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These are the podcasts I have loaded in my Overcast app. I don't listen to them all every day but its a idea of the variety of subjects I like to listen to in the car and during quiet work periods.

This page was generated from the Overcast OPML file and converted by this terrible ChatGPT-generated code:

# The structure is similar, so let's parse and handle it accordingly.

# Parse the new OPML file
tree_new = ET.parse(file_path_new)
root_new = tree_new.getroot()

# Check if there are any categories or just a flat list of feeds
body_element = root_new.find('body')
category_element = body_element.find('outline')

# Initialize markdown content
markdown_content_new = ""

if category_element is None:
# Flat list of feeds, no categories
feeds = [
(feed.get('title', feed.get('text')), feed.get('htmlUrl'))
for feed in body_element.findall('outline')
if feed.get('htmlUrl') is not None
for feed_title, feed_link in feeds:
markdown_content_new += f"- [{feed_title}]({feed_link})\n"
# Categories exist, handle similar to the previous file
categories = []
for category in body_element.findall('outline'):
category_title = category.get('title', category.get('text'))
feeds = [
(feed.get('title', feed.get('text')), feed.get('htmlUrl'))
for feed in category.findall('outline')
if feed.get('htmlUrl') is not None
if feeds:
categories.append((category_title, feeds))

# Sort categories alphabetically
categories.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])

for category_title, feeds in categories:
markdown_content_new += f"## {category_title}\n\n"
for feed_title, feed_link in feeds:
markdown_content_new += f"- [{feed_title}]({feed_link})\n"
markdown_content_new += "\n"

# Save the markdown content to a file
markdown_file_path_new = '/mnt/data/'
with open(markdown_file_path_new, 'w') as markdown_file_new:
