Mrs. Bevins permission he would like to reintroduce Bill 73-20 tonight. Mrs. Bevins says she asked him when they left the training center that he should withdraw the bill and put a 65 day timeframe on it. Refuses.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-04 00:10:53
73-20. Amendments pass. Passes. 74-20. Resolution to ask to make Juneteenth a state holiday. Explains "goals and dreams" and education goals. Thanks from Mr. Jones. Unsurprisingly unanimous.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-08-04 00:12:27
Looks like the threading issues were not my fault. Twitter was giving me "rate limit exceeded" on my phone that was causing everything to fail.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-04 00:26:38
Meeting adjourned. Mr. Jones starts using the video stream as a soapbox... then the stream turns off.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-04 13:04:56
Hashtag no filter. I’ve never seen this variety of colors on the weather warning map before.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-04 15:15:18
RT @baltimoresun: Hogan on Monday stripped local governments’ authority to issue blanket closures of schools, following his disagreement wi…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-04 17:13:48
For the folks that noticed this tweet, here's an explanation of how it works:
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-04 17:17:29
RT @TheBaltimoreSon: Remember how Maryland was going to have a special fund to help high flood risk communities reduce/prevent flooding, bu…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-04 17:35:41
RT @3dfordesigners: Design panels in 2020:
Jan 👱🏻♂️👱🏻♂️👱🏻♂️ Feb 👱🏻♂️👱🏻♂️👩🏼 Mar 👱🏻♂️👱🏻♂️👱🏻♂️ Apr 🧑🏿🦱🧑🏾🦱🧑🏾🦱 May 🧑🏾🦱👱🏻♂️👱🏻♂️ Ju…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-05 00:34:18
@Spicxer It's a scam by door-to-door water filtration system salespeople. Whatever you send back they'll call you and say they found contaminants and say they want to do a test directly at your tap, which is how they get their foot in the door. Throw it out.
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 0
2020-08-05 12:11:23
@AudibleNumbers So many possibilities. What will you be using it for?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-05 14:22:02
@AudibleNumbers Sofirn SP40 is the best value out there right now. Zebralight H600 or H604 for best quality.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-05 14:23:14
@AudibleNumbers Don’t pay more than $28 for the Sofirn kit with the small tube and battery.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-05 15:43:16
@AudibleNumbers Cool!
is a good source for a 18350 Vapcell 1100mAh battery.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-05 20:03:13
RT @ElectRyanDorsey: Real, and crazy:
A ballot sent to you electronically, that you print at home, can’t be read by a ballot scanner. Afte…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-07 16:46:29
@engineer_thalx Keep mice from eating it because it’s also made with soy.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-11 19:57:14
RT @NPRinskeep: Startling: Kimberly Karol, of postal service workers' union in Waterloo, Iowa, tells @noelking the USPS not only banned ove…
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2020-08-12 00:04:21
@Spicxer Any more specific and the FDA would be on them for unregulated medical claims.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-12 21:02:36
RT @TheTNHoller: WATCH: @TNHighwayPatrol officer BRIGGS needlessly intimidates someone filming a traffic stop, gets in their face, RIPS THE…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-13 18:41:00
@wittbecky @RevGrey Luckily your brain is fully developed so the dissolved lead you just ingested should have very little effect.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-13 18:43:13
@wittbecky @RevGrey Hoo boy I have some bad news for you about aging and onset CRS.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-08-13 18:46:38
RT @shaverk: A sign of the times at BWI Airport
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2020-08-13 20:05:38
I’m ready.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-13 20:07:09
@kendallmiller X1 Carbon is my go to.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-13 20:12:20
RT @kylegriffin1: The Senate has adjourned until September 8 without a coronavirus relief deal.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-13 22:54:50
RT @epiphanyinbmore: Really striking to see it like this. I didn't remember that Breyer was that old, and always figured Thomas would be ne…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-14 13:40:00
RT @mcnees: Somehow I’ve lucked out and have an 8yo who thinks secretly reading under the covers past her bedtime is an act of rebellion, a…
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2020-08-14 13:45:11
@TheCLJ It was never about science, always about tuition. 🙃
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-14 14:20:50
@TheCLJ Sorry, it was unfair of me to paint all private schools with the same brush. I do know a lot of administrators were delaying the decision because otherwise some parents would decide that the delta between online public school vs online private school wasn't worth the cost.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-14 15:22:54
RT @SkyCirclesBWI: N808CP, a Eurocopter AS.350-B3, (callsign N808CP) is circling over Lutherville at 800 feet, speed 56 MPH, squawking 5163…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-14 16:22:49
@AudibleNumbers I got mine last night too. Already like it a lot (the ones on the side are for my kids)
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-14 16:41:04
Reddit is a weird but cool place
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-14 17:13:19
Know what I miss the most about the Internet of yore? Zone transfers. Typing dig -axfr used to reveal treasure trove of useful network information. Now it just says "go away, hacker."
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-08-14 20:51:00
@bosconet Microsoft Domain Controllers have always been super permissive to anyone on the domain asking for a list of everybody else.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-08-14 23:10:25
RT @darcy_sandall: Junior programmer: oh no, I made a mistake. No one can know of my shame.
Programmers at all other levels: lol everyone…
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2020-08-15 00:32:52
@matthew_d_green R e s i d u a l s
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-08-15 16:29:17
RT @JoeBiden: Donald Trump has had a lot of failures in his career, but he knows how to do one thing well: inherit something great and squa…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-15 16:31:23
RT @anniekarni: Pic of Hampden Roland Park Post Office, 21211, in Baltimore, sent by a reader.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-15 21:45:10
Stapled down the thermostat wire from last year’s repair and cleaned up some of the boiler wiring while I was in there. Everything still runs and now it looks nice so I’m happy with the results.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-15 23:22:47
@Spicxer @MDSP Alternatively, how many people could one asymptomatic covid positive trooper doing 50 stops a day kill?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-17 22:07:40
RT @BaltimoreBrew: The after-hours shredding of documents in the Comptroller's office may have gotten a yawn in City Hall, but it cd mean j…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-20 14:59:06
@lizhenry They are super effective at their jobs too.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-20 17:44:59
@epiphanyinbmore I can help you if you want to do something outside.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-21 17:52:12
I love that nearly every TV chopper in the BWI region has done a trip over Fort McHenry today to get some fresh B-roll for the VPOTUS visit.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-08-21 18:09:58
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2020-08-21 18:09:59
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-24 13:12:16
RT @Hey_MissKeisha: 😫I just want to enter & leave my neighborhood without having to stop to take pics for 311. The dump is LESS than 5 mins…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-24 13:36:26
RT @SarahThamerWISN: This is 29-year-old Jacob Blake who was shot by Kenosha police. His fiancé shared this picture with us.…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-24 14:32:49
RT @kylegriffin1: BERLIN (AP) — The German hospital treating Russian dissident Alexei Navalny says tests indicate that he was poisoned.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-08-24 15:25:04
Looking for the 2020 General Election proofing ballots but they're not on the Maryland SBE web site yet. Anyone know where I can find them?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-24 16:47:28
RT @GraveyarDMooN: So this happened during my visit to northside Honda on 410 and San Pedro today just for an oil change. Long story. @Hond…
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2020-08-25 00:08:05
RT @Spicxer: Fortune cookie says...
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2020-08-25 01:55:10
Is it really a GOP convention if no one is talking to the furniture?
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2020-08-25 16:34:56
@Spicxer Licensing and regulation wouldn’t solve the problem of hack haulers and would encourage corruption and regulatory capture by the big players with 1-800 numbers on the side of their trucks.
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2020-08-25 16:41:52
@jbblawmd @Spicxer The county could solve that particular problem if they wanted to by recording license plates and refusing or charging frequent flyers, but that only exacerbates the dumping problem. Every unmarked truck is one the county doesn't have to have in their fleet.
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2020-08-25 16:46:49
RT @julianejonesjr: I will be introducing a new series of Police Reform Bills on Sept. 8th. The Work Session for the bills will be on Sept.…
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2020-08-25 18:24:55
@thepacketrat I have one too!
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2020-08-25 18:37:22
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2020-08-25 22:17:59
Why does every single Baltimore County CZMP zoning adjustment need its own roll call vote? All of this has been decided for weeks.
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2020-08-25 23:17:46
Why is Councilman Crandall on a phone call and a county council meeting at the same time. Was this allowed pre-covid?
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2020-08-26 13:25:31
Baltimore Spy Plane West needs to work on their smooth turns.
- Favorites: 22, Retweets: 2
2020-08-26 13:48:39
Heads up, parents: H.R.7327 The Child Care and Economic Recovery Act, already approved by the House, would make up to $10,500 in qualified FSA child care expenses pre-tax (it's currently $5,000 and our family hit that amount literally yesterday). Senate needs to move on this.
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2020-08-26 13:48:49
RT @RetiredOrrin: Friends, I am not in charge of the Hatch Act please stop calling.
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2020-08-26 14:14:23
@bosconet If I had to fly in circles over the city all day I'd drink too. It's actually the difference between ADS-B and MLAT.
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2020-08-26 16:24:27
@imleslahdin It’s ADS-B vs MLAT.
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2020-08-26 16:28:35
@scanthepolice Foxtrot, keeping a presence for the last hour.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 1
2020-08-27 21:10:38
RT @MSEAeducators: The state abdicated responsibility for months for creating reopening standards & told districts to develop their own pla…
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2020-08-28 13:45:51
@gussent Buy some FRS radios and charging stands.
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2020-08-28 13:52:30
Today let us all be balloon N253TH gliding slowly over Missouri and Kansas at 70,400 ft, observing nature and going wherever the wind currents take us.
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2020-08-28 15:52:56
@Spicxer Did you not request the ballot online?
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2020-08-28 22:18:53
@ElectRyanDorsey @Bmore_Elections Me too! I thought it was the ballot. 😩
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2020-08-29 16:10:55
No good deed goes unpunished in Charm City. How hard is to just let him unload and be on his way? Who loses?
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2020-08-29 16:20:36
@cylussec Well, yes, but I meant in the converse.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-29 22:56:49
Most of my baseball cards are at least 25 years old now. I haven't opened the box in 20 of them. Might be time.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-08-30 13:32:54
My personal metric of success is when my workbench is clear enough to actually repair something.
- Favorites: 11, Retweets: 0
2020-08-30 14:06:00
@lrhesq Got it in one! 👍🏻
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-08-30 18:02:37
Twitter friends, this was the most positive interaction I’ve had on social media all month.
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2020-08-30 22:19:55
Recommended M.2 NVMe PCIe to USB enclosures?
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2020-08-30 22:29:28
@captainbitter Yes and yes. I don’t really have a lot of desktop hardware so it’s basically attached by USB for offloading or SATA for NASish type stuff.
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2020-08-31 16:39:00
Current status:
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2020-08-31 17:19:07
@banthaskull @justin_fenton Showed up on r/baltimore Reddit last night, Posted by u/geno7 hours ago and titled Assault on Hamburg Street. Took off from there.
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2020-08-31 17:52:42
WJZ helicopter headed west in a hurry.
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2020-09-01 12:01:56
@mack_oxenden He’ll be rewarded by the massive dopamine rush at the end.
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2020-09-01 13:08:35
The CDC released a report which essentially says "mostly the already sick and weak are dying of COVID" so watch how people react to that.
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2020-09-01 13:15:09
RT @Ravens: Ravens players and staff signed a letter to Sen. Mitch McConnell urging him to bring the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act o…
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2020-09-01 23:18:21
@Spicxer That’s why he made the school announcement first.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-01 23:19:32
@jbblawmd Congrats! I’ve been on this hellhole for 13.5 years now.
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2020-09-01 23:21:21
RT @CAPH1312: BPD is moving to encrypt scanner transmissions. Select media would be able to access transmissions after signing a LOYALTY PL…
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2020-09-01 23:21:29
RT @justin_fenton: New: Baltimore Police moving to encrypt scanner transmissions, keeping public from hearing calls
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2020-09-01 23:43:16
RT @trustpunch: A really cool thing about starting @scanthepolice has been how we couldn’t even go three months transcribing 7-11 run after…
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2020-09-01 23:43:28
RT @StarrySeaWitch: Hey, @CouncilPresBMS, can you stop this?
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2020-09-01 23:45:46
RT @justin_fenton: Just in: Police statement on move toward radio encryption:
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2020-09-01 23:50:36
BPD will pretend that encryption is an all or nothing proposition. It’s not. Police radios are just tiny computers that already make 1000s of decisions a second about how to process radio signals. Whether a talk group is encrypted is literally one. @justin_fenton @scanthepolice
- Favorites: 33, Retweets: 12
2020-09-01 23:50:43
RT @Spicxer: Less transparency is the opposite of what they should be doing.
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2020-09-01 23:57:44
A talk group is the radio equivalent of a Slack channel or chat room. If you want a new one you just give it a name or a number and then decide who is allowed to come in and talk. If talkgroup 1 is open and talkgroup 2 is encrypted, it’s one button push to get there.
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2020-09-02 00:03:43
Police officers change talkgroups all the time to have one on one or small group conversations without clogging up the ones dispatchers use to send district-wide communications, and for specific groups and purposes like RATT and SWAT.
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2020-09-02 00:19:28
When the dispatcher or an individual police officer keys up their radio, their voice needs to be simulcast to every officer sharing the talkgroup, and it needs to happen as close to instantly as possible.
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2020-09-02 00:19:28
So let's talk about the encryption itself. Protects the privacy of citizens and witnesses, right? Sort of. Because of the way that talkgroups are shared between dozens of officers and their dispatchers on a shift, it doesn't make sense to give them their own personal encryption.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1
2020-09-02 00:19:29
Two cheap digital radio receivers (or one slightly more expensive one) on a laptop computer with a large enough hard drive could easily save weeks of encrypted radio traffic. Once its stored, there's literally no limit to the amount of time you can take to decrypt it.
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2020-09-02 00:19:29
The thing about digital radio like BPD uses, tho, is that even if you don't have the key to decrypt the signal, its still made out of 1s and 0s that can be received with a $12 USB dongle and any computer that knows what sort of radio system it is.
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2020-09-02 00:19:29
But it's relatively good cryptography. Basically the same stuff that protects your online shopping. The problem is with not being able to rotate these keys and there being so much radio traffic.
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2020-09-02 00:19:29
To solve this problem, you establish a shared key that's loaded into all the radios either at the radio shop or every few days over the air. Every dispatch computer and every police radio with access to specific talkgroups will share this key.
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2020-09-02 00:27:22
Think that's going represent better behavior than officers who are reminded regularly by their dispatcher that the public is listening? No, it'll be a shitshow.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 2
2020-09-02 00:27:22
Maybe it takes a few days, maybe weeks, maybe months, but suddenly one day you have 24 hours of audio gets dumped on a wikileaks site of officers who thought they were speaking on private channels and thought nobody was listening.
- Favorites: 10, Retweets: 1
2020-09-02 00:33:27
Some particular citizens that will be affected? Family and spouses of police officers, who often leave a scanner on low in the background as a quiet reassurance that their family members are not in immediate danger.
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2020-09-02 00:33:27
Meanwhile traffic reporters won't be able to get accidents on the air, the stringer who doesn't have access to the one or two police radios sitting in a newsroom will be left in the dark about an important news story, and citizens scanner radios will go dark.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 1
2020-09-02 00:40:55
So now I've laid out all reasons against encryption, its great for the police officers, right? Not so much. Remember that police radios are just tiny computers. Trying to find the best radio tower, strongest signal, decipher a digital stream into decent audio, that's hard work.
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2020-09-02 00:40:56
Digital radio protocols like P25 and AMBE are designed to be resilient against low signal or loss of some of the data received by the radio. When you wrap all that in an encrypted bundle, things are... less resilient.
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2020-09-02 00:40:56
Hard work for a tiny computer means: heat, electricity, and time. It'll take a fraction of a second longer for encrypted speech to come out of the radio speaker. If the signal is bad, it might not come out at all. And it takes more work which means shorter battery life.
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2020-09-02 00:44:31
(Admittedly this can happen with digital radios anyway since there are a bunch of things they need to know to join the network, but at least in those fail cases they can usually still listen.)
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2020-09-02 00:44:31
Remember again how you need that shared key, either loaded into the radio from the shop or over the air? Well radios that have been off for a couple of days or in storage won't have it. That means maybe and officer runs out of the station and finds that theirs is just a brick.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-09-02 00:52:47
Meanwhile, I'll be listening as long as I can and leaning on Baltimore County government to also not make the same mistake.
- Favorites: 9, Retweets: 1
2020-09-02 00:52:47
We've been able to listen to the police for a long time. I've been doing it for the better part of 27 years since I got my first scanner radio as a teenager. Baltimore City needs to seriously considering the implications of this plan.
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 1
2020-09-02 00:54:01
RT @notrivia: To me @scanthepolice is an antidote to Citizen which while mildly informative is full of idiocy and "LOL THIS CITY" garbage t…
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2020-09-02 01:02:22
Here's a primer on why Baltimore Police encrypting their entire radio system is a bad idea. Did not realize it would be a thread when I started. If you care about police accountability please read and talk to your city council member, and support @scanthepolice.
- Favorites: 25, Retweets: 21
2020-09-02 01:04:57
RT @PeterMoskos: This won't really serve anybody's interest except, making it impossible for me and other nerds to hear Baltimore police ra…
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2020-09-02 01:32:26
@Spicxer Mine was a Bearcat 210 that could listen to Baltimore County's 46.46 fire dispatch better than any modern scanner I bought afterwards ever could.
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2020-09-02 02:17:58
@MolotovFlicker Thank you
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2020-09-02 02:18:57
@MolotovFlicker I’d do it for fun
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2020-09-02 02:19:17
RT @MolotovFlicker: I've had 30-ish hours to think about the encryption (rumblings of this started a year ago though). At first, I was dism…
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2020-09-02 13:13:14
RT @thelivernois: Baltimore needs accountability, transparency. Not the encryption of police scanners. Not mous for press and no public acc…
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2020-09-02 13:51:55
RT @OpenJusticeBalt: We’ll work on getting some of the equipment needed to monitor encrypted police scanners, because the public deserves t…
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2020-09-02 16:53:15
@WAVDL That’s true. Most likely scenario is a key leak by a human or device. Cracking a day of audio is unlikely but all depends on the amount of resources someone is willing to put in to trying, and laziness on the part of the designers.
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2020-09-02 16:58:10
@WAVDL There was a big exploit of encrypted P25 back in 2011 due to an implementation flaw, I imagine there are more out there.
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2020-09-02 20:17:29
@scanthepolice Foxtrot N453F is going out of service and N454F is taking over.
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2020-09-02 22:02:15
RT @OriginalYoni: A fan on Reddit carved this pipe for Arnold @Schwarzenegger’s birthday and then this happened:
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2020-09-03 14:43:57
Somehow during the course of my life the neurons for "working in Excel" and "my high school band room" got allocated next to each other so they fire at the same time every time I open a spreadsheet and I would like to speak to the manager about this.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-09-03 16:02:11
Why does everything have to be terrible right now? I just want to have an old fashioned PTA meeting so we can start to have fundraisers and pay for fun stuff for the kids but “mom and dad PTA” are too busy fighting in court.
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2020-09-04 00:27:49
@lizhenry Careful, that’s how they got Nancy Pelosi!
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2020-09-04 00:31:03
RT @JeffreyGoldberg: Donald Trump, in a White House meeting, asked that a military parade exclude wounded veterans, because "nobody wants t…
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2020-09-04 15:01:11
RT @louiskraussnews: Listening in to BPD's scanner, @trustpunch said she noticed a disturbing trend of officers not carrying Narcan on them…
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2020-09-04 16:40:40
RT @isabel_cumming: When selected to be the IG of Baltimore-the criticism was harsh. One wrote, “she won’t last, just look at her” - Now al…
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2020-09-05 17:28:04
Sam Jay: It’s just a job. Don’t hire someone who’s bad at the job.
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2020-09-05 17:46:10
I am legitimately concerned for the safety of this neighbor. Do I suggest 1) appliance repair 2) mental health provider or 3) call crisis intervention?
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 0
2020-09-05 19:30:12
Most of the replies are telling her where to find the best sage and I am 🙀🤯
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2020-09-05 19:58:36
RT @propublica: The government overpaid by hundreds of millions for Philips ventilators, says a House investigation spurred by ProPublica r…
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2020-09-05 20:07:09
@wittbecky In NJ they are giant gold badge/trophy hybrids that you suction cup to your front window.
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2020-09-05 20:12:07
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2020-09-05 21:12:58
In my early 20s I got a job in the I.T. dept of a civil engineering firm in Maryland. The dotcom crash happened and I said to my older co-workers that I was glad to be working in an honest industry and not big tech. Once they finished laughing they educated me on Spiro Agnew.
- Favorites: 13, Retweets: 0
2020-09-05 21:15:22
@mgates_com Honestly my first thought, but that might be from too much time on Reddit.
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2020-09-05 21:45:35
Agnew took hundreds of thousands of dollars in contractors' kickbacks Envelopes filled with cash given to him in his office detailed in 40-page report, Baltimore Sun 1996
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2020-09-05 23:55:48
RT @chipfranklin: Today: Osama bin Ladin's niece endorses Trump.
Also today: Anita Hill endorses @JoeBiden
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2020-09-06 14:30:05
The local witches have entered the thread
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2020-09-06 16:48:56
@geezthings Makes sense if you subscribe to the philosophy that people house hunting are looking for a reasons NOT to buy a particular place. Maybe you’ll attract one buyer with a unique color but more likely you’ll turn away three other prospects don’t like it better than neutral.
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2020-09-06 19:21:49
For 9 years volunteers in Parkville have placed 2,977 American flags 0.7 miles along Putty Hill Avenue for the lives lost on 9/11. If flags were placed 15" apart for each the 188,000 American lives lost to COVID-19 they would extend 44.2 miles along I-95 from Baltimore to DE.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1
2020-09-06 20:37:54
@DoubleH3lix86 @hacks4pancakes Outemu brand switches not Cherry.
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2020-09-06 22:23:35
RT @Popehat: DeJoy’s gonna have to hope for a Trump win, a last-day pardon, or that this stuff is outside the statute of limitations.
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2020-09-06 23:58:20
RT @neilshyminsky: I’ve commented before that Star Trek’s most prescient prediction was communication via memes in ‘Darmok’. So it was only…
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2020-09-09 16:38:52
@MolotovFlicker Looks like that's County Air "helping out" in the city.
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2020-09-09 19:38:05
Been listening to a lot of local government meetings lately. All signs point to 2021 being a year of deep austerity. Local and state services that most of us take for granted are going to change form in a way that most of us haven't ever seen before.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-09-09 19:40:34
Got low water pressure on your block? Start thinking in terms of weeks to fix. Potholes? Lol. Enforcement of local codes is going to go way down because that whole system costs money for inspectors and doesn't extract a lot in fines.
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2020-09-09 19:45:18
Recycling and trash aren't being reliably picked up in Baltimore City right now. There's just not a lot of bodies available to literally do the work. Recycling doesn't provide a lot of revenue anymore since China stopped buying. Watch for trash and recycling to be combined.
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2020-09-09 19:45:19
And I don't mean the pickup date. I mean literally just throw out your recycling because there's no good way to deal with it. Look for every other week for pickup.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-09 19:48:37
@benpocalypse I think city folks will just nod and carry on but county folk are gonna be SHOOK.
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2020-09-09 20:16:17
Not even considering the haircut that schools, libraries, public safety, emergency planning, constituent services, park maintenance, and anything that relies on state or local grants to survive. And those are the things that have big enough lobbies to play ball.
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2020-09-09 20:27:30
Take the time to look at local and state government budgets and decide the things that are important to you. Find other people who also rely on those things and make sure your elected officials are aware of what you think is critical to fund, and why. Call and email them.
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2020-09-09 23:42:09
RT @NikhelSus: The USPS just sent us a FOIA response saying there's no public interest in Louis DeJoy's financial conflicts of interest. Un…
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2020-09-10 23:10:43
And if there’s nine of you testing positive, the Trump admin says that collectively you should be able to incubate that baby in a month
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2020-09-11 00:55:19
@johannateske Nicole Byer's Why Won't You Date Me for certain definitions of enlightenment
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2020-09-11 15:05:03
If we memorialized 2,977 coronavirus deaths per day starting today, we'd be done on November 14, 2020, by which time it's likely we'll have lost an additional 59,000.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-09-11 19:35:44
@HorsleyScott You should talk to any one of @cylussec @banthaskull @jessgartner @sevensixfive @gussent @CarolSOtt @jaisalnoor @pierre_delecto2 or @BillforBmore who are actually dealing with this. I’m just taking potshots on Twitter from the county.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-09-11 19:46:31
@CarolSOtt @HorsleyScott @cylussec @banthaskull @jessgartner @sevensixfive @gussent @jaisalnoor @pierre_delecto2 @BillforBmore Ok update Scott please leave @CarolSOtt alone until landlords stop breaking the law all the time
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-09-12 16:51:19
@jbblawmd Just started watching this last week. So. Many. Tropes.
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2020-09-12 17:22:51
@jbblawmd I figured out episode 4 within minutes. I was like (spoiler) yeah they’re talking about a lineman. When they couldn’t trace the call I knew it.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-12 17:45:39
@jbblawmd Then the telco genius Penelope says this call was routed through 25 exchanges it’s impossible to trace! As if they couldn’t immediately call ma bell to find that one dude who used his admin access to route a call all over the network ending at a police number today.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-12 22:16:39
Putting a bunch of mostly Microsoft-centric programming books to the curb on Monday night unless someone local is interested. A version or two behind but still good references for new learners. Reply or PM.
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2020-09-14 15:17:53
Had to Google "how to insert ethernet plug to Dell E14" which tells you how terrible the design is.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-09-14 15:24:20
Look who suddenly cares about tax returns. 👇
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 2
2020-09-14 15:43:30
@homeeckwreck Our daughter's P.E. teacher asked her to stop bouncing on her trampoline during the gym class call because it was distracting from the lecture she was giving.
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2020-09-14 15:46:42
@jbblawmd Sawbones podcast is a good non-reading version of this
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2020-09-14 15:50:07
@jongaynor Oh great, thanks.
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2020-09-14 16:06:38
Video evidence by multiple sources literally contradicts every part of this justification for arrest by @lasdhq. What happens when the cameras are off?
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2020-09-14 16:07:46
Go read @josie_huang's whole Twitter feed right now.
@lasdhq says Sunday: Huang did not identify herself as press, interfered with arrest.
Monday: Video of her backing away, identifying herself as a journalist, press badge visible, violently arrested.
LASD Monday: No comment.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-14 16:14:55
@CarolSOtt Power comes in from the street on two lines, both provide 120 volts. If you bridge them together you get 240v for A/C. Which part of the house each goes do is a decision by the electrician who did the install. If left line gets loose at the pole, parts coming from left go dark.
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2020-09-14 16:23:57
@baynardwoods @prattlibrary For Baltimore County Public Library I know they switched from using Libby/Overdrive through the Maryland Library System to their own county license. It actually got us more simultaneous loans and holds, and I didn't notice the book selection change much. Did Pratt do the same?
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2020-09-14 18:16:33
@wittbecky Like anyone in the zoom meeting is looking at any of the video boxes except their own
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2020-09-14 19:32:22
RT @scanthepolice: Hey @andreanatalemd come get your daughter.
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2020-09-14 19:58:39
Anyone else see a big uptick in Amazon orders being marked as Undeliverable and refunded? I've had two orders this month wind up that way.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-09-14 20:09:29
@benpocalypse Ok I’m assuming that JIT shipping and West Coast fires are a bad combination.
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2020-09-15 13:05:39
@KevinACross If that blows your mind, Google the Twelve-Mile Circle and how Pea Patch Island connected to the coast of NJ is legally part of DE.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-09-15 13:32:09
@KevinACross Told ya.
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2020-09-15 13:54:10
@wittbecky I realize now that I am
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-09-15 15:41:21
HAPPY JEANS AND HOODIE DAY EVERYBODY. The windows are open and my pumpkin spice scented candles are lit.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-09-15 21:32:16
RT @harrisonjaime: Done. Now do President Trump.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-16 15:06:54
BPD should be re-named "Maryland Police Department in Baltimore" so that the name matches the folks in charge.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-09-16 15:18:13
We could also, you know, change the folks in charge to those governing Baltimore.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-16 17:33:02
My daughter is learning about formatting dates. Is it too early to introduce her to our lord and savior ISO 8601?
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-09-18 14:11:58
Finally got a school-issued Windows laptop for my daughter. Amused to find that running "Command Prompt" is disabled by school I.T. but PowerShell is fair game. 👍
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-09-18 17:54:44
RT @buttpoems:
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-18 18:02:37
Isn't it so weird that I can't vote for Kim Klacik even though she lives in my congressional district?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-18 18:53:33
This is a completely serious and important medical device with marketing copy and imagery that could be 100% copy-pasted into a butt plug ad.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-09-18 19:04:50
RT @indivisible410: @jemillerwbal when your PR stunt doesn’t pan out
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-18 19:18:08
@LarryHogan @SenSusanCollins Thanks for encouraging Maryland voters to get involved in Maine politics. Seeing you in this video convinced me to donate to @saragideon just now.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-09-18 19:22:28
How many of his 205,000 Twitter followers do you think Larry Hogan just encouraged to learn more about @saragideon?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-18 19:33:27
All this AV gas burned responding to a call for bunch of skateboarders who... were all with their parents.
- Favorites: 21, Retweets: 6
2020-09-18 19:56:17
@sevensixfive They pass over my house in 2s or 3s once a week.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-18 23:37:34
RT @PreetBharara: God help us
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-18 23:45:33
RIP RBG. With us so long and still gone too soon. We will fight every day to preserve your legacy.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-09-18 23:57:06
@captainbitter No but I’m about to.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-19 00:10:24
@CarolSOtt @marcelineawhite Enjoy your next few minutes of not knowing.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-19 00:48:40
RT @Eden_Eats: We have this saying in Hebrew
יהי זכרה מהפכה
May her memory be a revolution.
Let pull up our sleeves. Seems like the righ…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-19 14:49:40
It won’t be nearly as dramatic when I shout “FOR JUSTICE GINSBERG!” when I walk out to the curb to put my ballot in the mail, but I’m doing it anyway.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-09-19 15:32:45
@BawlmoreMerlin I sense sarcasm.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-19 16:41:58
What’s happening in the Inner Harbor water this morning? Is this just a trick of the light?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-19 17:49:57
If I got this score in 1992 the battery would have run out before I could show anybody and nobody would believe I saw an animated rocket ship.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-09-19 17:57:51
Yes I’m playing a lot of classic Gameboy lately since it’s one of the few devices in my house without the capability to show me the next terrible thing that 2020 has wrought.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-09-21 16:13:12
Baltimore County's about to get a bunch of Microsoft employees as residents.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-09-22 15:10:11
@jbblawmd @mddirtlaw Plus the main bleeder bells by the furnace always go bad after you've forgotten they exist.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-09-23 11:26:31
@wittbecky A real drama drought you could say
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-09-23 11:33:42
@wittbecky No good 3rd drama, just potshots at fed gov and movie industry big shots
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-23 11:35:33
@wittbecky Thank goodness we have the lady in the red heels to carry us through to November
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-09-23 11:43:30
RT @Brand0Henry: If you’re defending Kyle Rittenhouse you are doing a disservice to all legit and responsibilities gun owners. This was a 1…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-23 14:05:07
@wittbecky Taking potshots at the city from a home in Cathy Bevins' county council district is not exactly a distinguishing characteristic
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-09-23 20:50:53
RT @pwoodreporter: This is an unimaginable level of cruelty by @tribpub.
As I was covering a meeting about former top govt official who lo…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-23 20:51:05
RT @justin_fenton: After slashing our staff, closing newsrooms, furloughing reporters and cutting pay during a pandemic, @tribpub thought a…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-23 20:58:58
RT @DTOhl: this phishing attempt is so funny and so sad
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-23 21:23:44
Actual child or Banksy art? 2020 makes no distinction
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-09-23 21:41:44
@benpocalypse I can see how that might be a giveaway.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-24 11:07:40
RT @SusanArendt: Hey, hi, hello. Just a quick reminder. You are under an EXCESSIVE amount of stress right now.
Even if no-one you know is…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-24 13:49:21
Future archeologists will be able to identify this era in our landfills by the used disposable PPE layer topped by the no-longer-needed plexiglass divider level.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-09-24 14:05:48
RT @mjhegar: A pro-Cornyn Super PAC is using a photo of my tattoos to make me seem "radical." That's pretty funny to me.
You think I'm ash…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-24 20:21:02
@QuinnyPig Every EC2 instance should be a GPU since they get things done faster
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-24 23:37:56
@GunnarStahl Us or the ape people I guess
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-25 01:09:10
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-25 11:47:04
RT @libbyjones715: Most people who know the name Sophie Scholl know she was a 21 year old German student activist who was executed by the N…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-25 16:28:47
@geezthings Les Landfills
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-25 19:31:16
Here's a graph of my odometer over the last 12 months. See if you can detect a change in my driving behavior. (Hint: 3/11 is a pivot point)
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-25 21:16:20
@scanthepolice Do they have a big exam coming up?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-26 14:15:40
@wittbecky It’s not too late
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-26 14:38:12
I feel seen.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-09-26 17:59:22
@jbblawmd So you did start listening to Sawbones.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-27 00:57:33
Getting older is buying your first 48 ct. bulk pack of assorted Get Well Soon and sympathy cards.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1
2020-09-27 18:22:00
Amazing what a little refacing can do
- Favorites: 6, Retweets: 0
2020-09-27 19:19:46
@jongaynor No way I was going to pay $99 for key caps to put on a $100 keyboard.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-27 20:35:12
@DigitalHeron Get some sole inserts and some shoes made for being on your feet all day. Hush Puppies seem to be a standing desk go-to. A mechanics mat from the hardware store is also good.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-27 20:41:20
@DigitalHeron Maybe you will be able to make it past those familiar feelings better than I did. Depending on how thick your carpeting is, a sheet of plywood under the mat should do the trick.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-27 21:31:33
RT @kylegriffin1: Breaking NYT: The Times obtained Donald Trump’s tax information extending over more than two decades, revealing strugglin…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-27 21:31:41
RT @KlasfeldReports: This just in: The @NYTimes obtained Trump’s tax records
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-28 01:13:16
RT @tadmaster: "In 2017, the president’s $750 contribution to the operations of the U.S. government was dwarfed by the $15,598 he or his co…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-28 20:13:14
@CarolSOtt What a folksy way to describe constructive criticism.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-28 20:30:46
If you're over 18, live in the U.S. and like Hip hop music, African-American music, or Black Lives Matter, you'll love the Facebook page "Black Voices for Trump" owned by DONALD J. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT, INC., ad spend $163,218 in the last 7 days.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-28 23:58:40
RT @SkyCirclesBWI: N3A, a Zeppelin Airship, is circling over Baltimore at 1175 feet, speed 7 MPH, squawking 0404, 0.05 miles from Lot NN #N…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-29 04:24:24
A neighbor has fly tape hanging from their porch light. It’s not like the porch is enclosed or anything. Just some sticky tape hanging from an outside light. Just why? If the fly tape wasn’t there they’d just go somewhere else when the light turned off...
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-29 04:29:48
I absolutely heard this in the Josh Lyman voice in my head.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-29 16:08:08
RT @AdamParkhomenko: Let’s add 100,000 followers to this account that has 1,000 followers as quickly as possible: The DNC and Joe Biden sna…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-29 16:13:48
Follow @truth and add it to your notifications for the debate tonight.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-29 17:21:56
Watching TRP1 helicopter take off, do a rapid patient transfer between hospitals, then head back home is pretty cool.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-29 18:17:56
@avelino @lemonodor @SkyCirclesBWI This right here. Foxtrot even has a distinctive engine sound.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-29 21:07:35
Someone walking around my neighborhood left a glossy flyer on my car describing how coronavirus is a hoax, social distancing was invented by a teenager and masks cause oxygen deprivation. I posted the picture but then deleted it because I don’t want to spread this misinformation.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-09-29 21:15:17
@wittbecky Up here in Carney. It’s the weirdest intersection of hippie anti vax and libertarian conspiracy (“hydro-c-q was suppressed by the govt!”) I’ve ever seen. DM if you want pics.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-09-29 21:24:21
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-29 21:44:12
@tsdower I’ll have you know the
family arrived on the Mayflower.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-09-30 01:16:40
RT @truth: Trump says there aren't 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions.
There are 133 million.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-30 02:02:31
RT @socialistdogmom: racism: does it exist? we asked two white grandpas
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-30 02:03:26
"Catholic" was basically the wild card spot on the debate bingo card.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-09-30 02:07:45
RT @pixelatedboat: Trump: What Netflix did to Evangelion was terrible. Just terrible. And Joe Biden knows it. The new subtitles, they took…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-30 16:24:25
RT @MerriamWebster: 'Stand back': to take a few steps backwards
'Stand by': to be or to get ready to act
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-09-30 18:11:21
From a distance I honestly thought today's Google Doodle was a turd, which would actually be appropriate to how I feel.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-01 23:22:18
Sunset over Carney
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-02 13:14:35
RT @jeremyfaust: This answers many of your questions.
The next ten days will determine President Trump's future.
Realize the percentages…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-02 13:39:43
Current top 13 Twitter trends in my Tweetdeck: #DonaldTrump White House COVID Christmas Melania Pence #POTUS #FLOTUS President and First Lady Rona October Surprise #hoax Bedminster
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-10-02 14:23:14
On a scale of "Michael Scott disgusted face" to "YAS QUEEN gif", how tasteless would be to add a "COVID-Free!" sticker to my Biden-Harris yard sign today?
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-10-02 14:36:55
@samanthasquared I am duly cautioned, thank you.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-02 16:09:20
Legit question for rural Americans – How do I deal with the 30-50 conservative donors that run into my Bedminster yard while my small kids play?
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-02 18:29:15
What do you think is the largest amount of money that a person has paid to avoid getting up off a couch because they were super comfortable?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-02 21:57:15
RT @JoeBiden: This cannot be a partisan moment.
It must be an American moment.
We have to come together as a nation.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-02 22:17:18
Think Matt Gaetz will lend Joe Biden his gas mask for the next debate?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-04 15:59:27
Coronavirus is notoriously influenced by press conferences.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-10-04 22:32:46
My four year old just carefully examined the plug and socket of a USB charger and inserted it perfectly the first time. I've met adults that need more than five tries.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-10-05 21:43:13
RT @IsiahWhitlockJr: Don’t be afraid of Covid?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-06 21:13:13
@wittbecky Having spent some time near a pet crematorium, at worst when the wind is right it smells like a barbecue. It’s more the creepy factor than anything else.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-07 13:22:09
@disnazzio Buy a 20 pound bucket of mosquito bits, pour them into the hose of a shop vac attached to the blower end and shower them all over the vacant yard like you were over-seeding a lawn. Harmless, non-chemical, and plausibly deniable.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 1
2020-10-07 14:10:40
RT @KlasfeldReports: BREAKING: Trump cannot block Manhattan DA Vance's subpoena seeking his financial information for a criminal probe, the…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-07 14:12:23
RT @JoeBiden: As president, I will:
- Implement nationwide mask mandates
- Ensure access to regular, reliable, and free testing
- Accelera…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-07 14:16:36
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-07 15:11:02
RT @Foriegn_Girl_: My Mom and I are Opening a Afro-Caribbean Restaurant @ 8902 Harford rd. Baltimore,MD 10 mins from Morgan State, White Ma…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-07 16:29:40
In my 20 years as a homeowner I have never had a campaign sign stolen out of my yard in an election year... until yesterday. Replacement being delivered and cameras repointed tomorrow. #vote
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 0
2020-10-07 19:28:04
RT @beccamals: When people ask me if my other senses have intensified since losing my hearing
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-07 22:05:16
RT @Yaz_Minsky: “You’ll get more conservative as you age” was always predicated on becoming more well-off and comfortable as you age, thus…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 11:55:32
@SkyCirclesBWI @lemonodor The airport detector didn’t seem to trigger on this one.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 12:46:36
@y00lz Thousands of people are doing it for free.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 14:39:24
RT @alex_abads: real presidents kills flies with their bare hands
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 14:43:14
@jsonbecker If someone dropped this on my lap this morning I would do Amazon SES plus a NodeJS or Python Lambda with libraries for both.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 14:54:47
@jsonbecker This is some hacky code I use to pull attachments from incoming emails in Python, and you can just keep them in memory as streams to push to an SFTP endpoint:
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 16:11:49
Back in April I made fun of my spouse RELENTLESSLY for working from the couch on her laptop. This week I have 100% given in to every avenue of self-care available to me. I admit I was totally wrong and it is the best thing ever. Not giving up clacky keys tho.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 16:17:14
@robsummer I feel like my Outemu Browns that have been stuck on my desk at the office are more self care since they sound like a quietly babbling brook. The MX Blues I have at home sound like hail on a tin roof but sometimes that’s what you need.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 17:18:23
@nzahn1 @BaltCoPolice You won't get an answer on Twitter. Call the precinct desk 410-887-1279.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 17:32:50
@nzahn1 @BaltCoPolice Also let us know what they tell you.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 18:50:04
Just went down an Internet rabbit hole from Gov. Whitmer to Michigan Militia to Moxy Früvous to Jian Ghomeshi and now I regret everything. Does the milkshake duck have no mercy?
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 20:02:33
RT @SchoolPsychMsB: A lot of white women this morning think they're Sen. Harris in the situation we saw last night when actually we're Susa…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-08 23:13:16
TIL: If you post a link to a streaming MJPEG in Facebook, it will assume you are posting an image it needs to thumbnail and send its bot out to download 2GB of image before it realizes that it has no end.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 1
2020-10-09 12:24:40
RT @jilevin: ICE agents stopped a Black jogger in Boston. Authorities are demanding answers.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-09 19:02:08
Older folks on buy/sell/trade groups get real upset when you tell them their giant cathode ray tube television sets are worth negative money.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-10-10 15:53:38
13% mask compliance in this picture. Are we really learning nothing at all?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-10 16:27:00
@david_s_marks I wasn’t picking on you specifically but... do you truly believe that? I’ve had meetings outdoors this year with no mic while fully masked and had no trouble projecting. Speaking with a mic and a mask should be no trouble at all.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-12 21:38:08
Don’t need a crystal ball for this one
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-10-13 14:00:48
All props to the drop box crew but mailing my ballot worked just fine
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-13 14:01:29
RT @Acosta: “That date was fixed as the first Tuesday after Nov. 1 by an act of Congress in 1845 and cannot be changed—not by the president…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-13 20:45:29
RT @cylussec: Last month, on one of @MSeel1984's first rides on her new bike, we were nearly left hooked. Safe infrastructure is good, but…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-14 20:19:33
At a certain point today I need to fix a bug it more than I needed the system to work. It's a terrible impulse that I only allow myself to enjoy once a month or so.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-15 12:58:56
Proofpoint blocking Amazon SES exit IP. Who will win?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-15 13:07:56
Senator Graham looks tired af.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-15 13:40:55
@jbblawmd Or the demographic is uniquely profitable for reasons.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-15 15:19:38
@jbblawmd @EdwardEricsonJr @InsleyJosh If you are preparing for collapse always pack a rifle over a shotgun. There are plenty of effective CQ weapons like wasp spray and baseball bats that are easily obtainable, but you want something that's effective at the 50'+ range to establish a perimeter before you need those.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-15 18:07:43
Did you know there are people out there that don't cash checks for small amounts? Like on purpose? Thanks for making sure my volunteer non-profit budget reconciliations are off by like $4.81 every year.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-10-16 17:54:05
@thepacketrat That's just cynicism taking the wheel.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-16 19:54:32
@jsonbecker @RyanatMGH Is it Oracle? Sounds like Oracle.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-16 20:26:54
Did some digging into my neighborhood association over the last few months and may have just discovered about $1,000 worth of county grant money wasted over 4 years due to fraudulent misrepresentation to its board about a conversation with a county department head. Happy Friday!
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-16 21:34:16
@DigitalHeron You are a legend. I thought only abandoned houses and roadside signs with their own meter could achieve that.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-16 21:39:40
@DigitalHeron I’ve tried that and the servers and freezer still push us over.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-17 13:52:56
RT @OIG_Baltimore: As of October 10th, the Inspector General became the Executive Director of the Baltimore City Board of Ethics! Follow @B…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-18 14:51:49
Randomly tuned into a Prague webcam this morning to discover a clash between police and anti-lockdown protestors.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-19 13:41:53
@wittbecky Teach me your ways
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-19 13:53:28
RT @JuddLegum: 1. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) attacked Kamala Harris with a racist trope and then refused to apologize.
Who is backing his…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-19 14:07:52
When I first heard the story as "someone mispronounced Senator Harris' name in a rally" I thought, sure, I've had trouble getting the emphasis on her name right too, what's the big deal? I never imagined "Kamala-mala-mala." That's racist schoolyard mockery, not mispronunciation.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-10-19 14:53:18
RT @axios: The Biden campaign slammed President Trump after he said at a Nevada rally today if Joe Biden were elected there'd be more lockd…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-20 13:37:35
In swing states this extra ink could get a mail-in ballot thrown out. Be careful doing anything but following the instructions to the letter.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-20 13:52:10
My upstairs floor is getting replaced right now so I'm here in my basement with a pair of Peltor H10A and my bluetooth earbuds inside. I'll just have to type all my responses into the Zoom chat box, tho, because there's no way anyone will be able to hear me.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-20 14:57:50
I've made it 14,999 days without revealing my private parts on a Zoom call.
- Favorites: 6, Retweets: 0
2020-10-20 17:25:04
There must be some mistake, this feels nothing like a Tuesday.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-20 21:36:00
We removed a wall and there is a gap between our baseboard heaters now. Should we cover the pipe with a simple box painted like the wall or try to find metal baseboard of the same style to connect the two?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-20 23:32:06
That was the biggest sham of a community association meeting I’ve ever attended. “There will be no votes tonight,” the president told everybody after several motions, seconds and points of order were raised. Then she closed the meeting exactly at 7 without a motion.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1
2020-10-20 23:32:47
@WilliamDeysher It’s a closed loop system. We’re just trying to make it look nice.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-21 01:17:47
@SkolVikes58 We wouldn't be changing the plumbing, just bending another 18 inches of baseboard aluminum around it.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-21 01:42:35
In lesser known anniversary celebrations, I will be 15,000 Earth rotations old tomorrow.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-21 01:51:14
Having trouble convincing @zoom_us support that although 21234 includes Baltimore City and Baltimore County, my address in the county should not be subject to the 8% Baltimore City telecom sales tax. They just keep asking for documentation to show why I'm exempt. My deed, maybe?
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-21 01:52:32
Season 2020 episodes continue to be lit.
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2020-10-21 12:52:32
The last few weeks have felt particularly stressful. This morning I discovered my resting heart rate is up 8-10 bpm over the rest of the year. I need to do something about this.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-21 14:06:46
RT @RepSwalwell: 🚨@realDonaldTrump paid more in taxes in last three years to China than United States.
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2020-10-21 14:17:17
The only positive thing about last night's meeting is that neighbors are taking me up on my offer to do outdoor notary. Bank notaries don't want to do I-9 stuff and a surprising number of employers insist the authorized agent be a notary public for remote work jobs.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-10-21 14:34:29
MVA in 2019: If you don't get REAL-ID you won't be able to get on airplanes or into federal buildings in 2020.
Me in 2020: 🏡
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 2
2020-10-21 14:39:38
@AB9RF The question answers itself.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-21 14:41:03
My current drivers license document expires about a month before the new deadline of October 2021 so we'll see if I care more then.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-10-21 14:51:17
@bosconet I once used my passport as proof-of-age to purchase beer in Ocean City and the guys behind the counter didn't know what to do when they couldn't use their PDF-417 barcode scanners to validate me at the register.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-21 14:58:10
RT @rahulastrohl: Y’all do know you have the power to make his decisions higher profile, right?
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2020-10-21 16:04:05
@banthaskull He might not lose but the relative numbers could look... not great?
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2020-10-21 16:28:42
I’ve heard Mnuchin is a tough language to learn
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-10-21 16:31:01
@wittbecky There’s a fine line between “man cave” and “bud hole”
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-21 17:48:46
The CAREN Act gives me life
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2020-10-21 21:23:36
@CarolSOtt @travisd1000 @zoom_us Imagine how I feel paying it
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2020-10-22 15:52:15
RT @kashhill: Around the world, activists are building facial recognition tools specifically to identify police officers. The authorities a…
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2020-10-22 17:15:50
Can anyone explain to me the pathological need of some suburbanites to believe the area they live in is plagued by crime despite all evidence to the contrary? Everybody's laughing at the "Columbia gangs" guy today but I've heard stuff like this for a long time in the county.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 2
2020-10-22 17:24:37
Our community police officer will come out and say you have literally no notable crime in your neighborhood for the last two quarters, and the biggest issue in our whole precinct is people seeing shiny things in your unlocked cars and helping themselves.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-22 17:28:16
And the next week I'll hop on Nextdoor and wade through threads about imaginary drug dealers at the tennis courts and how our neighborhood doesn't have enough lighting to be safe.
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2020-10-22 17:33:28
@AB9RF On average Baltimore County has roughly one kidnapping by a stranger (ie. not family-related) every 35 years. Try explaining that to anyone who desperately wants to believe otherwise.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-22 19:19:56
Just when I thought "at least I don't have neighbors like that crazy guy in Frederick threatening Joe Biden," this amazing piece of unsigned political missive just got hand-delivered on my Carney mailbox by a neighbor. Same guy who passed out the "Questioning COVID" flyers.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-23 00:53:19
I'm here to tell you: you can watch the debates and hate yourself at the same time.
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2020-10-23 15:41:17
RT @Scaramucci: Trust me, it goes faster than you think.
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2020-10-23 21:14:11
RT @krusynth: Me, being insufferable in every damn policy meeting.
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2020-10-23 21:47:53
Was it the gangs?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-24 01:21:12
The new Borat movie is one wild ride.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-10-24 01:42:32
@AudibleNumbers It helps to have read a bunch of the backstories already to know who was a victim, a willing victim, or totally in on the joke. It was helpful to know that Judith Dim Evans was probably in on the joke (how could she not be?) even if her family disagrees.
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2020-10-24 01:51:33
Reminds me of the old ham radio guys telling stories about sticking sewing pins in the outdoor antenna cables of particularly obnoxious locals to short out all their gear. Everybody knew a guy that did it or had it done to them but nobody ever claimed to have done it themselves.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-24 02:00:53
@WilliamDeysher You know you’re allowed to delete and retweet right?
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2020-10-24 14:16:00
The year 2020 has been a lot like camping, in that I’m showering less, drinking more, cooking my own food, normal things require more effort yet are slightly less comfortable, and walking outside is the default activity.
- Favorites: 14, Retweets: 2
2020-10-24 17:06:09
@jbblawmd A multimeter? Fiveish dollars at Harbor Freight.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-24 17:09:38
Either check for the voltage across the pins or the resistance between the pins and the battery. Also check all your fuses before everything else.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-24 18:54:09
Kids developing their social cues in covid times will be skilled at reading emotions through eye expressions.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-10-24 20:45:14
My wife says my fishing vest makes me look like “those QAnon guys in Borat.” I prefer Walter from The Big Lebowski. Same vibe, better era.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-24 21:00:19
@JHWeissmann @benyt You misspelled anoos.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-24 23:07:07
RT @aubreybell: oh boy ever spill a little bit of your coffee and realize the thread you are hanging on by is actually quite thin
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2020-10-26 13:24:05
I've been with my company for nine years and four brand name changes.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-10-26 18:39:30
It cracks me up that kids are still asking permission to go to the bathroom in online classes.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-26 19:50:15
@peterpcullen Went to Frazier’s the day after the new year and the most prominent smells I remember were urine and vomit, in that order. A distant third, stale tobacco. Somewhere in tenth place, my beer.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-27 02:19:00
RT @staceyNYCDC: Of all the things to see when you finally turn in the tv. 😩🤦🏾♀️
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-28 00:23:07
Voter protection training is fun. I can't do much to help these days but I can answer the phone and text messages for a few days.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-28 13:00:35
How soon until B-roll from stranded Nebraskans makes it into a Project Lincoln ad?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-28 13:24:02
RT @banthaskull: A lot in the Omaha scanner thread from yesterday’s trump rally....
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2020-10-28 13:27:07
@robsummer You too, Rob!
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-28 14:12:06
RT @Hey_MissKeisha: 🚨Baltimore County residents! 🚨 @BaltCoGov Council members are rushing to vote to extend their contract with the city’s…
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2020-10-28 15:00:25
@JZTessler I'm really interested to see a version of this map once the 2020 results are finalized.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-10-28 16:20:09
RT @connorstonehere: The year is 2021. Joe Biden is president. You earn 410,000 dollars. 10,000 of them are taxed higher than the other 400…
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2020-10-28 16:41:08
How many times do you think financially illiterate people have been talked out of raises by scumbag bosses on the argument that "it'll put you in a higher tax bracket?" I've had to explain marginal tax rates to a lot of people in my lifetime.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-28 16:45:17
RT @DavidPontious: Call me crazy, but a system that allows the 5th place finisher in the race for mayor (an office to which he was never el…
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2020-10-28 19:31:45
@thepacketrat Used to be flattered by this stuff, now I just realize I'm at the wrong end of a very poorly aimed talent acquisition shotgun and its always tech talent season
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-28 20:43:47
When I feel myself getting angry about someone's political Facebook post this week, I make a small donation to individual candidates on a "flip the Senate" slate and I immediately feel better.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-29 10:48:05
“It’s hard being a first grader in 2020”
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2020-10-29 12:19:35
RT @WinAmrcaBackPAC: Remember, the election is a job interview.
#WouldYouHireTrump #Vote
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2020-10-29 12:47:14
RT @mjs_DC: I am still stuck on Brett Kavanaugh claiming states “want to be able to definitively announce the results of the election on el…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-10-29 14:30:52
My Twitter fans will be happy to know that thanks to taking a few steps back from the stressors of my life and spending more time playing outside with my kids has lowered my stress level and brought my resting heart rate back into the 60s.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-10-29 17:26:21
RT @BaltimoreBrew: Turns out Baltimore Co. is also negotiating to extend its BRESCO incinerator contract. Under proposal by @BaltCoExec, co…
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2020-10-29 22:02:55
Give me a CSV file, a Twilio account and an hour.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-10-29 22:31:30
@cylussec Oh brother, I have stories
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2020-10-30 00:15:43
RT @ossoff: BREAKING: Senator Perdue just cancelled our final debate.
At last night's debate, millions saw that Perdue had no answers when…
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2020-10-30 14:04:51
@kendallmiller You could always do that with your specimen ballot at home.
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2020-10-30 16:47:07
@jsonbecker It's slightly mitigated by the fact that a few swing states will have mail-in ballot counts posted at the close of the polls.
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2020-10-30 17:02:25
@jsonbecker But then telephone polling becomes accurate since the "have you voted, and for who" question can be shifted to the random dialed cohort.
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2020-10-30 17:26:08
Neighborhood associations are the literal best. "If you don't like what we're doing, either vote me out or stop paying your $12."
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-10-30 18:17:31
One thing @nextdoor desperately needs is a small button that just says "This post has nothing to do with my neighborhood" and if enough people click it, all Nearby Neighborhoods are removed and it defaults back to the 30 people who maybe care where Susan parks her car.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-11-01 15:50:46
Some building mangers in downtown Baltimore believe that pre- and post-election day mischief is likely enough that they have taken hurricane-level preparations securing ground floor windows and loading docks and will require badge access on all external entrances all week.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-11-01 23:11:19
RT @jaketapper: Every legally cast ballot should be counted, no campaign should seek to disenfranchise legal voters who follow the rules, a…
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2020-11-02 22:17:05
@BawlmoreMerlin All the property management companies are fretting about this right now. I haven’t heard it from anywhere else.
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2020-11-03 11:45:09
@wittbecky Little known fact: if the Bureau of Equestrian Printing can reassemble at least 51% of your horse they will send you a new one free of charge.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-03 13:03:09
Signing off for the day. ✌🏻 See you tomorrow.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-11-04 15:10:35
Limiting myself to one "stress screen" this morning. It's split 50/50 between those evil NY Times needles and this godforsaken web site.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-11-04 15:21:05
What time did everybody else wake up in anxiety sweats? 5:15am here!
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-04 15:36:46
@jbblawmd Best decision I ever made yesterday.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-04 16:14:21
Using tuples as dict keys in Python is blowing my mind.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-11-04 18:15:42
@AgentTinsley Also, it's $3MM and I don't think they take IOUs.
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2020-11-04 22:42:53
RT @andreagibson: I just looked up my ballot online and saw it was rejected because of something re my signature. I called and was able to…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-11-05 13:39:31
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-11-05 15:22:10
At 5 p.m. Larry Hogan will announce that all bars and restaurants must open at 300% capacity. Anyone wearing a mask will be assumed to be robbing a bank. All public schools are now private and open. All questions referred Ronald Reagan's communications director Pat Buchanan.
- Favorites: 10, Retweets: 0
2020-11-05 19:21:20
The yard signs stay up until the race is called. That's the law, right?
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-11-05 20:38:41
This is one poop. I got an email for a Hopkins toilet flushing.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-11-05 20:42:22
@timmyintransit Your drivers license number is just the first syllables of your names and your birthday in numbers. The SSN thing, tho...
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2020-11-05 20:48:45
As you doom-scroll Twitter and your electoral vote maps covered in flop sweat, please enjoy this excerpt from a college paper my grandfather wrote sixty-three years ago about how the pace of life was causing so many problems his grandparents' generation (1880s) never faced.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-05 20:53:06
It feels so quaint to read about having a feeling bordering on despair about the future of our country. Bordering? Like adjacent to? Outside the boundaries of?
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2020-11-05 21:04:15
@knarphie Knock yourself out
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2020-11-05 21:34:42
@AB9RF Still found some stuff the professor should have red-inked.
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2020-11-05 21:54:15
@BawlmoreMerlin Depending on how you think Jo Jorgensen votes would have gone, I'd say the Libertarians had a pretty big impact this year.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-05 22:51:22
RT @petridishes: man if I were a newspaper I would be using the headline BIDEN HIS TIME every day the count continues and then if he hits 2…
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2020-11-06 00:03:06
RT @JoeBiden: The people will not be silenced, be bullied, or surrender.
Every vote must be counted.
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2020-11-06 00:07:44
RT @jsnell: Not the usual concession speech but it'll do
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2020-11-06 00:12:38
RT @robcrilly: Amazing work by AP's @evanvucci
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2020-11-06 00:41:30
RT @JoeBiden: No one is going to take our democracy away from us. Not now, not ever.
America has come too far, fought too many battles, an…
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2020-11-06 11:35:14
@Bmore_history Thank you for sending me down a terrible path to understand this tweet.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-06 14:03:00
Anyone else have this weird afterimage when they look away from their laptop screen?
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 0
2020-11-06 14:08:36
RT @holly_holl:
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2020-11-06 14:21:18
Stacey Abrams has every right to stand tall on a pedestal with two thumbs pointing squarely at herself, and instead immediately humbles herself and amplifies her brothers and sisters for all their hard work on the ground in Georgia.
- Favorites: 8, Retweets: 1
2020-11-06 18:23:59
@BawlmoreMerlin What are they screaming?
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2020-11-06 18:32:11
@disappearinjon I've been tempted to drive to my coworker's apartments with 50 feet of Ethernet cable. If you're in a 60 unit complex with 75 different wifi hotspots within 300', plug the hell in, and all your (my) problems will go away.
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2020-11-07 16:22:58
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2020-11-07 17:25:02
I do feel sorry for Trump’s caddy right now.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-11-07 17:47:45
@bradfitz We all do, buddy, we all do.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-11-07 18:23:41
John Fetterman loves his grocery analogies.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-07 20:56:01
Just woke up from my most restful nap since 2016.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-07 23:39:28
Four Seasons Total Landscaping, tho.
- Favorites: 12, Retweets: 0
2020-11-08 01:53:49
...never surrenders!
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-11-08 02:03:55
RT @JoeBiden: Especially for those moments when this campaign was at its lowest — the African American community stood up again for me. The…
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2020-11-08 02:18:08
@KLdivergence Nobody's going to take the time to dumb down the Presidential Daily Briefing anymore, so it's unlikely he'd comprehend or retain enough to relay to anyone else.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-08 02:29:29
Only thing more reassuring than Kamala Harris and Joe Biden on stage is listening to John Dickerson explain how capable they both are for this job immediately afterwards.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-11-08 13:10:09
RT @iridienne: This section from AOC is really where the money quote is
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2020-11-09 14:04:15
RT @paigecmorgan: So, on Election Day, I volunteered as a poll worker. It was my 1st time doing so, & I want to talk about a particular asp…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-11-09 14:32:26
Saddest part of this whole story: poor Melania is stuck decorating the White House for one more fucking Christmas.
- Favorites: 10, Retweets: 0
2020-11-09 17:02:01
The finest legal minds.
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2020-11-09 18:09:39
Who the hell wants to be SecDef for 6½ scaramuccis?
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 1
2020-11-09 18:18:38
This mf here with a Pilot Precise V5 in his hand because he's actually going to write down the important shit that policy and science experts are telling him.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 1
2020-11-09 18:19:20
@realdavehvs @mattgonter Yeah I guess when you put it that way.
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2020-11-09 18:21:33
@realdavehvs @mattgonter I'm just really bad at grift, I guess.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-11-09 18:26:20
RT @juliareinstein: my mom just found out about Parler and said she thinks it should be called MeinSpace
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2020-11-10 11:44:52
RT @JoshShapiroPA: (NOT) BREAKING:
The Trump campaign’s latest filing is another attempt to throw out legal votes — my team and I were alr…
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-11-10 18:49:33
@captainbitter Without any doubt, r/flashlight is the nicest and most supportive forum on Reddit. Filled with crazy geeks who do shit like this ALL THE TIME.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-11-10 20:06:54
@editingemily My experience on specific technologies has exponential decay of usefulness. If I'm not deleting as much from my resume as I have to add every year, it'd be 20 pages by now. One page easily covers history, categories of things I'm good at, and lists of recent specifics.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-10 23:18:27
RT @OversightDems: BREAKING NEWS: Erie, Pa. #USPS whistleblower completely RECANTED his allegations of a supervisor tampering with mail-in…
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2020-11-11 02:30:19
Please friends, take a minute and dive down the Internet rabbit hole for stories about the United States Postal Inspection Service. They are the apex predator of investigators, and now Project Veritas is in their sights.
- Favorites: 12, Retweets: 0
2020-11-11 02:32:17
@AndyDoubleYoo That's my boy #9 right there.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-11 14:26:15
Anyone wants to swear an affidavit about how pleasant and fraud-free their voting experience was, I'm here to help.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-11-11 14:28:46
@jbblawmd Liberal equivalent of talk radio are wonky policy podcasts, and they have a fairly specific audience.
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-11-11 14:45:42
RT @olgabarry: @bluestein Irony is dead.... signed by TWO ‘Members-elect’... designated from the same election count they claim was fraudul…
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2020-11-11 14:53:44
RT @HarryAlford3: This is how Ireland ended its newscast tonight
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2020-11-11 22:31:15
@codyboteler Welcome aboard
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2020-11-11 23:13:47
And now I understand the observer effect
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2020-11-12 13:42:48
RT @davidfolkenflik: Great local reporting based on a producer’s hunch:
Evidence suggests several state Senate candidates were plants fun…
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2020-11-12 15:05:38
@kmcoulbourne Most folks can get a $2MM umbrella policy for ~$200/yr but you should negotiate an increase in the contract in return, especially if they surprised you with it.
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2020-11-12 15:09:14
@kmcoulbourne You can also ask that the clause be removed. People forget that contracts are a two-way street, and need to change with the times.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-11-13 13:24:17
RT @IanSams: Tommy Tuberville, who is about the be sworn in as a U.S. Senator, thinks the three branches of government are “the House, the…
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2020-11-13 16:55:10
RT @FOXBaltimore: Olszewski says after monitoring data, he is mandating new restrictions.
As of 5pm Sunday:
-all gatherings limited to…
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2020-11-13 17:00:56
@wittbecky "Excuse me, sir, are you registered to vote?"
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-11-13 17:16:39
At the end of my doctor's appointment this morning he wished me a happy weekend. I wished him a happy Friday the 13th, 2020. He did the math and looked shook.
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2020-11-13 17:19:48
@robsummer @navigatewithniy These are the same folks who are shocked when they get dropped a few days before signing (after weeks of pitching the product) because because a competitor just rolled in with a lower number.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-13 23:44:07
Grand Lodge is moving their 230 person meeting from Hunt Valley to Charles Village because Baltimore County set a 10 person indoor limit across the board and Baltimore City allows 25% venue capacity for fraternal groups.
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2020-11-14 00:59:02
@snarkycomments Haha no. Its the state-wide meeting so people will be coming from and returning to counties all over Maryland.
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2020-11-14 22:44:38
@NihilSegniter How does that even happen? There should be an air gap between the output pipe and the drainpipe.
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2020-11-14 23:37:51
@NihilSegniter There are a bunch of code things I agree are silly but the ones like vacuum breakers that keep poop out of potable water are not really optional. If there was a drop in water pressure while a valve was open that setup could contaminate your whole home supply.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-14 23:46:43
@NihilSegniter That’s so gross. That pipe should be connected to a sink or basin that can hold the output of the washing machine load with an s bend pipe underneath to keep the sewer gases from coming back up. Might still be code but obviously shouldn’t be.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-14 23:48:15
@NihilSegniter What are those clear hoses? Air handler or dehumidifier drainage?
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2020-11-14 23:54:51
@NihilSegniter This is what it should look like. Add an S bend and open the top and you’re good to go. But nothing should be airtight like those are. See how the top of the standpipe is just open to the air? Maybe it overflows to the basement but it doesn’t get near clean water pipes.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-11-14 23:56:47
@NihilSegniter That’s a great way to get aerated sewage into your central air system. Luckily for you the washing machine was the easiest path out of the system in this case. But the easiest path ought to be a work sink.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-15 00:03:02
@NihilSegniter Personal choice I guess. I think it’s easier to bleach mop a concrete floor than the nooks and crannies of my washing machine.
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2020-11-15 00:10:32
@NihilSegniter I mean you do you, but adding a work sink would be my #1 solution, followed by an open top standpipe (for the previously mentioned potable water contamination issues) with maybe a small catch basin under it.
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2020-11-15 22:15:32
I’d feel more guilty about how much water our reverse osmosis system “wastes” if Baltimore City wasn’t pouring thousands of gallons of clean water an hour into the storm water culvert a few hundred feet from my house every day from an unfixed commercial meter leak.
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2020-11-16 16:06:29
@wittbecky During a debate one of my lodge brothers said "there isn't going to be a magical being that materializes out of our charter and ends the lodge if we don't follow the bylaws." If my sheer desire could will something into existence, we'd all have magical charter monsters now.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-11-16 20:59:58
RT @ElectRyanDorsey: .@mayorbcyoung has vetoed the renaming of the Columbus Monument.
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2020-11-17 18:43:39
Larry Hogan press conference and Guilliani appearing Trump v. Boockvar start AT THE SAME TIME. I only have so many ears, people!
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2020-11-17 18:49:19
"There are 3,999 participants on the call including you."
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2020-11-17 19:02:55
@EdwardEricsonJr Follow @KlasfeldReports for the good stuff.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-11-17 19:08:07
RT @docjamesw: Restaurant owner here 🙋♂️
Just so everyone understands, it isn't the shutdowns that are killing us.
It's the virus
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2020-11-17 19:13:19
Guilliani arguing that having to follow different laws based on your location violates equal protection.
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2020-11-17 19:27:34
@teddypasketti Mine's out too. I'm not going to hang up and lose my spot. Hopefully it'll come back around.
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2020-11-17 19:30:04
@teddypasketti Both @KlasfeldReports and @Popehat still have audio.
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2020-11-17 23:46:25
I felt this in my bones
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2020-11-19 22:28:25
RT @qrs: repo's haunted.
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2020-11-20 17:15:14
This week I learned that as accessible as the district court has tried to make the process of obtaining a peace order, it is still labyrinthine. I have no idea how abused spouses and other victims navigate the process under duress.
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2020-11-20 17:20:51
While I'm glad there are protections in the law against folks arbitrarily filing peace orders and using them to disrupt other people's lives, the whole process felt deeply unsatisfying.
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2020-11-20 17:20:51
In the end our petition was denied due to lack of statutory basis, meaning that our evidence of harassment did not rise to the level required by the law. Our family is safe (but still wary) and hoping that this individual will forget about our family and move on.
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2020-11-20 17:25:17
Of note every white male attorney or armed court officer over 60 years old removed their masks at least twice during the half hour we were there, either to make public announcements or to talk on their cell phones.
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2020-11-20 17:28:28
Also the service of peace orders in Baltimore County is done by county police officers who have to find time between calls to try to deliver the paperwork in their district, and can end a busy day with the same stack they started with.
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2020-11-20 17:30:41
Other counties who have a Sheriff's office for primary police business instead of an incorporated county police department have dedicated units, but Baltimore County's is particularly inefficient. They do not tell you this at the courthouse.
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2020-11-20 17:30:41
Apparently the secret is to call the precinct a day or two after the order would arrive at the station and ask that your order be delivered. Then it BECOMES a "call for service" and becomes a specific task the officer needs to complete that day.
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2020-11-20 17:42:12
@JoannaBarnumArt You mean like a law firm? No thanks. People are squishy and difficult to figure out, and that stuff changes all the time. Computers (mostly) follow the logical paths you give them.
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2020-11-20 17:47:35
@JoannaBarnumArt So like a social worker? 😀
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2020-11-20 17:49:15
@JoannaBarnumArt Also I do not want to see or imagine what a bureaucracy would "birth"
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2020-11-20 17:50:21
@JoannaBarnumArt Also from now on I will only ever refer to social workers as "bureaucracy doulas"
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2020-11-21 11:30:45
RT @isabel_cumming: Hard to believe this was a year ago. Sitting here in City Hall now shaking my head over yet another matter. Why is it s…
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2020-11-22 00:38:43
It’ll be chilly tonight but this Judge Brann ruling will keep me warm until morning.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-11-23 14:50:20
RT @jaredbkeller: Disney security guards have freaking challenge coins and we have to talk about it…
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2020-11-24 02:24:23
Train derailment
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2020-11-24 19:06:18
There are so few people who can truly understand my local neighborhood drama, and how deliciously absurd it all is.
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2020-11-24 19:23:15
This is literally my only refuge with people in my life who could possibly understand my jokes about stupid signs and the MUTCD, and I thank you all for being there.
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2020-11-24 20:05:12
@EricLuedtke @ifgoldruste
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2020-11-24 20:37:20
If I tweet pictures of the 200 delivery trucks and contractor vans that blow the stop sign in my neighborhood every day can I get an subtweet from a FOP president, an article in FOX Baltimore, and David Simon calling me a blue-collar hating bourgeoisie?
- Favorites: 55, Retweets: 2
2020-11-24 21:09:35
If I can't, you know it's probably not actually about delivery trucks behaving badly.
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 0
2020-11-25 00:06:38
So many new out-of-state license plates in my neighborhood today. How many crowded rest stops did the owner of the California plates have to swing through on their way here, I wonder?
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 1
2020-11-25 12:41:34
❄️ Tech snow day ❄️
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2020-11-25 12:49:16
@CarolSOtt Everything from school-issued devices goes through the BCPS proxy/web filter. If that’s down none of the devices can do anything on the web, and that’s 95% of the elementary school day.
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2020-11-25 14:03:45
@JLHarner @bosconet You called it @bosconet
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2020-11-25 14:44:49
RT @BaltCoPS: BCPS can now confirm we were the victim of a Ransomeware attack that caused systemic interruption to network information syst…
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2020-11-25 18:58:22
If @baltcoschools had a volunteer sysadmin corps I’d be there slinging backup tapes and running restores and reimages to make sure my kid has class on Monday.
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2020-11-25 22:25:39
@hocorising Just got mine
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2020-11-25 22:29:41
Things are going well for @BaltCoPS and their automated announcements.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-11-26 00:51:37
Little suggestive
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2020-11-26 15:39:45
Guys if time in the afterlife moves in a Jeremy Bearimy the Good Place committee would have discussed the issues for thousands of years and come back to the exact same place in the human timeline with a solution.
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2020-11-26 18:03:48
Phil is my spirit animal.
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2020-11-26 18:53:21
@LisaMcCray With the ticket and video proceeds we should triple @isabel_cumming’s staff for five years and get a 1000% yield on the investment for the city.
- Favorites: 11, Retweets: 0
2020-11-28 01:38:22
Baltimore County Schools is using some pretty dramatic words to describe the ransomware incident, which leads me to think that there will probably not be online instruction on Monday.
- Favorites: 8, Retweets: 1
2020-11-28 02:12:23
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2020-11-28 21:48:17
@ElectRyanDorsey Repetition is the soul of wit.
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2020-11-30 11:24:03
RT @nowthisnews: ‘You have to be interested in this. It is extraordinarily impressive’ — Dr. Fauci returns to the White House podium to dis…
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2020-11-30 15:54:24
RT @BaltimoreBrew: A tech expert warned @BaltCoPS in 2019 it was highly vulnerable to cyber-criminals. That year a trove of personal data w…
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2020-11-30 16:28:33
Often to recall the word "diverge" when writing I have to make a spreading apart motion with my hands which fires the neurons where that particular word is kept in my brain.
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2020-12-01 02:10:11
Tomorrow, Governor Hogan will announce:
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2020-12-01 14:17:12
“Roll vs. Tuesday.”
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2020-12-01 14:32:36
This gets better every time you watch it
- Favorites: 12, Retweets: 4
2020-12-01 21:22:43
We're not going to get any new restrictions, are we? We're just going to get platitudes and pleading.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-12-01 21:24:51
Hogan: Because doing nothing didn't work, current focus is staffing hospitals.
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2020-12-02 14:04:17
@jbblawmd The stuff that's back online is all cloud based and operated by other folks: authentication, Schoology, Google Meet. This is a triage and those are the healthy patients. Somewhere in the third tent, a payroll server is on life support.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 1
2020-12-02 14:51:02
RT @BaltCoExec: Residents deserve to know exactly how their money is spent.
Today we're launching Open Checkbook, a critical expansion fo…
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2020-12-02 17:33:01
My answers to the question "how are you" are increasingly trending to a mild existential nihilism.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 1
2020-12-02 17:33:38
@PJVogt Yo dawg, I heard you like pictures of anonymous animals.
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2020-12-03 16:19:02
RT @jemillerwbal: So..turns out..Covid test kits Gov Larry Hogan bought in deal from S Korea company sat in a state police lab freezer--unu…
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2020-12-03 18:18:16
@jbblawmd I did many years ago when it was still accessible to people with largely OTS hardware. Joined a handful of mining groups and made a few hundredths of a BTC off a few underused graphics cards that I eventually lost. Now the entry point seems to be 4000W mining rigs.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-03 19:22:24
@jbblawmd There are folks with 10,000 of those units parked in a wooden shack next to a hydroelectric dam in Siberia who will drive the complexity up for $0.00001/MWh and use the excess heat to dry their boots.
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2020-12-04 00:28:28
@jbblawmd @EdwardEricsonJr Have you considered high powered flashlights and mechanical keyboards? I can attest to both as slightly expensive but deeply satisfying hobbies. And the communities are nice too.
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2020-12-04 13:08:45
@jbblawmd @EdwardEricsonJr
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2020-12-04 13:49:39
@jbblawmd @EdwardEricsonJr I rely on my S1500M but its starting to show its age, especially on color scans. I can't justify replacing it with a new standalone model until the motor grinds through its last page tho.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-04 14:16:25
RT @BaltimoreBrew: Don't pay the hackers: they may be on a fed'l watch list, the Baltimore County Attorney says, in a letter to school offi…
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2020-12-04 14:40:21
The drone angle of the bridge is really cool.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-12-04 15:59:14
RT @BaltCoPolice: #BCoPD is seeking the identity of three suspects who burglarized a Towson apartment on November 19.
Read more on our new…
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2020-12-04 19:56:52
@Spicxer I thought for sure this would be somewhere along Oakleigh north of Cromwood or Mylander, but Google Maps did not confirm my hunch.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-04 22:46:08
@Spicxer This is the spot that I was thinking of. A road that curves away to the right behind a building and you can't imagine it can actually go anywhere.
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2020-12-07 14:50:32
@Skipjack0079 @mattgonter
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2020-12-07 17:38:50
Current pandemic status: weekend deep freeze inventory.
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2020-12-07 18:08:24
@mddirtlaw @jbblaw If you replace a fuse with one with a higher rating you run the risk of something outside the fuse box taking the brunt of that "extra" 5 amps. Most likely it'll be a wire in a harness deep inside your dashboard that heats up and melts something important. Feeling lucky?
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-08 13:15:49
@CarolSOtt What’s going on?
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2020-12-09 14:39:08
Every home generator I've owned came with one male plug kit in a bag and no explicit instructions. The implicit instructions: use this to build a male to male cord to plug into your outside outlets, the suicide cord being a better option than carbon monoxide poisoning.
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2020-12-09 15:10:54
@tom_swiss Absolutely agree, but there's very little overlap of the people buying $199 emergency generators and people who will buy a proper cutover switch installation.
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2020-12-09 17:00:03
RT @RepKatiePorter: Everyone at the negotiating table—including Senate Rs—has agreed to a compromise. Except one. Mitch McConnell is refusi…
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2020-12-09 17:06:46
The origin of 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000^4 is even dumber than you thought.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 1
2020-12-09 18:29:59
Some campaign or PAC merged my email address record with the name "Brain Lueken" and I've watched that persona get sold list by list by list throughout the fundraising machine for the last year. An email that starts "Dear Brain" is an instant unsubscribe.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 0
2020-12-09 19:16:21
Sounds like a commercial robbery in the North Plaza Shopping center.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-10 01:07:01
@captainbitter Yep, in every one.
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2020-12-10 19:08:58
Just received a data breach notification from our children's dentist. Since health providers and insurers still insist on using SSN as a unique identifier, now I'm signing up for credit report monitoring for a four year old. 🙃
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-11 14:21:09
Councilman Robert "No need to legislate if you have constituent services to dole out" Stokes now chair of a committee to legislate youth and education.
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2020-12-11 19:07:55
@JustinKownacki I've always heard it as "just another nail in the coffin" making it more analogous to "beating a dead horse."
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2020-12-12 14:29:28
If taping cardboard “skates” to my kids feet is what it takes to get them to slide around the living room floor picking up their toys then just call me the cardboard cobbler.
- Favorites: 4, Retweets: 1
2020-12-14 01:22:34
What’s the LD50 of gingerbread? Asking for a friend.
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2020-12-15 02:17:54
Saw an OC picture of freezer for covid vaccine on a friends Instagram today so this is feeling pretty real to me now.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-17 18:35:25
The county police helicopter flies over my house so often I'm starting to feel like the pilots are trolling me personally.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-12-18 13:13:04
My water bill for the entire year just arrived, so that's fun.
- Favorites: 7, Retweets: 0
2020-12-18 13:19:12
@jbblawmd I can handle a "surprise" bill of $118, especially since the bulk of my water/sewer costs show up in my semi-annual county property tax bill and this is just the city's portion, but we'd never put up with this from BGE or Verizon.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-12-18 13:20:17
@CarolSOtt The city didn't read county meters for so long the county just decided to hire someone to do it and send the numbers to the city for invoicing.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 1
2020-12-18 13:25:35
RT @briantylercohen: Grow up people, clearly Dan Crenshaw was hacked and the hackers quietly followed one escort account and did literally…
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2020-12-18 14:12:52
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2020-12-18 16:04:11
@rusignola @jbblawmd We have more of it here.
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2020-12-18 16:09:59
Just complained to my doctor about the aches and pains of being 41 and she just casually says "41? Yeah that's how long I've been married."
- Favorites: 5, Retweets: 0
2020-12-18 17:34:43
@mddirtlaw @KarenDeCamp Flashbacks to when I was doing diversity/inclusion training on my laptop while the flooring contractor was in hearing range of my desk. Boy oh boy did he have opinions.
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2020-12-18 17:54:06
If an evil monkey's paw wish let me get rid of all my dumb anxiety I'd take it. Sure, a week later I'd probably get eaten by a bear I didn't run away from or fall off a rickety ladder that I didn't worry about but at least I'd have had one fucking chill week in my entire life.
- Favorites: 6, Retweets: 0
2020-12-18 18:08:55
BRB letting people know to refer to me in all references to my name and function as a "software private equity fund manager"
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2020-12-18 20:20:46
RT @BaltimoreBrew: The hackers' stranglehold on student data is far worse than @BaltCoPS has acknowledged. They're combing thru vendors' si…
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2020-12-18 20:37:34
Shout out to my F41.1 family in the likes.
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2020-12-18 21:27:11
When @BaltCoPS come fully online we need a "download your everything" button on student accounts. I've downloaded a list of every time I pressed pause on every Netflix show I ever watched. Why not a signed ZIP file of report cards, transcripts and state test scores on demand?
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2020-12-19 14:07:28
@EricBromwell You left Facebook but stayed on this hellscape site?
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2020-12-19 15:54:20
@EricBromwell I have 238 Facebook friends and its like 200 too many.
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2020-12-19 16:33:53
@mddirtlaw 43 comments already
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2020-12-20 13:27:47
RT @MohammadHussain: Growing up, my Muslim family never celebrated Christmas. This year I am not going home, because pandemic, so my roomma…
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2020-12-20 13:30:58
One of my 2021 resolutions is to find a new task/project and household management app that my wife and I can use together to keep in sync. It would include checklists, shopping lists, to-dos and be available from our phones and computer. Suggestions below, please.
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2020-12-21 15:24:52
RT @BaltimoreBrew: GOVERNMENT WASTE: Baltimore County awarded $420K to a consultant to offer fixes to flawed water billing system. But beca…
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2020-12-21 15:36:49
@grossap @mddirtlaw A bunch of your water/sewer cost shows up in your semi-annual county property tax bill. Not so for city residents.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-21 17:30:08
If you have a Black and Decker EM100B or Blueline PowerCost monitor that attaches to your electric meter, there's a new patch for rtl_433 that lets you get your home power usage every 30 seconds in to a JSON packet.
Excellent job by @jabskill23
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-12-21 19:38:38
RT @existentialfish: Newsmax just aired this note to "clarify" its coverage of Smartmatic and Dominion.
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2020-12-21 19:56:34
RT @bubbaprog: when u get caught defaming
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2020-12-21 20:10:08
@riteaid @ElectRyanDorsey Councilman isn't it obvious you need to talk to US Bank NA Successor-in-interest to Bank of America, NA, Successor-by-merger to Lasalle Bank NA as trustee for Rite Aid Pass-Through Certificates Series 1999-1 and Baltimore RA-357 LLC (no relation) of Charlotte, North Carolina?
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2020-12-21 20:14:18
@riteaid @ElectRyanDorsey The warm blooded humans at Rite Aid obviously bear no responsibility in the matter. The true malefactor in all this is the four month old corporate charter fresh off the laser printer in Wilmington, Delaware. I'm sure it can help you.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-12-22 18:21:51
New zen koan: If a tree branch falls across a power line and the property doesn't belong to anyone, can it still get proactively removed? BGE: Not our problem. County: Not our property. Me: 💁♂️
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-12-22 18:31:41
Update: BGE says they didn't realize it was an a utility reservation, says they'll be out to remove it.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-22 19:32:31
@Karl_S I think in most cases you would be correct but this is not an easement because it doesn't overlap any residential property lines and doesn't have a property ID. Ignore the imaginary outbuildings crossing the blue line in the diagram, they don't exist.
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2020-12-23 01:49:33
Today I learned how to use rtl_433, MQTT, and React to display my household electric power usage on the web in real time. I always enjoy a "quick win" like this. Take a look and tell me what you think.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-12-23 02:37:46
@DigitalHeron Nothing? That's kind of the point of having a static build attached to a pub/sub system.
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2020-12-23 02:39:00
@roscada Thanks for pointing this out. I had the subscription call in the wrong place and it was respawning a new subscription with every meter reload. Chrome put up with it but Safari was not amused. Fixed. You should see some good results now.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-23 02:39:54
@DigitalHeron No problem. I invite you to try. Should have almost no practical effect and all your needles should stay in sync.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-12-23 02:51:43
@Spicxer It'll always be my meter. It's pretty useless for anyone else except as a proof of concept.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-12-23 03:09:32
@xtrobot No I'm just really bad at the React State and Lifecycle model, but getting better. Reload with my latest version.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-23 13:52:51
It's been a rough year but last night I got ONE green square on my personal Github profile and put together a fun IoT project (
using a bunch of new platforms and several programming languages. Here's to a fully green 2021.
- Favorites: 3, Retweets: 0
2020-12-23 14:42:08
@matthew_d_green How many keys get evicted when you do multiple power button presses in a row to get to "emergency mode" because I know in that state the fingerprint no longer works, so I assume more is happening behind the scenes then when you just put the screen to sleep.
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2020-12-23 15:43:52
@Spicxer Gas explosion at BGE building, rescue in progress/completed.
- Favorites: 2, Retweets: 0
2020-12-23 21:18:27
Adding man(1) page section numbers in parenthesis after Unix commands is virtue signaling. Change my mind.
- Favorites: 1, Retweets: 0
2020-12-24 00:24:07
@Karl_S I don’t have any (charged) android devices so I don’t have a good way to diagnose. Is this in Chrome on Android? To recreate, code’s all there for the taking. Go wild. Why not the MQTT part?
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-12-24 01:02:38
@Karl_S If you have a IC that can keep time and a sensor that can register a infrared pulse you have everything you need. 3600 divided by seconds between pulses equals watts.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-12-24 01:04:03
@Karl_S If it did get a packet of 10000 watts then the needle is where it “should” be since I didn’t code in an upper bound. Not sure how that would have happened tho. I haven’t seen it get above 4000 today.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-12-24 13:19:08
@Karl_S Yeah if it thinks there was a infrared blink when there wasn’t, it might send a reading of 1/2 second between pulses which will show up as 10000 watts for 30 seconds until the next instant reading.
- Favorites: 0, Retweets: 0
2020-12-27 00:48:18
Dear Genealogy Twitter: In my efforts to chart a family tree for my kids since they were born I have identified 167 other family members going back eight generations. What's the best site or community to merge this into a larger tree if I have a GEDCOM file ready to go?
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2020-12-27 02:08:28
Currently using Family Echo which is nice but doesn't seem to link up to other people's trees if we have relatives in common.
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2020-12-28 00:08:02
My genealogy is way more sordid than I imagined. I've assigned kids to the husband/wife pairs I remembered from my childhood only to be find that some fraction of those belonged to a scandalous first spouse... on three different parts of the tree in the late 1800s/early 1900s.
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2020-12-28 00:11:47
My 92 year old grandmother and her sister-in-law have shared stories with me of "Uncle Fritz" who went off to Indonesia as a merchant marine in the 1910s and probably represents a path to a sizable and heretofore undiscovered branch of our family.
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2020-12-29 16:09:58
On Dec. 28, for every 17 people who were tested in Maryland, two of them had COVID-19.
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2020-12-30 21:16:00
My most delayed package this year has been in transit from Forsyth, MO for the last 17 days. It got from there to Hyattsville, MD in four days and sat there for the next 13. Last update, left District Heights two days ago.
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2020-12-31 21:15:47
@tadmaster Poor snowflake.
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2020-12-31 23:36:29
@MolotovFlicker No air traffic over Baltimore at all right now. Pretty nice.
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